Honr 475 Why Honors

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Like most other students will say, I initially joined Honors because it was what I did in

high school and I fit the criteria, but as I have learned from my time in the program, there is more

to life than checking a few boxes.

Personally, being in Honors has made a difference on my time in Mankato because I have

had the chance to meet many different people through being on the executive board for HSB,

being a teaching assistant for the 201 class, and language partners. Many of these people are not

taking the same classes as me, so if it had not been for Honors, I would have never met them.

Being in Honors has also helped to get me out of my comfort zone and to try new things. I am

naturally a pretty introverted person and can find it hard to put myself in situations where I am

uncomfortable. I think Honors has helped me get more used to that feeling because it has taught

me that often times, being uncomfortable allows you to learn new things about others and

yourself. The Honors program has also given me a sense of community on campus not only

during what we deem to be “normal” school years but also the unprecedented ones. When

COVID was still a new thing to us, that first semester back on campus was way different than

what we were used to. Had it not been for my split decision to apply to be a part of HSB that

previous year I do not think I would have felt as connected to campus as I did. For that reason, I

would say that Honors made that school year a little easier for me, by giving me new people to

connect with and something else to focus my energy on.

Professionally, Honors has given me the tools I need to better explain myself in

interviews and applications to graduate school. Through writing reflections, I have learned how

to critically look at the experiences I have been a part of and articulate what I learned and why

that is important. I have learned how to be a better leader and have gained leadership skills that I

can take with me into my career. Being in Honors has also helped me become a more confident
person, which will help when being put in new situations. I think being in the Honors program

has helped prepare me greatly for a life outside of MNSU.

My four years at Minnesota State University, Mankato have been greatly impacted by my

participation in the Honors program. Without it I do not think I would have been as involved on

campus, met as many amazing people, or been able to push the bounds of my comfort zone and

because of it I have important skills I can take with me into the future. For these reasons I am

glad that I not only decided to join the program, but also that I stuck with it till the end.

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