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Qualities of effective teachers

Chapter 1 Prerequisites for Effective Teaching

1) Verbal Ability
Teachers with better verbal ability can carry out students’ achievement.
2) Educational Course book and Effective teaching
Teacher’ formal pedagogical preparations show a positive effect on
students’ achievement.
3) Teacher Certification status
Teachers with certification can impact student’s outcome effectively.
4) Content Knowledge
Subject matter knowledge directly affects teaching performance.
5) Teaching Experience
Teacher who has more than three years teaching experience can handle the
classroom and her subject matter than who are novice teacher.
6) Teachers of At-risk students
Effective teacher of at-risk students knows their subject and can be able to
communicate subject matter to students.
7) Teachers of High-Ability students
Effective teachers of high -ability students have in depth- subject matter
knowledge and in depth- knowledge of gifted education.

Chapter 2 The Teacher as a Person

1) The role of caring
Effective teachers care about their students by listening. It shows
teachers’ love, gentle, kindness, encouragement. Not only
understanding their feeling but knowing students’ personality, like and
dislike, it shows mutual respect.
2) Interaction with students
Teachers and students spend their time in the classroom most,
therefore there must have good relationship between them.
3) Enthusiasm and Motivation
Sometimes teachers need to play as a motivation leader for students. It
believes that high level of motivation in teacher relates to high level of
achievement in students.
4) Attitude Toward Teaching
Effective teacher knows extra hour of preparation lesson can enhance
students’ achievement.
5) Reflective Practice
Teachers need to reflect their lesson plan before teaching to students
formally and informally.
6) Teacher of at–Risk Students
Positive relationship among teacher and at-risk students lead to better
class management.
7) Teachers of High- Ability Students
Students value teachers who have big confidence, friendly and a good
sense of humor rather than have cognitive and classroom management
Chapter 3 Classroom Management and Organization
1) Classroom Management
Key element of organization
Disciplining students
Teachers of at-risk students
Teachers of High ability students
Successful classroom management includes rules and disciplines. In
addition to, teachers have to be active, enthusiastic, motivated well.
2) Key Element of Organization
It assumes that organization skill plays in the important role. Effective
teacher can manage the routine task efficiently. Preparation material ahead
can save time consuming.
3) Discipline Students
It mentions that discipline action is rare in environment teachers and
students respect and trust each other.
4) Teachers of at-risk students
It is shown that for at -risk students teachers need to create a positive
learning environment. Teachers’ manner is a quiet whisper, a nod of the
head, a hand on the desk.
5) Teachers of High ability students
Effective teachers of the gifted students can be able to handle behavior
issue so that it can be better emotional and social needs of high-ability
Chapter 4 Planning and Organizing for Instruction
1) Importance of Instruction
“Teaching is a complex activity that involves careful preparation and
planning objectives and activities on aa hourly, daily and weekly basis”.
It believes that instruction play an important role in teacher life. It can
enhance students’ belief for teacher’s confidence.
2) Time Allocation
Managing time also reveals teachers’ behavior. Teachers must know to handle
the time allowance in the classroom such as in teaching time, exam time and so
on. Effective teachers never do same procedure in the class, they can create to
get students attention. Moreover, they always prepare the lesson plans, activities
in ahead.
3) Teacher Expectation
It is no doubt that every teacher expects to their students more than the other.
4) Planning for Instruction
It shows that target lesson and aim must be clear. Teachers need to take into
account students attention span and learning styles.
5)Teachers of At-risk students
For these students, teachers must consider students interest, need, do
students-led activities and students centered approach.
6) Teacher of High-ability Student
For these students teachers have more expectation. To check students’
knowledge, teacher makes pre-assessment. After that teacher makes
lesson plan according to students’ level.
Chapter 5 Implementing Instructions
It is clear that giving clear instruction is one of the effective teacher skills.
Communication is basic need for students. As a range of students, there are
culturally diverse students, gifted students, students with special needs. Teachers
need to know scaffolding approach which can be independent students. It is no
doubt that effective teacher must know sufficient knowledge of subject matter
and of teaching and to appreciate with different students. For teachers side need
to shoot question to students that need to answer – it is right or wrong, it is ok.
Moreover, teachers have to encourage students to participate in activities and
lesson time by calling their names randomly. “Effective teacher of at risk-student
use a wide variety of instructional strategies to meet the rang in the classroom.
“Teacher of high-risk students must be mastered of multitasking during the class
Chapter 6 Monitoring Student progress and Potential
1) Homework
Homework is an important part of effective teaching when it is used as an
extension task. The basic purposes of homework are practice, preparation and
elaboration. To do homework parents need to support to students by asking Have
you done your homework?
2) Providing meaningful feedback
Effective teachers need to give explanations what students are doing correctly or
3) Using assessment information to meet student needs
Assessment is central element of the teaching process. Teachers have to use
assessments. There are formal assessment, informal assessment, formative
assessment and summative assessment.
4) Teacher of at-risk students
For these students teachers provide verbal and written feedback through
comments, homework, quizzes. Teachers plan homework and class work based
on individual abilities.
5) Teacher of high- ability of students
For these students, teachers are as a diagnostician. Therefore, teachers need to
fulfill what they need and interest.
Chapter 7 Effective Teaching: What does it all mean?
In effective teaching, there are C4: caring deeply, recognizing complexity,
communicating clearly, serving conscientiously.
1) Caring deeply
It is about phone call home and tell students they do not deal with other students
this week. Saying motivational word to students.
2) Recognizing complexity
Teaching is an extraordinarily complex undertaking. Effective teachers notice
every child is unique.
3) Communicating clearly
Communication is a key of success of every field that needs interaction between
people and communities. Therefore, as a teacher need to give clear instructions
to students.
4) Serving conscientiously
Teachers’ willingness has to dedicate time and energy to profession. Working
hard is important but it is better working both hard and smart.
Section 1 Teacher skills assessment checklists
To summary this section1, all teachers need to fulfill skill assessments such as
caring, shows fairness and respect, interaction with students, enthusiasm,
motivation, dedication to teaching, reflective practice, classroom management,
origination and discipline of students and so on.
Section 2 Teacher Responsibilities and Behavior
Being a teacher must be a role model of students. Under the responsibilities and
behaviors, teachers should not think teaching is just a job. Being late is not good
for teachers all the time. Teachers have to wear uniform neat and tidy. During the
working time, should not play game. Avoid abusive word Infront of students.
Teachers have to give clear instructions. Teachers must consider students
feelings. Students are human not the robots therefore, they need to take a time.
Teachers need to listen attentively when students are asking something or
regrading lessons. Teachers have to draw lesson plan with fun and
communication to be active students.

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