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3, 2013, 191–195


∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗
Zoran Golubičić — Slobodan Simić — Aleksa J. Zejak

The paper presents fully digitized approach for band-pass discrete coded radar signals. The emphasis is to use one
generalized reconfigurable compressor for several different types of signals and different types of receivers. It fits for direct
radio frequency receiver (RF) as well as for intermediate frequency (IF) receiver. The system implementation on field
programmable gate area (FPGA) let us eliminate special chips previously needed. From the experimental results it is known
that this approach appears to work well for matched and mismatched pulse compression and it outstands when time-
bandwidth product (TB) is of order 1000. A precision of 14 bits has been considered in the input signal and 16 bits in the
filter coefficients. It gives the dynamic range of 78 dB and the quantification error less than 0.012 % .
K e y w o r d s: digital down converter, digital pulse compression, FPGA mismatched filter, sidelobes reduction

1 INTRODUCTION Square) and in [4] DIRLS (Doppler optimized IRLS).

These new filters combine properties of MX and LS fil-
Pulse compression is used in radar and sonar to in- ters and enable considerable simplification of the design-
crease the signal energy transmitted without sacrific- ing procedure and, what is more important, they can be
ing neither range resolution, nor encountering exces- applied to all types of sequences.
sively high peak powers [1]. First implemented with ana- Sidelobes suppression is still unsolved problem gener-
log sweep generators and correlators, pulse compression
ally. Some new techniques are presented in [5]. Adaptive
is today almost exclusively performed with digital sig-
approaches can be found in [2, 6].
nal processing hardware and software. Thanks to the
advent of dedicated hardware multipliers in field- pro- Another group of methods for sidelobes suppression
grammable gate arrays (FPGAs), these devices now chal- was based on complementary sequences. Implementations
lenge general-purpose programmable digital signal pro- of compressors for complementary sequences in ultra-
cessors (DSPs) for signal processing tasks in many DSP sound systems have been proposed in [7, 8]. This tech-
applications. Instead of a few multiplier engines found in nique is more Doppler shift sensitive than mismatched
most DSPs, FPGAs now contain even hundreds of dedi- one, so its usage is limited on relatively small Doppler
cated hardware multipliers. Compared with the iterative shift. An approach with exploiting of complementarity of
multiplications performed by program loops in DSPs, Barker’s sequences set is proposed in [9].
multiplications in FPGAs can be executed in parallel. The FPGA implementation of radar compressor in
For example, low cost Spartan 3A-DSP chip we used has chirp radars based on coordinate rotation digital com-
84 dedicated multipliers with accumulators (MAC) which puter (CORDIC) are proposed in [10]. The application
works well at 250 MHz clock. It delivers unprecedented of this compressor in high frequency (HF) radar direct
processing power of 21 GMACs (Giga MAC-operations receiver is presented in [11]. We propose simple band-
per second). pass compression procedure under some circumstances
The major disadvantage of compression is that the for pulse duration T , the carrier frequency f0 and sig-
compressed pulse has range sidelobes (self-clutter), which nal bandwidth B : (1) Signal is discrete coded (means the
limit the range resolution for closely spaced objects. The radar pulse is divided into N sub-pulses when N = T B );
problem of sidelobes suppression has been recognized as
(2) The carrier frequency and signal bandwidth satis-
a major problem of pulse compression techniques [1, 2].
fies proposition that f0 /B − 1/2 is an integer. Accord-
First techniques for sidelobes suppression were based on
ing to band-pass signal sampling theory [12, 13] it can be
mismatched receiver. The main objective is to design fil-
proven that under these conditions signal can be sampled
ter which simultaneously performs compression and mis-
by minimal frequency of fs = 2B without aliasing. Af-
matching, according to given criteria. Such solutions are
economical and also obtain better overall results.Different ter decimation by factor of 2 and alternating two time
methods of filters mismatching can be roughly classified series, quadrature (I/Q) base-band signal sequences are
into two classes of filters. First one, that suppress maxi- obtained and base-band compression is provided. So the
mal sidelobes (MX filters) and second, that suppress RMS advantages of the proposed method are as follows
sidelobes (LS and similar ones). The original algorithms (1) It fits for direct radio frequency receiver (RF) as
are presented in [3] IRLS (Iterative Reweighted Least well as for intermediate frequency (IF) receiver;

∗ ∗∗
Department of electronic systems, University of defence, Belgrade, Serbia, RT-RK Computer based systems, Novi Sad, Serbia,
Peripolis-elektronika, Belgrade, Serbia,

DOI: 10.2478/jee-2013-0028, c 2013 FEI STU

ISSN 1335-3632

(2) The architecture reduces system complexity with no analog parts in this case. The signal is sampled and the
less analog devices; next operations (quadrature mixing or Hilbert transform
(3) The digital down conversion owns less I/Q disbal- and filtering) are done by digital signal processing tech-
anse; niques. According to [12, 13] allowed regions for sampling
(4) Using one generalized reconfigurable compressor frequency fs due to avoid aliasing are defined as
for several different types of signals and different type of 2f0 + B 2f0 − B
compressors, matched or mismatched. ≤ fs ≤ , (6)
m+1 m
Section 2 presents the signal processing procedure for
the discrete coded band-pass radar signal; Section 3 de- where m ∈ N0 and m ≤ ⌊f0 /B − 1/2⌋ where ⌊X⌋
scribes the hardware implementation of the algorithm de- means round X to the nearest integers towards zero.
scribed in previous section; System experiment results are When m = 0 , the Niquist theorem for base-band signal
considered in Section 4 and, finally, the conclusions are sampling are obtained. When m is maximal, the minimal
outlined in Section 5. value for fs is obtained. Provide this case, namely

m = f0 /B − 1/2 , m∈N, (7)

the lowest value of sampling frequency is obtained, fs =
Denote the discrete coded radar signal in the trans- 2B . Discrete version of signal from (5) becomes
mitted period as
SR [n] = AS(n/fs − τ )
cos[2πf0 t + θ(t)] , t ∈ [0, T ] ,

=A cos[2πf0 (n/fs − τ ) + θ(n/fs − τ )]
S(t) = (1)
0, t ∈ (T, Tr ) , =A cos[2πB(m − 1/2)(n/2B − τ ) + θ(n/fs − τ )]

where f0 is carrier frequency, Tr is one transmitted pulse =A cos[(2m − 1)nπ/2 − π(2m − 1)τ B + θ(n/fs − τ )]
period and the phase θ(t). Discrete coding means that =A cos[(2m − 1)nπ/2] cos[θn − θ1 ]
the phase θ(t) has the same shape in each sub-pulse
− A sin[(2m − 1)nπ/2] sin[θn − θ1 ] , (8)
interval Tsp , where Tsp = T /N and N = T B where N
is the number of sub-pulses. Now, the phase is changing
where θ1 = (2m − 1)πτ B and it is constant in the trans-
according to
mitted period, and θn = θ(n/fs − τ ) is the baseband
N −1
phase information as we wanted. Dividing SR [n] on even
θ(t) = θ0 +
θj g(t − kTsp ) , (2) and odd samples we get
SR [n] =
A cos[(2m − 1)iπ] cos[θ2i − θ1 ] , n = 2i ,

where θ0 is constant phase, θj is phase in j -th sub-pulse
and g(t) is sub-pulse shaping waveform width of Tsp . −A sin[(2m − 1)(2i − 1)π/2] sin[θ2i−1 − θ1 ], n = 2i − 1
It is rectangle pulse as usual so the phase is constant 
(−1)i A cos[θ2i − θ1 ] , n = 2i
during the sub-pulse interval. Discrete chirp j -th sub- = i
pulse phase is (−1) A sin[θ2i−1 − θ1 ] , n = 2i − 1 .
2 2
θj = πkTsp j , (3)
Considering we have two samples per sub-pulse inter-
where k = B/T is chirp slope. Nowadays, the phase val (fs = 2B ) and phase is constant that time, it fol-
shift keying (PSK) is often used technique for intra-pulse lows that ?2i =?2i−1 . Now, from (9) it is clear that even
modulation. The phase of discrete PSK radar pulse takes samples are an alternate series of direct component sam-
values from set of K equidistant points on trigonometric ples and odd samples are an alternate series of quadra-
circle ture component samples of complex baseband radar sig-
θj = ∆θ cj , (4) nal x[i], sampled by Fs = 2B/2 = B

where discrete phase increment is ∆θ = 2π/K and cj is x[i] = (−1)i (SR [2i] + j SR [2i − 1]) . (10)
code sequence length of N = T B and cj ∈ {0, 1, . . . , K −
1} . Assuming that the backscattering echo has a delay That simplifies the DDC block task. It has to disjoin
time τ and the amplitude attenuation factor is A, then stream out of ADC at two sub-series (even and odd) and
the echo can be denoted as to alternate them.
Generally, the compression filter has FIR structure
SR (t) = AS(t − τ ) = A cos[2πf0 (t − τ ) + θ(t − τ )] . (5) length of N = T B , with complex coefficients h[i]. The fil-
ter response y[k] is convolution between the input signal
Here we will process the RF echo signal in all-digital x[i] and filter coefficients h[i]. Matched filter coefficients
method. This signal has been digital down converted. To- vector is mirror conjugate version of the applied base-
day, using of digital down converters is preferred in radar band signal vector. Coefficients of mismatched filter we
techniques because of their low I/Q imbalance. There are used are computed by DIRLS algorithm described in [4].
Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 64, NO. 3, 2013 193

¯2 x FIRre
SR[n] yre[i] In1
- y[i]
FIRre Out1
(-1) i + In2
Z -1 yim[i]

DDC ¯2 x FIR im

Fig. 1. Complex band-pass signal compressor

3 HARDWARE DESIGN AND Each input stream can use the full kos clock cycles to pro-
FPGA IMPLEMENTATION cess the N = T B filter coefficients. This gives ⌈T B/kos ⌉
multiply- accumulate DSP slice (where ⌈X⌉ means round
The hardware design of pass-band compressor has X to the nearest integers towards infinity). The partial
been divided into two modules perfectly differentiated: products must be summed together, so an additional ac-
one block for digital down conversion of band-pass radar cumulator DSP slice per stream is required. Our core pro-
signal to its base-band version, and one base-band com- vides four input streams, each using ⌈T B/kos ⌉ + 1 DSP
pression block. This structure is shown in Fig. 1. In prac- slices. This gives a total of NDSP slices. Maximal resource
tice, the multiplications in DDC block can be reduced to utilization is attained when ratios Fmax /B and T B/kos
additions and subtractions because of the binary nature are integers. In that case
of the coefficients (−1)i . For base-band pulse compres-
sion in our model we used four FIR filters (the first two T B2
NDSP = 4 +4. (11)
with coefficients as real part and another two with coef- Fmax
ficients as image part of complex compressor h[i]) with
This gives the following limitations for the FPGA com-
real and imaginary parts of signal x[i] at the input. The
pressor implementation: 1 ≤ T B ≤ T Bmax B ≤ Fmax
real part of pulse compression is calculated by subtract-
ing the outputs of FIR 1 and FIR 4, and the imaginary T B2 NDSP max
part by adding FIR 2 and FIR 3 outputs. Finally, the ≤ −1. (12)
Fmax 4
absolute value (ABS) of the complex signal is calculated
applying the ABS CORDIC algorithm, which lets get the The first limitation is determined by maximal FIR fil-
pulse compression. We use the Xilinx IP CORDIC core ter length determined by Xilinx tool and minimal TB
for ABS CORDIC algorithm implementation and Xilinx product determined by uncertainty principle. In Xilinx
IP FIR Compiler core for FIR filters implementation [14]. IP FIR Compiler 3.5 maximal FIR filter length (T Bmax )
The core support for up to 256 sets of coefficients, with 2 is 1024. In recent versions it is expanded to 2048. The sec-
to 1024 coefficients per set and on-line coefficient reload ond condition is determined by maximal clock frequency.
capability. It means that one core can realize the pulse The third limitation is defined in (13).
compression for wide set of signal types and wide set of The compressor is implemented and verified on NuHori-
compressors for each signal. The only resources that are zons Spartan 3A-DSP evaluation board. The Spartan-
increasing are memory blocks for the coefficients saving. 3A DSP family architecture consists of five fundamen-
We realize two types of compressors, the matched and tal programmable functional elements [14]: XtremeDSP
DIRLS mismatched one, but the same design can easily Slices, RAM Blocks, Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs),
be applied to the other types. Input/Output Blocks (IOBs) and Digital Clock Man-
ager (DCM) Blocks. We have used the FPGA chip
XC3SD1800A. It has NDSP max = 84 DSP48A. The func-
3.1 Hardware resources estimation
tional elements of the Spartan-3A DSP family architec-
The most critical element in our compressor architec- ture works well at Fmax = 250 MHz.
ture is Xtreme DSP slice which provides an 18-bit× 18-bit
multiplier, 18-bit pre-adder, 48-bit post-adder/accumula- 3.2 Performance of hardware implementation
tor, and cascade capabilities for various DSP applications It is necessary to consider the quantification error in-
[14]. The number of DSP slices utilized by the FIR com- troduced by the hardware implementation shown in Sec-
piler is primarily determined by the number of coefficients tion 3.1. In order to do that, the values of the input se-
N = T B , and the hardware oversampling rate kos , de- quence are normalized in the [−1, 1] range. A fixed point
fined by the the maximal clock frequency (Fmax ) to sam- format has been used in the encoding of the numeric val-
ple frequency (Fs = B ) ratio kos = Fmax
B where ⌊X⌋ ues. From now on, a precision of 14 bits has been consid-
means round X to the nearest integers towards zero. ered in the input signal x[i] (1 bit for the integer value

y[i] In1 Out1
Out1 Compressor DDC
In2 Ou2 In1

Ethernet PHY fs = 10 MHz

ARB GEN filter
PC AFG 3252B f0 = 62.50 MHz
B = 5 MHZ
Fig. 2. Experimental setup

Amplitude (dB) -30dB

-20 190 200 210
Matched (actual)
Mismatched (actual)
-40 -51dB

0 100 200 300 400
t (ms)
Fig. 3. Actual filters responses for discrete linear chirp TB=1000 (log scale)

and 13 for the fractional part). It gives the dynamic range NuHorizons. This platform contains many peripherals.
of 226 or 78 dB. For the FPGA families that include DSP We used 14-bit width AD converter that operates on
slice this implementation structure takes advantage of the maximal 125 MHz (LTC2285) and 10/100 Ethernet PHY
capabilities of the Xilinx DSP slice, however this also KSZ804. The results are presented by sending UDP pack-
places a restriction on the output width limiting it to ets to PC via 100BaseT Ethernet. The packets contain
48 bits. We designed the compressor for 14-bit width of 16-bit samples of matched filter output and mismatched
the input signal, the filter coefficients are 16-bit and max- filter output. Two RAM blocks in form of FIFO (as a
imal filter length is 10-bit (1024). The maximal width of part of Ethernet controller) are used to collect the values
the output signal y[i] is 14 + 16 + 10 = 40 bit, so 48- of this three types of signals. When FIFOs are full, the
bit accumulator is sufficient in order to avoid any kind of Ethernet controller starts sending packets. A host appli-
overflow or truncation in the consecutive arithmetic oper- cation on the PC side receives packet, convert signal in
ations. At the end, after the CORDIC, the output signal logscale, and shows the results.
is truncated to 16-bit width, so the quantification error In the test scenario we tested compressor performance
is less than 2−15 or 0.004 %. when long waveforms with large T B products were ap-
plied. We used the radar data with the following param-
eters: signal is linear FM (chirp), signal bandwidth is
4 EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS B = 5 MHz, and the pulse duration is T = 200 µs, so
T B product is 1000. Carrier frequency is 62.5 MHz, so
The framework of the hardware implementation is condition (7) is satisfied. Input signal is Doppler shifted
shown in Fig. 2. An arbitrary waveform generator (Tek- at 1 kHz in order to verify hardware design in realistic
tronix AFG 3252B) is used to form the band-pass dis- scenario. The implementation of the compressor for this
crete chirp signal. After band-pass filtering, signal is sam- type of signals occupies all 84 XtremeDSP slices in the
pled by an AD converter. The compressor is implemented Spartan 3A-DSP FPGA. It satisfies relation (13). The
and verified on a Spartan 3A-DSP evaluation board by other elements are not critical.
Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 64, NO. 3, 2013 195

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arbitrary discrete coded spread spectrum waveforms and Received 23 March 2012
the other types of mismatched filters. From the experi-
mental results it is known that this approach appears to Zoran Golubičić received his BE and ME degrees in elec-
work well for matched and mismatched pulse compression trical engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
and it outstands when time-bandwidth product (TB) is University of Belgrade, Serbia, in 1983, and 2010 respectively.
of order 1000 at bandwidth of 5 MHz. He is the technical consultant in Peripolis-Electronic Belgrade.
He is the author of few tens publications dedicated to analogue
Acknowledgments and digital signal processing in field of radio communications
and radar. His experience is dedicated to radio communica-
This work was partly supported by the Ministry of tion system problematic and particular component design. His
Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia under main interests are phase array signal processing and radio nav-
the project TR-32041, year 2011. igation and location systems.
Slobodan Simić received his BE degree in electrical engi-
neering from the Military Technical Academy, Belgrade, Ser-
References bia, in 2000, the ME degree in electrical engineering from Uni-
versity of Belgrade in 2006. He is a Teaching Assistant at De-
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