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Theme: Different culture different me how your international experience affected your perspective of

the world.

Growing up in my country always have been the idea. I want to go college and lived in place

where I am born. This has change when I was in high school, I had feeling want to go to another

country. I want to go places where there are different culture and different surrounding that it totally

opposite of my country, Kuwait.

I had went to America and have been living there almost a year. It was completely challenging for

me. I had went to America before but as a visitor which is different feeling as living there. In my country

it was like desert and hot but when I came here , I was astonished with trees and land. I once went with

my family to small mountain for hiking which I never done before , was very hard. I once reach the top

of cliff, I was surprised and shock. We never have this in Kuwait. The people who living here walk like

they been doing this forever and it was easy for them. Another thing is self-checkout, in Kuwait I used to

other people doing it for me, we don’t have self-checkout. It was nice and easy to use. The first time, I

used it I never felt responsible before. Same thing with gas station, in Kuwait we have immigrant service

worker doing the work and put gas in car but in America I am doing it. Totally different experience than

in my country.

Sometimes I had trouble with living in new country is that it takes while to adapt to new culture.

When I wanted to talk to American people sometimes it hard for me to understand them especially their

facials. I didn’t know they were angry or not. One time I was in front of cashier , I had trouble

understanding what the cashier want because I thought I did something wrong. Also going to the DMV

was worst thing I ever done. The people who working there were so rude and angry. At first I thought all

Americans were like that but it just challenge for me.

During living in America was amazing experience that affect my perspective of the world. I know

all countries are different form another but never know that it hard to adapt living there. This experience

has made me more of independent and actual adult. I tried and faced the challenges. I learned to take

care of Myself. I go for grocery shop, laundry, cooking and cleaning. Also, interaction with people like

teachers, student, workers, cashier in my second language. It takes time for me to live alone with new

surroundings, but I know that I can do it. It definitely made me a better person and better independent.

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