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Schools Division of Masbate Province

Mobo North District

Lucas C. Ramirez Elementary School
Mandali, Mobo, Masbate

Lesson Plan in ENGLISH 5


Name of Teacher: Rena Marie C. Columna Time: 10:40 – 11:30 am

Grade & Section: Five – Yellow Bell Quarter 3rd Quarter

I. Objectives:

Distinguish Cause – Effect Relationship.

A. Content Standard:

Demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various texts

B. Performance Standard:

Uses linguistic cues to appropriately construct meaning from a variety of texts for a variety of

C. Learning Competencies:

Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language)-cause and effect


II. Content: Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language)-cause and effect.

III. Learning Resources

A. References:

1. Curriculum Guide

2. Teaching Guide K to 12 Curriculum p. 122-123

Learners’ Material p. 111-112

3.Materials: pictures, sentence strip.

4. Integration: SCIENCE


Skill Development:
Compound Words

A. Reviewing previous You have learned from your lesson last week about Cause and Effect:
lesson or presenting the new
lesson  A cause brings about an event but it can also be a thing or a
person. The cause answers the question why or what caused it or
what the reason was.
 Effect is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.

B. Establishing the purpose Today, you will have again a lesson on distinguishing text-types
to the lesson according to features (cause and effect).

D. Discussing new concepts Let the pupils read-aloud, “Turtle Tale”.

and practicing new skill # 1
(Attachment A) observing fluency by applying self-correction when

Find out after reading the story, how did Paeng guide the newly hatched
sea turtles to the sea?

Comprehension Checkup:

a. Who are the characters in the story?

b. Where did Paeng and Delia love to play?

c. What does their mother want them to do at sundown?

d. What did Delia see in the sands one day?

e. Were they able to find out whose tracks they saw on the sand? Why?

f. What did they see one night that surprised them?

g. How did Paeng guide the newly hatched sea turtles to the sea?

(Share with the pupils hand-outs on Marine Turtle Handling, Tagging, and
Release (Attachment B). Let them know the information therein through
E. Discussing new concepts Differentiated Activities:
and practicing new skills #2
Fast Group-Complete the sentence by giving possible cause or effect.

1. When people do not use overpass______

2. If people do not follow traffic rules______

3. _________so, everybody looks happy.

4. _________because I’m alone.

5. I felt tired_______

Average Group –Tell if the following is a cause or an effect.

1. so we switched on the light

2. She is very beautiful

3. William split the apple into two with an arrow

4. Because it is very warm

5. I did not do my homework

Slow Group - Underline once the cause and twice the effect.

1. The people are celebrating because there was a fine harvest.

2. The man committed a crime therefore he was punished.

3. There was a sudden crashing sound so everyone ran.

4. Since summer is just around the corner, the plants are starting to

5. There is a solar eclipse when the moon casts a shadow on the earth.

F. Developing mastery Here are some sentences taken from our story. Let’s read them and
(Leads to Formative tell which part of each sentence is the cause and which part is the
Assessment 3) effect.
1. They loved to play in the beach so much that they would often forget
the time.
2. The mother turtle must have covered them with sand to keep the eggs
3. But house lights shine much brighter than the moon and the stars so, the
turtles followed the house lights.
4. If they do not reach the sea as soon as they hatch, they could die from
loss of water from their body.

G. Finding practical How will it help us if we know the cause and effect of the actions we take
application of concepts and in our lives?
skills in daily living

H. Making generalizations What is the meaning of cause and effect?

of concepts and skills in
daily living

I. Evaluating learning Distinguish whether the situations shown in the following pictures
show cause or effect.

Situation: dry land Situation: scarcity of rice production

Situation: playing under the Situation: got sick


Situation: just playing video games

V. Assignment Write C if it states a cause and E if it states an effect.

_____ 1. There was a fire.

_____ 2. So, all the people are busy.

_____ 3 .Because of the heavy rain.

_____ 4. Mother reminded me to bring

my raincoat.

_____ 5. Since the child is very active.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher


Principal I

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