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Why create a customer profile?

Having a customer profile will help you

communicate effectively with your target

It allows you to tailor your marketing and

messages directly to them.

(Depending on your type of business you could

have one customer profile or several)
Why create a customer profile?
Figuring out your WHO your customer is will
impact every part of your business :
• Content Marketing
• Paid Traffic
• Product Creation
• Copywriting
• Email Marketing
Knowing who your customer is will help you
Content Marketing : What blog posts, podcasts, newsletters should
you create?

Paid Traffic : what platforms should you buy traffic from?

Product Creation : How does your product solve a problem for your

Copywriting : How should you describe your products in a way that

will get the customer to buy your product?

Email Marketing : Which customer profile should receive WHICH

email campaign?
How do we narrow in on who your
customer is ?
We can figure this out by learning more about their :

Demographics (who they are )

Psychographics (how they think )

Behaviors (what they do )

as well as by creating an Empathy Map

● Age
● Location
● Occupation
● Married or Single
● Pets
● Children
● Level of Education
Spending Habits
What do they read?
● books/magazines
● Journals
● Blogs
Where do they spend their time online?
● FB
● Twitter
● Pinterest
● Instagram
● Google Hangouts
Common Behavior:

● Website visits
● Purchasing methods
● Habits and skills
● Shopping Preferences
● Impulsiveness
Empathy Mapping
Empathy mapping is a tool used to better
understand your customer.

4 categories
• What do they think and feel?
– What is important to them?What are their hopes
and dreams?
• What do they say and do?
What are they saying to others? What is
their attitude?
Empathy Mapping
• What do they hear?
– Who influences them and how?

• What do they see?

What is their environment? How does it
Empathy Mapping
Lastly, Add in their Pains and Gains.

What are their roadblocks in life?

How do they measure success?

Action Plan
Now that you know the demographics ,
psychographics , Customer Behavior and have
created your empathy map..

You know exactly HOW and WHERE to advertise

your products to your customer.

There is no more guesswork involved.

Action Plan
What is the best way to reach this customer?
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Direct Messaging

What types of promotions are going to

engage this customer?

Discounts, giveaways, add-ons, new products,

events? Also consider which types of images,
messages, Facebook posts, etc. will catch their
Action Plan
Start by building one Customer Profile.

Once you do this, you can create other Profiles for

the different segments of your market.

Each one will be just a bit different but will allow

you to reach each part of your target audience.
Focus on creating the customer profile for the
product that brings in the most sales first, and then
move on to creating additional profiles
Let’s Get Started!

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