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Flood Protection System

Notable River Gage Elevations

Flood walls – 63’
Earthen levees – 60’
Highest tested flood elevation - ~51’

- River Gage 52.0±

- River Gage 43.5±

- River Gage 44.9±

Highway 81 Area

▷ Mill Rd low point at approximately River Gage 44.0

▷ Highway 81 low point at approximately River Gage 49.5

▷ Average elevation of Highway 81 at approximately River

Gage 52.0
Annexation Area Improvements

Annexation Area Infrastructure Improvements

Sanitary Sewer


Storm Sewer

Storm Pond Outfall

33rd Ave N
Dual Raw Water Lines
Industrial Wastewater Forcemain
Interstate 29

Storm Pond

Domestic Sanitary Pump Station

30th Ave N Industrial Wastewater Pump Station

Paving/Access Improvements
42nd Street N

27th Ave N
N o r t h Hig h w a y 81 An n e x a t io n His t o r y

▪ The Grand Forks Year 2000 Land use Plan –

recommended annexation by 1985 to 1990
▪ About 1989, City delayed action for 5 years on
▪ In 1994, City delayed action for two years
▪ 1997 flood delayed further action
▪ In January of 1994 the Property owners submitted a
request to delay annexation until 2004.
An n e x a t io n (N DCC 40-51.2-13)

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