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I study every day and I can’t do exercises, but sometimes I run in the mornings with my puppy.

weekends are different, I wake up very early and I do exercises at 06:00 am also I go jogging through the
streets although I am going to increase intensity little by little to gain more resistance.

Then I return and take a shower to be very well cleaned, sometimes I fast certain days of the week, or
sometimes I prepare a high- protein breakfast, like a lot fruits and vegetables, sometimes I prepare a
delicious salad with some tomatoes, lettuce and carrots, then I drink water every day, but every day I
eat some fruit. Sometimes I go to play soccer with my classmates from the university and my friends
from school, this sport is good, it helps us burn calories and maintain a healthy life.

sometimes watching YouTube tutorials, I practice a little yoga, it helps me relax, why when you practice
yoga, your mind will be relaxed and your thoughts clearer. This week I was very stressed because of the
midterms, I just want the weekend to come so I can exercise and relax. Nowadays being in good and
stay healthy is very complicated because we can’t go to the gym by studies and work, but a good diet
also helps us to be in good physical condition.

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