Unit 6 - Information Security

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Unit 6

Introduction to Information Security

Skill to practice: Reading & Writing

2.1 Warming up
Do you use email or social media?
How do you protect your

How should we set our email password?

2.2 Read the article and answer the following question with your partner!

Serious Threat from Leaking 279 Million BPJS Kesehatan Data

JAKARTA - A total of 270 million Indonesian population data stored in BPJS

Kesehatan was reportedly leaked to hacker forums. Data leakage is clearly dangerous
and troubling, especially information in the form of NIK (identity number) that is
traded in cyberspace.

Chairman of CISSReC (Communication and Information System Security Research

Center), Pratama Persada, said the data leak could be interpreted as an act of theft. It
could even be even more dangerous, given that the data could be misused for other

"The principle is that this personal data is targeted by many people. It is very
dangerous if this data is leaked," Pratama told VOI, Friday, May 21.

Pratama said it had examined directly some of the data from the 279 million
population data traded on the Raid Forums hacker forum. Based on the data uploaded
by an account named Kotz is quite complete, including name, place of birth date,
address, number of dependents. There is even a mobile number, NIK KTP (Identity
Card Number), and NPWP (Taxpayer Identification Number).

"Because the data is valid and can be used as raw material for digital crime, especially
banking crimes. From this data can be used by criminals to create fake ID cards and
then break into the victim's account," he explained.

However, Pratama does not rule out the possibility that the data is invalid. Because

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the owner of the data claims the data is sourced from BPJS.

"Let's just wait to see if this is true data leaked from BPJS or other institutions.
Because the amount of user data BPJS is not that much. It means that the perpetrator
can claim excessive or lying if the BPJS data is true", explained Pratama.

Investigation of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics of the Republic

of Indonesia

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) has investigated to

ascertain the leak of data suspected to be from the Social Security Organizing Agency
(BPJS) health in the hacker forum Raid Forum.

"The Ministry of Information continues to conduct in-depth searches and

investigations. It will also coordinate with the relevant parties", said spokesman Dedy

As a measure of anticipation, Kominfo said Dedy has applied for termination of access
to three links containing sample data in byflies.com, mega.nz, and anonfiles.com. "For
now all three links have been taken down".

To avoid negative impacts, Kominfo asked all-digital platform providers and personal
data managers, to further improve efforts to maintain the security of managed
personal data. This includes complying with applicable personal data protection
provisions and ensuring the security of electronic systems operated.

Source: https://voi.id/en/technology/53182

Write down the result of your discussion here!

1. What is the article about?

2. Why is it dangerous if our personal data, such as NIK, is leaking?

3. How should we protect out personal data?

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2.3 Language focus
Collocation & Phrases
Pengertian Collocation

Collocation adalah dua atau lebih kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang sering terletak
bersandingan. Bisa jadi, kamu sering menjumpainya dalam bahasa Inggris, hanya saja
kamu tidak menyadari bahwasanya itu termasuk collocation. Gabungan kata-kata
pada collocation biasanya membentuk frasa yang umum digunakan. Dengan collocation,
bahasa Inggrismu jadi terdengar lebih natural. Misalnya, penggunaan "make a mistake"
dalam bahasa Inggris lebih natural daripada "do a mistake". Collocation juga membuat
bahasa Inggrismu lebih mudah dimengerti, karena kombinasi kata-kata tersebut telah
sering dipakai atau familiar untuk mengekspresikan makna atau maksud tertentu.

Di samping itu, belajar collocation memudahkanmu saat menyusun kalimat baik saat
berbicara maupun menulis. Ketimbang mempelajari bahasa Inggris kata per kata, yang
justru akan menempatkanmu pada kesulitan jika harus menyusun kalimat atau
paragraf utuh. Pasalnya, tidak jarang kalimat yang dibuat kata per kata tidak
memberikan hasil yang baik, yakni cenderung terlihat atau terdengar ganjil.

Contoh Collocation
Ada banyak sekali collocation dalam bahasa Inggris. Contoh di bawah tidak akan cukup
untuk mewakilkan semua collocation yang ada. Oleh karena itu, jika ingin
menguasai collocation, hendaknya kamu memperbanyak referensi bahasa Inggris.
Referensi tersebut dapat kamu peroleh dari buku, film, musik, dan sebagainya.

Terdapat macam-macam collocation dilihat dari kombinasi noun (kata

benda), verb (kata kerja), adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata keterangan),
dan preposition (preposisi) yang membentuknya, beberapa di antaranya:

- Noun + noun: cup of tea

Contoh: Can I have a cup of tea? (Bisakah saya minta secangkir teh?)

- Noun + verb: sun rises

Contoh: The sun rises in the east. (Matahari terbit dari timur.)

- Verb + noun: do the dishes

Contoh: I do the dishes every morning. (Saya mencuci piring setiap pagi.)

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- Verb + adverb: speak loudly
Contoh: You need to speak loudly to stop the riot. (Kamu harus bersuara dengan
lantang untuk menghentikan kerusuhan.)

- Verb + preposition: depend on

Contoh: Jill always depends on her parents. (Jill selalu bergantung pada orang

- Adjective + noun: bad luck

Contoh: Lidya had bad luck yesterday. (Lidya mengalami kesialan kemarin.)

- Adjective + preposition: afraid of

Contoh: My little brother is afraid of cats. (Adikku (laki-laki) takut terhadap

- Adverb + adjective: incredibly smart

Contoh: She is incredibly smart. (Dia (perempuan) sangat pintar.)

Kamu juga bisa mempelajari berbagai collocation yang dibentuk dari satu kata tertentu,

- Ask: ask permission, ask for advice, ask a question, dan seterusnya.

- Take: take a break, take an exam, take time, dan seterusnya.

- Make: make an appointment, make a noise, make money, dan seterusnya.

- Do: do the homework, do your best, do your hair, dan seterusnya.

- Have: have a drink, have a good time, have a haircut, dan seterusnya.

- Keep: keep in touch, keep quiet, keep a secret, dan seterusnya.

- Time: leisure time, free time, spend time, dan seterusnya

Source: https://www.ef.co.id/englishfirst/kids/blog/belajar-collocation-lengkap-

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Give more examples of collocation that you know here (you may use
dictionary or browsing online), please write down the meaning in Indonesian
Noun + noun

Noun + verb

Verb + noun

Verb + adverb

Verb + preposition

Adjective + noun

Adjective + preposition

Adverb + adjective

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2.4 Writing Practice
1. Choose one of the following topics
2. Do some researches online related to the topic that you have choosen
3. Write down an article related to the topic. The article must be consist of three
paragraph, paragraph one is introduction, paragraph two is the content (explain
your opinion too in this part), paragraph three is conclusion
4. The copy-paste tasks will not be penalized by score 0

The Topics

1. Scam 4. Internet fraud

2. Identity theft 5. Social media frauds
3. Ransomware attack 6. Phishing

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