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=¢ a Sr 1 IN ecieaie tae We eS) 2 y” — ART AND STORY: ALX # * BDIMyata3 PR EON Lee emit eT My work is fan art and parodies. That being said, despite whatever source material | use, all characters depicted are, and always will be, 18 years old or older and look the part. My games and comics are free, and for adults only. They are works of fantasies and x ER OR Lh | truly believe that all fantasies are good as long as you know which TACT SC eR ee SEIT CR FOE ATU UES ELS R EN CRTC TTT UTS CTRL Do not try to reproduce any of it in the real world. eat . A 4 Also, if you like my work, please consider helping me on This is my main line of income and only I$ a month can make a huge difference. | do comics, pictures and games. pene eee Reyne’. I i) Leave the, guts onthe ship, We've,just Ie wll she said. going on a viendly be Fine, she, visit, she said... id. Feel free, toeplain that totem! own Held pire with sticks and stones. Ineard... Hey ate some of those stormbyoopers.. Please Support meon: Se etree eee Doe ae Jou have to make sure pocket And inepect ewery HOLE, Hs alte... hamiliating.. But in the interest of diplomacy. | Now| do Assume... - Would DARE take ADVANTAGE of mi. 6 Compromised POSITION, Please Support meon: we're goma be gyeat Wiende [kinda just wanted to a strait Hem. Z ~ Y Beller te aot apt reacted, Fan ach versed pieaké suppemeon: > n real F enjoy stretching mf asshole, don’t You? oie S DY A Pw y AY } a eae LAN 1K ea Aye |) Inever expected these Furballs to be so forceful ieee : EMS By the Whille! They've really ovining my ass vigh now. lpg Treating me like +heir property. Fe cri ene Bac 108) Although |had to... Wl hmm. satisfy some of their needs. Did He hark yo Haven't doe figurea tot ye, buddy} on She | how we make, Friends around here, oH @ The End? Please Supportmeon: ‘What the hell was that? Where are Rey, Chewie and Ahsoka? Why did I read something about Jannah getting nailed by Ewoks oa instead? Here's the deal. When I created this series, | made two major mistakes: First mistake: | based it on the sequel trilogy, thinking that Chewie could regularly encounter characters from new Star Wars projects. | didn't expect this universe to stall as it did, preferring to show past events instead of going forward. Second mistake: | did not forsee it becoming as popular as itis. | imagined it going for four, maybe five issues before moving on. | am constantly surprised to get private messages (almost on a daily basis) about it. It is clearly something that has it's own fanbase and will probably be part of my life for the foreseeable future. To do that, | needed to make some changes. | told this story many times before. Issue #IV was supposed to be about the takedown of Ahsoka. At the end, She would have happily joined Chewie's harem. But halfway down, realising that this series was going to last, | got bored by the repetition. So | changed the ending at the last minute (funnily enough, at the exact moment the cover was teasing) for something more satisfying for myself. To ensure that people wouldn't think | killed our favorite Wookiee, | added "to be continued" at the end. But | didn't have any clear plans. | naively thaught that | would easily resolve it all for the next issue... painting myself in a corner doing so. It took me a year to realise that there was too much stuff to resolve for a single issue. | needed Chewie to recover, reunite with Leia, finding allies in the hope to go back and rescue Rey. At the same time, | wanted to explore Rey's and Ahsoka's relation. And | was also so very tired of limiting myself with the characters of the last 3 movies. ip. I still don't a have a clear plan. Yes, we will continue the main narrative of this weird love story between Rey and a walking carpet. But, for the g00d of this series as well as my own sanity, we will also, from time to time, visits others sectors and time period of the Star Wars universe, see what weird mating encounter can happen in the dark corners of the galaxy and see where the story takes us. he Ms fi Fecal rey a Cs 2) I just hope you'll enjoy the ride with me. Ax Rs = - a Cg OG SO a es - ARS 4 aay

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