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Community as a Resource in the Teaching- Learning Process


How will I develop my interpersonal skills so that I will continue dealing with and getting support from the

A teacher must have strong interpersonal skills, especially communication skills, in order to understand
the needs of each student. Furthermore, a teacher's interpersonal skills will improve the quality of their
lecture or teaching methods.

Encourage parental involvement by having them volunteer at school events. Making routine phone calls
to the student's home to maintain regular contact with parents and family and to discuss students'
academic performance and behavior at school.

Share your personality and learn about theirs also. Understanding personality allows people to
collaborate more easily. Make the first move toward getting to know the parents. Plan brief one-on-one
video calls. Give them your best smile. When speaking with them, use their names frequently.

Declare unequivocally that you look forward to working with them and value their support. Inform them
of how they can contact you. Mention anything commendable that the parents have done (or are doing)
to help their child's development. These small gestures have a long-lasting positive impact and help to
strengthen the relationship.

Communication is being transformed by technology. Websites, email features, specialized apps, and a
plethora of digital media allow parents to keep track of their children's progress in a variety of ways.
Make the most of these communication tools with parents. However, try to keep a single app, platform,
or channel for sharing and receiving information and updates from parents.

Using multiple channels of communication may result in confusion. Remember that when parents are
kept informed, there are fewer questions. It is also a good idea to send out regular newsletters to
parents informing them of classroom and school events.

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