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lessons in blood

1. richard blake (Almanza)
2. mrs hawthorn (Pineda)
3. mr. harris (Lopez M)
4. the two men that go out at night (lópez y castellanos)
5. miss thompson (Torres)
6. the kids of the class (All)
7. the two boys that are talking by a paper (Juandi y ferro)
8. mr. clay (Castellanos)
9. the nightmares (All)
10. special effects in red (quintero)



( mrs hawthorn is in her desk talking with mr blake)

Mrs hawthorn- was it difficult to find the school?

mr blake- actually it was, the school is not in the maps, and it was very very hard to find it.

Mrs hawthorn- i prefer it that way, some of our students come from very prestigious
This is your first teaching job, right?

mr blake- it is, I just got my teaching degree, and I am very happy because you contacted
me for this job.

Mrs hawthorn- we prefer new teachers, they are less complicated.

Some important thing is that you remember our rules: as I mentioned in my letter, we got
very few students, only seven classes, in fact. Some of our students come from important
families however they are troubled. We find that we must be very strict with them to really
help them. We ask our teachers not to become involved on a personal level with the
students. ( screaming) Do you understand Mr. blake?.

Mr blake- (scared) yeah, yeah, I think so.

Mrs hawthorn- excellent, I hope so. you will be teaching in seven grade, they can
sometimes start to behave badly. However, if you follow our rules, there won't be any
you must be very tired. I asked Mr. Harry's our caretaker, to show you your room. See you
tomorrow at nine to introduce the other teachers.

Mr Blake- Okay, thank you very much, see you tomorrow.


( Mr Harris takes Richard Blake to his room.)

Mr harris- you got everything you need here, there is only one rule, u can´t walk in the
corridors at night, if you want something ring the bell.

Mr blake- but why can't we do that?

Mr harris- good night.

Mr Blake- ( tired he lays down in the bed to take a rest, he slept and then woke up,
everything was dark, he saw his watch and the hour said 1am.)
( suddenly he heard a terrifying sound)
(a scream is heard)
( Mr. blake felt confuse, he started to think a lot of things)
( He hears other scream later, and he Is so worried, so he goes out to see what was

all the scenario is dark

Mr Blake- (is walking in the corridors)

Mr Harrys- (is with other men moving a bed with a person on)

Mr Blake- (he hide)

Mrs hawthorn- u know where to take him

Mr Blake- (run to his room)


Mrs hawthorn- did you sleep well mr blake?

Mr Blake- good morning, im late sorry

Mrs Hawthorn- yes, is too late for breakfast , the classes start in 10 minutes.

Mr Blake- i didn't sleep well at all, in fact i woke up in the middle of the night and heard

Mrs Hawthorn- ooou, yes a terrible thing, one of our students was sick in the night, right mr

Mr Clay- yes, poor boy, he's often ill, but last night was the worst. My room is very close to
the boys rooms so when I heard a scream I called Mr Harris and we took him with the nurse.
but do not worry about him, he is taking medicine, he is just missing some school days.

the bell rings

Mrs Howthorn- i'll show you the seven grade classroom

curtains close

Mrs Hawthorn- remember our rules, today you are going to have only 15 childrens.

Mr Blake- good morning, class my name is mr blake. ( speaking to the audience)

Good morning, mr blake. teaching geography and history. sound of a clock, bell rings.
time to lunch.


(in class)
( two boys, felipe and juandi past a paper among them)

Mr Blake- give me that, i can't allow you to pass notes in the classroom. (open the paper)
what does this mean. answer me this is very important boys, if you are in danger or
something you can tell me. bell rings (boys stand up and leave).

Mr Clay- is watching super focus at blake.

Mr Blake- is everything okey Mr clay?

Mr Clay- ofcourse, is just you shouldn't ask too many questions to the boys.


Mr Blake- try to sleep but he can’t, scream , he opens the door and leaves.
He walked in the corridors and saw a door, the door had a window and he saw 16 beds, he
saw the boys terrified and with tears in their eyes. He opened the door.
it's okay i want to help you, what is happening? one boy pointing a bed, blake saw and there
was blood, heard voices from the corridor, appears mrs hawthorn and mr harris.

Mrs Hawthorn- what do you think you are doing Mr Blake.

Mr Blake- i don’t know what is happening in this school, but i don’t let you hurt any more

Mrs Hawthorn- we don’t heart children

Mr Harris- we take care of them

Mr Blake- lies i saw you taking the poor boy last night, with blood on his neck

Mr Harris-

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