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Endocrine System ( u|GyL k|0ffnL )

 Endocrine gland & Nervous system is the co-ordinating and regulating system of our body.
 Endo - Ductless (gnLljxLg), Crine - Gland ( u|GyL )
 There are major 9 gland of the Endocrine gland
Gland :-
 /; pTkfbgug{ ;Sg] Epithelial cell sf] ;d'xnfO{ Gland elgG5 . o; /;n] Target organ sf Structurejf
FunctionnfO{ Modify u5{ . of] @ k|sf/sf x'G5 .
1. Endocrine gland :-
 It is Also called Ductless gland( glnlalxgu|lGy) , o;n] HormonepTkfbgub{5 .
 Hormone n] lgoGq0f ug]{ tissue or organ nfO{Target organ or Target siteelgG5 f
 Hormone are chemical messanger which produce in a organ and use or work at target organ
 Hormone chemically 2 types
a) Protein nature :- All hormone except produced by Adrenal cortex & sex gland
b) Steroid nature :- produced by Adrenal cortex & sex gland
 Hormone/utdfDirecthfG5 .
 Hormone is made of :- Steroid, Peptide, Amono acid
 laxfglaxfgdflg; p7gsf] sf/0f ;- Hormonal activation
2. Exocrine gland :-
 It is Also Duct full gland , which Production of Enzyme.
 of] gnLeP/ Target organ eP/ /utsfdfWodn] hfG5 . e.g. Liver, Salivery Gland, Sebacious Gland,
Sweet gland .
 Mixed gland / Heterocrinegland :-o;df Exocrine / Endocrine b'O6} x'G5 . E.g. Pancrease
 Largest Gland of the body :– Liver ( 1.5-2.5 kg)
 Largest Oran in our body :– Skin ( 4 kg )
 Smallest organ of Our body :- Pineal gland
 Largest Exocrine gland :- Liver
 Largest Visceral organ :– Liver
 Largest Endocrine gland :– Thyroid (0.5gm)
 Largest Mixed gland :– Pancrease (60gm)
Endocrine gland :-
 Gland x?sf] ;d'xh;n] k}bf u/]sf] /; ljgfglnl;w} /utdf hfG5 . To:tfGlandx?nfO{ Endocrine gland
 z/L/dfkfpg] Endocrine gland x? :-
 Pituitory gland 1
 Pineal gland 1
 Thyroid gland 1
 Parathyroid gland 4
 Thymus gland 1
 Pancreas 1
 Adrenal gland 2
 Gonads (Female gonads (overy)- 2 , Male gonads (Testies ) 2
Hypothamus( Supermaster gland )
 Heart of Endocrine gland :- Hypothalamus
 it is also called Biological clock
 It is located below the Thalamus , it is about the size of an almond
 Fore brain sf] part xf].h'g3rdventricaldf/x]sf] x'G5 .
 Hypothalamus have vascular connection with Anterior pituitary and neural connection with posterior
pituitary by infundibulum /salk.
 Junction of pos. pipuitory gland & Hypothalamus :- Infundibulam stalk/Pituitory stalk
 o;nfO{Pitiutory Gland sf]ControllarePsf]n] Super-master of gland elgG5 .
 o;nfO{ Sleeping and wake –upk|lqmofnfO{ Maintain u/]sf] x'gfn] o;nfO{ Biological clock elgG5 .
 The Hypothalamus is the link between the Endocrine & Nervous system

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 The Hypothalamus produce Releasing & inhibitinghormone , Which stop and start the production
of orther hormone through the body
 Hypothalamus releasing hormone are :-Gonodotrophicrelising hormone[GHRH], Corticotrophic
Releasing Hormone, Thyroid trophic hormone
Function of Hypothalamus @ EATS
E = Emotion and Endocrine activities. - ?g], xf:g], s/fpg], sfo{nfO{ af]w _
A = Autonomic Function and appetite. - ef]s / A.N.S sf] sfo{sf] jf]w _
T = Thermo-regulation and trusty. - Temp andltvf{sf] jf]w u/fp5 _
S = Sexual activities, Sleep and wake-up pattern. - Sexk|ltsf] ls|ofsnfk, ;'Tg] / p7g] s'/fsf] af]w u/fp5
Pituitory Gland / Hypophysis cerebri - 1
 of] Sphenoid bone sf] Hypophysical fossa/ pituitary fossa (sellaturcica)df /x]sf] x'G5 .
 of] Pea shape - s]/fpsf] bfgf _ h:tf] uf9f v}/f] /Ës]f [ Raddish Brown] x'G5 .
 Weight :- 500mg (0.5gm)& Diameter :- 1 cm
 Length :- 12mm & Breath :- 8mm
 o;n] ;a} gland sf] sfdnfO{ lgoGq0f u/]sf] x'gfn] o;nfO{ Master gland elgG5 .
 It have 3 lobes:-
a. Anterior Lobe / (Adinohypophysis)- Vascular connection
 It is Largest lobe of pituitary gland
 of] Hypothalamus df Blood vessels;+u hf]l8Psf] x'G5 .
 o; lobenfO{ Hypothalamus af6 lgl:sg] Hormone(releasing and inhibiting) n] lgoGq0f ub{5 .
 Anterior Lobe af6 lg:sg] Hormone x?:- 5 .
A. Growth hormone :- o;n] zf/Ll/s a[l4ljsf; ub{5 t/ Sextissueafx]s
 Target organ:- Bone and all tissue but without sex organ., of] ;'t]sf] j]nf a9L lg:sLG5.
 Deficiency :- Dwarfism/ growth retardation/ simmonds disease [ <4ft ]
 Excess :-Child- Gigantism , Adult- Acromegaly
B.T S H (Thyroid Stimulating / Releasing Hormone
 o;n] Thyroid GlandnfO{ Stimulate -pt]h_ u/L T3 , T4/ Calcitonine sf] pTkfbgub{5 .
 Target organ :- Thyroid Gland .
 AdrinoCorticotrophic Hormone . (ACTH)
 o;n] Adrinal glandnfO{ Stimulatu/fOHormonepTkfbg u/fpb5 .
 Target organ :- Adrenal cortex .
 Prolacting / Maternity/ Lactogenic Hormone
 o;n] :tg / kf7]3/df /fd|f] c;/ kb{5 h;n] ubf{ :tgaf6 b'wpTkfbg x'g5 eg] kf7]3/af6 Placentajflx/
lgsfN5 .
 Target organ :- Breast , Uterus .
 Excess :- infertility , Amenorrhoea , Glactorrhoea But in male loss of libido
 Ganado Trophic Hormone (G T H )
 o;dfb'O{ cf]6f Hormone x'G5 ;- FSH(Follicle Stimulating hormone) and LHS
1. F S H (Follicle Stimulating Hormone):-
 Female:- Female dfo;n] Ovarian FolliclesnfO{ k'0f{ ljsl;t u/fp5 / Oestrogen
 Male:-o;n] Testis sf] Somniferous tubules nfO{ Stimulate u/fOSpermatozoajf Spermsf] pTkfbgu/fp5 .
2. L H( Leutinizing Hormone ):-
 Female :- female dfo;n] Ovulation u/fp5 / OvaljxLg Follicles nfO{ Corpus Lutiumdf Convert
ub{5 ,h:fn] Progesterone Hormone pTkfbgub{5 .
 Male :- Male dfo;n] Testis sf] Interstitial cellof LeydignfO{ pQ]lht u/fOTestosterone Hormone
sf] pTkfbg u/fp5 . h;n] Secondary Character lbG5 .
2)Posterior Lobe (Neurohypophysis ):- o;n] b'O{ cf]6f Hormone lgsfNb5 . :-;'q - O. A
A. Oxytocine / Pitocine
 Also called Lovehormone / Birth hormone / Milk ejection hormone
 Contraction and Relaxation of Uterus and Lactiferous duct of Breast .
 To help out of Fetus to uterus and Ejaculate of milk to Breast .
Notes :-
 Milk secretion / production:- Prolactin
 Milk letdown / out :- Oxytocin

Whatsapp : 9821133890 Birgunj,Parsa

B. Antidiuretic Hormone (A.D. H) of Vasopressin.
 Target :-Nephrone
 o;n]] D C T af6 kfgLsf] zf]if0f a9L u/fp5 . / o;n] Peripheral Blood Vessels -5flt , k]6 , 5fnf _
nfO{ Constraction -v'lDrofpg' _ u/fO{ Blood Presuer a9fp5 .
 A D H :-o;s]f a9L ePdfLittle and Concentration Urine /water and salt retention.
 A D H :- o;sf] sdLePdfDiabetic insipidus -lk;fa w]/} nfUg'_
c. Intermediate Lobe / Mid Lobe
 o;n] Melanocyte Stimulate HormonepTkfbgub{5 h'gSkin s]f Epidermis df /x]sf] x'G5 / of]
Scrotamdf ;aeGbf a9L kfOG5 .
 Melanocyte Stimulate Hormonen]melaninepigmintlgsfNb5 / 5fnfsf] /Ë lbG5 .
 o;sf] al9 ePdf :- Hyper pigmentation -sfnf]_
Thyroid gland
 Highly vascular gland &Largest Endocrine gland.
 Butterfly shape , Weight :- 25gm , Size :- 5x3 cm
 Located :- infront of larynx & trachea ( C5- T1)
 o;sf] 2 j6f Lobe x'G5 Right Lobe and Left Lobe b'O6} LobenfO{ Esthmus n] hf]l8Psf] x'G5 .
 o;n] TSH lgsfNb5 . E.g. ( T3 , T4/ Calcitonin)
 Metabolic rate is controlled by Thyroid
 o;dfb'Ocf]6f Cell /x]sf] x'G5 .
A.FolicallsCell :-o; Follicles cell n] 2 j6f Hormone lgsfNb5 .
 T3 – Tri-ido Thyroxin Hormone & T4 - Thyroxin Hormone.
 T3 and T4 Hormone Iodine sf] pkl:yltdfpTkfbg x'G5 cyf{t T3 and T4aGgIodine sf] cfjZostf
 T3 -10 % x'G5 eg] T4 -90 % /x]sf] x'G5 &T4eGbf T3 Hormone a9L active x'G5 .
Para Note:- Follicles df Iodine Trapping eP/ /x]sf] x'G5 . 3 j6f Iodine sf] pkl:yltdf Follicles n]
lgsfNg] Hormone nfO{T3= Triido Thyroxin Hormone and 4 j6f Iodine sf] pkl:yltdf Follicles
n] lgsfNg] Hormone nfO{T4elgG5 .
Follicles:-of] Follicles cell sf] ljr-ljrdfʽCʼ shapesf] /x]sf] x'G5 h;n] Calcitonine HormonelgsfNb5
 Calcitonine Hormonen] Kidney df Calcium sf] Re-Absorbotion36fO{ Blood df Calcium sf]
dfqf 36gfn] Bone af6 Calcium Release x'G5 / Osteoporosis x'G5 .
Function of Thyroid Gland
1. Metabolism (Carbohydrate , Protein , Fat )
2. Mental development up to 5 yrs
3. Maintain normal basal Metabolic rate .
-hltVitamin h'gorganx?nfO{ rflxG5 Toltdfqlbg] aflsnfO{ /fVg] jfkmfNg]_
Deficiency :-Hypothyrodism
 Child - Cretinism (mental retardation)
 In adult – Myxo edema (Non pitting )
Excess:-Hyperthyrodism/ Thyrotoxicosis
 Graves disease (exothalmic- cfFvfafxL/ cfpg' )
Goiter/ ufnuf8
 Enlargment of Thyroid Gland . due to Excessive and deficiency of thyroid secration
 primary deficiency in Goiter Iodine.
 Graps disease / Goiter Male eGbf Female df a9L x'G5 .
 Goiter commonly seen in mountain area( lxdfln
Para thyroid gland(PTH)
 Thyroid Gland sf] k5f8L /x]sf] x'G5 .
 Number of parathyroid gland – 4each Wt- 50 mg , Size- 6 ꭖ 4 ꭖ 2 cm3
 of] xfd|f] zl//dfcalcium metabolismug}{ k|d'vu|Glyxf]
 o;n] Paratharmon Hormone / Parathyroxine Hormone lgsfNb5 h;n] Blood df Calcium / Phosphorus
sf] Reabsorb a9fp5 .
 Paratharmon Hormone n]calcium and phosphorussf] dfqfa9fp5 .
 Excess secretion –Brittle bone( osteoporosis), muscular pain,
 Deficiency – Muscular rigidity , muscular tetany

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Adrenal gland
 Also called Suprarenal gland / Emergency gland / 4s gland / 3f gland / life saving gland.
 of] k|To]s d[uf}nfsf] dfly /x]sf] x'G5 / Renal fosian] 9fFs]sf] x'G5 .
 weight- 5 gm , Size - 5 X 3 X 1 cm
 4 S Means :- Salt Retention, Sugar Metrabolism, Sexual function, Safety
 o;dfaflx/L lelqul/ b'O{ cf]6f tx x'G5 .
 Adrenal medulla-lelqkq_;-of]10 %dfq x'G5 o;af6 lgl:sg] Hormone Adrenaline , Nor adrenaline
 Function -3f :- Fight -emu8f ug'{ , Fright -u{hg' , Flight -efUg'_
 Adrenal Cortex -aflx/L kq -of]80 % x'G5 / o;n]3 j6f HormonelgsfNb5 .
 Glucocarticosteroido;n] /utdf Glucose sf] dfqf a9fp5, Delayed wound healing
 Minarlocorticoid / Aldestoren :-o;n] kidneydfsodium / potassium sf] dfqfnfO{ ;+t'ng u{5 /
water sf] Reabsorption u/fp5 .
 Androgen (Sex hormone):-o;n] Testosteroneand estrogen sf] sfo{nfO{ ;+t'ng u{5 / o;n]
Protein and Nitrogen sf] ;~ro -e08f/0f_ u{5 .
Pancreases / Hetrocrine / MixedGland :-
 Largest mixed gland
 o;sf] 2 j6f part x'G5 , Exocrine – 80 %&Endocrine – 20 %
 Endocrine gland sf] ?kdfinsulin, Glucagon , & SomatostatinlgsfNb5f
 Exocrine gland sf] ?kdfpancreatic juicelgsfNb5f
 Endocrine cell sf] ;d'xnfO{ islets of langerhans elGG5
 Islets of langerhans contain:- Alpha - Glucagon, Beta- insulin , Delta – Somatostatin
 Glucagon is catabolic hormone that increase blood glucose by glycogenesis,
 Excess glucose- Hyperglycemia
 Insulin is Anabolic hormone that decrease blood glucose by glucogenesis, storage of protein & fat
 Excess glucose-Hypoglycaemia&Deficiency – Diabetes myelitis
 Somatostatin is growth hormone inhibiting hormone & control the secretion of both glucagon and
Gonadotrophic Hormone
Female gonads :-
 Overy – 2 j6f , weight – 7 gm,Size – 3x2x1 cm3 , Shape – Almond shape
 o;nfO{ Graffine/ ovarian follicles x'G5 h;n] OestrogenpTkfbgub{5 .
 Function of Oesterogen :- Proliferation ofEndomatarium wall
 Mammay glandnfO{ 7"nf] agfp5 .
 Corpus Luetium (ova ljxLg Follicles) secrete Progesterone Hormone .(pregnancy hormone)
 Thickest of endometrium wall .
 Uterus secretion nfO{afSnf] agfpF5 &Uterus nfO{ implantation sf] nflutof/ u5{ .
Male gonads :-
 Testis – 2 :- Weight :- 10-14 gm , shape :- oval , Location :- Scortum
 o;dfePsf] Interstitial cellof Leyding n] Testosterone Hormone product u5{ h;n] MaledfSexual
secondary character lbG5 . 9fx|L , hËf , u'KtfËdf /f} cfpg' , ljk/Lt lnËlt/ cfs{ifgx'g' , formation &
maturation of sperm,
Pineal gland
 Also called Third Eye
 Smallest organ of our body ;- Pineal gland
 of] Brainleq /x]sf] x'G5 (Fore brain sf] 3rd Ventricledf) ,Length :- 10mmjf 1 cm.
 o;n] Melatonin Hormone lgsfN5 / Melatonin Hormone n] Puberty cj:yfcfpg' eGbf cufl8
Reproductive organ sf] ljsf; x'glbb}g .
 Puberty ca:yf cufl8 of] Brain df Atrophy eP/ hfG5 / Sand bad - afnjfsf] l9sf] s]f ?kdf /x]sf]
x'G5 . / of] /ftf v}/f] /Ësf] x'G5 .
 Pineal gland Atrophy after puberty known asbrain sand
Thymus gland :-
 It is primary Lymphatic organ
 Located in upper Mediastenum behind the sternum .

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 It secreted is called Thymosin which help in maturation of t cell
 Weight:-30-40 gm. But At during afterpuberty 10-15gm
 Thymus & Pineal gland atrophy after puberty.
 It secrets thymocine hormone which is active the T. Lymphocyte.

 4 s gland :- Salt Retention, Sugar Metabolism, Sexual Function , Safety
 placenta secretes :- HCG( human chorionic gonadotrophic]
 Kidney secrete :– Erythropoetin , Renin , vit D ( Kidney Hormone )
 Mast cell secrete Histamine
 Calcium level balanced by parathyroid Hormone
 Iodine store in Thyroid gland
 Muscle spasm due to Deficiency ofParathermone Hormone
 Development of Mustache[ bflx|] in female due to excess of Suprarenal gland
 Diabetiesincipidius due to deficiency of ADH
 Gluconeogenesis & glycogenesis causes of Glucagon
 Portal system is present in Pituitary gland
 Muscular tetany due to deficiency of Parathyroxin
 Which hormone require zinc for synthesis :- Insulin
 Pineal gland secrete Melatonin
 Regulation of metabolic rate of body cell :- Thyroid Hormone
 Conns Syndsromepresent due excessive production of Aldosterone
 Duct and gland are internally lined by Cuboidal epithelium
Hormone and Disorder
Hormone Excess Deficiency
G.H Gigantism( Child), Acromegaly[ Adult] Dwarfism
Prolactin Infertility, Amenorrhoea –
Female,DecreseLabido, Galactorrhoea-
Aldosterone Conn,s syndrome Addition syndrome
Glucocorticoids Cushings Syndrome Hyponatraemia, shock
Androgen Hirsutism, pseudohermophoditism –
virilizationpseudohermophoditism – Male
Insulin Hypoglycemia Dibetes Myelitis
Glucagon Hyperglycemia Diabetes Myelitis

Prepared By:-MukeshRazMahto,
Health Assistant Gov of Nepal

Whatsapp : 9821133890 Birgunj,Parsa

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