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is the definition, types, examples of use

One type of expressing in English is expressing obligation. The
definition of expressing obligation is an expression or expression
used to give a statement regarding strict rules, obligations or

While the definition of obligation itself is based on the Oxford

Learners Dictionary, which can be taken into the following points:
Obligation talks about a statement about the obligation to perform a task in
accordance with someone's duties.
The use of obligation gives a statement to do something based on applicable
laws or regulations.
The form of obligation can also be used to provide a statement regarding a
matter that has previously been promised.

So from these three points it can be concluded that bonds are expressions used in
stating situations or conditions, which make someone have to do something.
Situations or conditions that occur can be based on laws, regulations or because of
previous promises.

The form of the obligation usually uses key words, namely:

Need to
Have to
1. Using modal verbs

a. Use of the word 'must'

Formula 1
Subject + MUST + Verb + Object
Formula 2
Subject + MUST BE+ Adjective/Noun/Adverb
Examples of obligation sentences using the word 'must' are as follows:
You must wear a uniform.
(Kamu harus mengenakan seragam.)
You must arrive on time.
(Kamu harus tiba tepat waktu.)
b. Use of the word 'have to'
Future formula
Subject + will have to+ verb
Past formula
Subject + had to + verb
An example of using the word 'have to' in an obligation sentence is as follows:
You have to tidy up the bedroom before going to school.
(Kamu harus merapikan tempat tidur sebelum pergi ke sekolah.)
I have to do my task soon.
(Saya harus segera mengerjakan tugas.)
c. Use of the word 'need to'
Subject + need to / needs to+ verb + verb + object
Examples of using the word 'need to' in sentences or expressions of obligation
are as follows:
We need to know more about how to manage finances.
(Kita harus mengetahui lebih banyak tentang bagaimana mengelola keuangan.)
You need to replace your bag with new ones.
(Kamu perlu mengganti tasmu dengan yang baru.)
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