Swot Analysis Lesson Plan

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The Introduction

The”SWOT Analysis” (= strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) is the exercise of the module which the participants are supposed
to have identified THEIR advantages and disadvantages. Based on these concrete strategies, they will have to undertake their market studies. It
is quite a simple but very powerful tool which enables the participants to do a proper comparison of them and surrounding, remaining after the
micro screening process sometimes, there is only one good strategy left after been cross-checked with the help of the SWOT Analysis. The
SWOT framework takes the shape of a traditional window with four parts (quadrants). The upper two of the four quadrants representing
strengths and weaknesses refer to self-inspection tools The lower quadrants standing for opportunities and threats build on the ”environment” as
well as the participants’ perception and judgement of the factors influencing their identified strategy.

Basic information
Objectives of learning
Basic objectives to be achieved by participants The participants
- analyse those advantages and disadvantages found viable utilising the SWOT para-
- decide definitely on their respective advantages and disadvantages to be planned and
Additional objectives of a higher level depending The participants
on the situation and the current conditions of the - are able to apply this form of analysis for any task expansion or diversification at a
target group later stage of their enterprising life
Time for training 1 ½ hrs
Preparation of rooms - participants organised in those four groups
Trainers/assistants 1 trainer, 2 assistant
instructive aids to prepare - Four swot-analysis tables on mahjong paper
- The respective text prepared on metaplan cards (different colours) for a better visual-
Materials for the trainers (during the exercise) - ”components of the swot analysis”
Materials for the participants (during the exer- - ”individual swot analysis”

Learning Process Overview

Step Time Most important contents

Introduction 5’ Comprehension of the SWOT analysis’ framework

Individual SWOT Ana- 25’ Application of the SWOT analysis framework for their
lysis advantages and disadvantages

Individual presentation 30’ Critiquing and refining of the group SWOT analyses

Conclusion 15’ Wrap-up of previous steps and outlook on the follow-

ing ones
Integrated Learning Process Organisation (ILPO)

Step Time Most Important Contents Activities of Range of Pos- Required Hints
Trainer sible Activities Materials
of Participants

Introduction 5’ Comprehension of the framework of explaining; listening; ”frame- Organise the participants in the four
the SWOT analysis answering asking ques- work of groups
tions swot ana- Develop the framework on the soft
lysis” (ap- board starting from the strengths and
pendix 1) weaknesses, followed by threat and
with text opportunity.
on meta-
plan cards
Individual 25’ Application of the SWOT analysis distributing ap- writing; appendix 2 Specify that the groups will have to
SWOT ana- framework for the advantages and pendix 2 and 3; discussing and 3 deal with their joint strengths and
lysis disadvantages supervising; weaknesses.
providing indi-
vidual assistance Spend sufficient time with each
group in order to guide them prop-
The “weaknesses” and”threats” quad-
rants are usually less taken care of;
aware the participants in this respect.
Guide the participants
You might require more time than 30
minutes for all participants
Step Time Most Important Contents Activities of Range of Pos- Required Hints
Trainer sible Activities Materials
of Participants

Group 30’ Critiquing and refining of the group leading discus- presenting; 4 group Pay attention that the cards are
presentation SWOT analyses sion; listening; swot ana- placed in the correct quadrants.
provoking; discussing lyses Most important phase to grasp the
asking pertinent idea of the SWOT analysis.
Conclusion 15’ Wrap-up of previous steps and out- explaining listening flip chart Ask for their emotions after the
and look on the following ones SWOT analysis has been done.
Make them aware that there could
still be changes if the market surveys
evidence negative results.

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