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Soft Competencies

Accountability for others – being responsible for the consequence of the actions of those whom you

Attention to detail – The ability to see and pay attention to details; the ability to recognize the
component parts of a procedure or object, and to verify the correctness or error in an individual part
or procedure

Balanced Decision making – The ability to be objective and to fairly evaluate the different aspects of
a situation, and to make an ethical decision that takes into account all aspects and components; the
ability to maintain the balance between the needs of oneself, others and the company at the same

Conceptual thinking - the ability to identify and evaluate resources and plan for their utilization
throughout the execution of comprehensive, long range plans

Creativity – the ability to devise new approaches to make improvements or solve problems

Developing others – the ability to understand the needs, interests, strengths and weakness of others,
and to utilize this information for contributing to the growth and development of others

Emotional Control – the ability to maintain a rational and objective demeanor when faced with
stressful or emotional situations

Leading others – the ability to organize and motivate people to get things accomplished in a way that
everyone feels a sense of order and direction

Personal accountability – the ability to be responsible for the consequences of one’s own actions and
decisions ; taking responsibility for these decisions and not shifting focus on blame or poor
performance somewhere else or on others

Practical thinking – the ability to make practical, common sense decisions; to see and understand
what is happening in a common sense way

Problem Management – the ability to keep critical issues in context so that you can understand what
is happening and effectively use one’s knowledge to solve problems

Self Confidence – the ability to develop and maintain inner strength based on desire to succeed ; a
person belief that he or she possesses the capabilities to succeed

Self Improvement – the motivation that a person has based on the importance of improving oneself;
the motivation to obtain training and educational growth opportunities.

Sense of belonging – how motivated a person is by feeling like a part of a team or a member of a
Specific Job Competencies

Analysis of Data – The job deals with a large number of details. It requires that details, data and facts
are analyzed and challenged prior to making decisions and that important decision-making data is
maintained accurately for repeated examinations as required

Competitiveness – the job exists within a demanding environment where consistently winning is
critical. The job demands tenacity, boldness , assertiveness and a “will to win” in dealing with highly
competitive situations

Customer oriented – the job demands a positive and constructive view of working with others. There
will be a high percentage of the time spent in listening to , understanding and successfully working
with a wider range of people from diverse backgrounds to achieve “win-win” outcomes

Frequent Change – the job requires a comfort level with “juggling many balls in the air at the same
time!” it will be asked to leave several task unfinished and easily move on to new task with little or no

Organized workplace – the job success depends on systems and procedures, it’s successful
performance is tied to careful organization of activities, task and projects that require accuracy.
Record keeping and planning are essential components of the job

Urgency – the job requires decisiveness, quick response, fast action. It will often be involved in critical
situations demanding that on the spot decisions be made with good judgments. The job will repeatedly
face important deadlines that must be met on time

Versatility – the job calls for a high level of optimism and a “can do” orientation. It will require multiple
talents and a willingness to adapt them to changing assignments as required

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