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Hello Nataly, we will see each other again after years, I remember the last time I saw you

was at
university graduation. How have you been all these years? Ohhh what a sweet girl your daughter is?
Surely you already married Juan with the boy who was your crush in college? How old is your daughter?
Many years really passed. When we left university, I went to Arequipa and worked for four years in a
mining company. Later I went to another mine that is in Morococha and there I met María who is now
my wife, we have a five-year-old son and he is very intelligent.

hello friend kenyi, if we meet again after many years. if that time was something unforgettable, Well, in
all these years I have been very well, friend Kenyi. Yes, she is my sweet daughter, she is eight years old,
she is really very skilled and wonderfully intelligent, I feel very happy and lucky to have my daughter. My
daughter's father is called Erick, I met him in Ayacucho, after graduating I went to work in Ayacucho. I
met Erick at the Ayacucho carnival, a beautiful party that takes place there. The truth is that after
graduation I didn't know anything more about Juan. I'm glad you already have a family, friend Kenyi.
Goodbye take care friend kenyi.

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