Evaluation of Equine Infectious Anemia Virus by The Indirect Enzymelinked Immunosorbent Assay EIA-LAB As Screening Tools in Mexico

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Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 98 (2021) 103372

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Original Research

Evaluation of Equine Infectious Anemia Virus by the Indirect Enzyme-

linked Immunosorbent Assay EIA-LAB as Screening Tools in Mexico
Maria Carla Rodríguez Domínguez a, Roberto Montes-de-Oca-Jime nez b, *,
zquez Chagoyan b, Alberto Barbabosa Pliego b,
Juan Carlos Va
lez a,
Jorge Antonio Varela Guerrero b, Laura Ileana Coroas Gonza
Salvador Lagunas Bernabe b, c

Viral and Bacterial Vaccines Producer Enterprise, LABIOFAM, Havana, Cuba
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, Autonomy University of the State of Mexico, Toluca, Mexico
Research and Advanced Studies in Animal Health Center, Animal Health Diagnosis Department, Serology Laboratory, Toluca, Mexico

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Equine infectious anemia is a worldwide distributed disease that affects the Equide family. Commercial
Received 9 December 2020 effective vaccine is not available, for that reason control of the disease depends on diagnostic tools. To
Received in revised form improve the efficiency of the diagnostic program in Cuba, LABIOFAM Group, developed an indirect
27 December 2020
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), ELISA kit, to complement the diagnostic system that
Accepted 29 December 2020
currently uses the agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) kit. The ELISA AIE-LAB Kit was evaluated in a
Available online 06 January 2021
Mexican context, compared with the gold standard test Agar gel immunodiffusion, AGID AIE-LABIOFAM,
and commercial AGID kit. The analytical sensitivity was determined using serial dilutions twofold of the
positive control serum to establish the range of detected antibodies in relation to the cutoff value of the
EIAV plate (OD 0.300). A precision study was carried out to evaluate repeatability, intermediate precision, and
ELISA reproducibility by estimating the standard deviation and coefficient of variation. The precision results
AGID were satisfactory and the values of the coefficient of variation were considered adequate to guarantee an
Diagnostic excellent consistency of the ELISA AIE-LAB. The diagnostic performance of the ELISA AIE-LAB involved
the evaluation of specificity, sensitivity, and concordance in comparison with both AGID tests. The
diagnostic sensitivity was 100% and the specificity 97.6%, with a very good degree of concordance
(Kappa ¼ 0.9). The results suggest that the ELISA AIE-LAB test could be used in Mexico as a diagnostic
system for the detection of specific antibodies against the equine infectious anemia virus, as per current
international norms.
© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction significant economic importance for horse industry. Currently,

there is no vaccine or treatment for EIA, and the control of the
Equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) is a member of Retro- disease depends on diagnostic tools’ efficacy [1].
viridae family, genus Lentivirus, recognized as a pathogen with Agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) also known as Coggins test [2]
is an effective tool for detection of specific EIAV antibodies based on
the immunoreaction of antigen and samples’ antibodies. As per the
World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), AGID is considered as
Animal welfare/ethical statement: The research was performed in accordance with the confirmatory standard test for the diagnosis of the disease [3].
the ethical standard laid down in the 1996 declaration of Helsinki and its later Results’ interpretation is conducted by visual reading of a precipi-
tation line that can be highly subjective generating many samples
Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare that they have no conflict of
interest. misinterpreted by inexperienced laboratory personnel [4].
* Corresponding author at: Roberto Montes-de-Oca-Jime nez, Faculty of Veteri- During the last few years, the detection of EIA antibodies by
nary Medicine and Zootechnics, Autonomy University of the State of Mexico, Toluca, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been applied in
Mexico. some countries using different designs and antigens [5e7].
E-mail address: romojimenez@yahoo.com (R. Montes-de-Oca-Jime nez).

0737-0806/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
zquez Chagoyan et al.
M.C. Rodríguez Domínguez, R. Montes-de-Oca-Jimenez, J.C. Va Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 98 (2021) 103372

Validation assays have pointed excellent agreement between these central well and positive control sera interleaved with diagnostic
ELISAs and the gold standard test [6,7]. In addition, scientific re- target serum samples (24 mL) were placed in peripheral wells. The
ports have indicated that ELISAs are more sensitive technique than AGID test results were interpreted either as positive by visual
AGID, with a higher sample processing capacity [8e10]. reading of precipitation line curvature or negative by the absence of
Most AGID and ELISA diagnostic kits allow the detection of p26 the line, after 48 hourse72 hours of incubation at room tempera-
antibodies, but in recent years, other EIAV proteins have been used ture (20 Ce25 C). The AGID tests were considered valid only if the
as antigens for enhancing the sensitive of tests. Glycoprotein gp45 negative and positive controls included on each test plate yielded
is an immunogenic viral envelope protein that mediates virus-host the expected results. Samples were retested when interpretation of
membrane fusion and has been used as antigen in different ELISA the results was doubtful.
tests [11e13].
Routine diagnosis process established by Cuban sero- 2.3. Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
surveillance program for EIA use the antigen-antibody AGID-AIE
Kit produced by LABIOFAM. Recently, this laboratory also has ELISA test was carried out following the manufacturer in-
developed an indirect ELISA AIE-LAB test using gp45 synthetic structions and OIE manual recommendations [3]. Serum samples
peptide which has the advantage of allowing efficient and accurate (5 mL) and buffer dilution (95 mL) were added in microtitration
processing of a lot of serum samples’ number within a relatively plates provided by the manufacturer and incubated at 37 C for
short period and of providing an objective interpretation by the use 1 hour. Then six steps of washed with buffer (PBS-Tween 20) were
of a spectrophotometer. Previews validation studies using equine carried out and anti-equine IgG-conjugated peroxidase (100 mL/
serum from different regions of Cuba have indicated a good well) was added. An incubation step was performed at 37 C for
agreement between these ELISA and AGID-AIE LABIOFAM diag- 1 hour and later plates were washed four times. Orthophenylene-
nostic kit. However, ELISA AIE-LAB has not been validated in other diamine tablet (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) in phosphate-citrate sub-
conditions outside Cuba. One of the evidences about value and strate buffer (100 mL) was added per well and incubated at 37 C for
efficacy of a diagnostic test is that capacity of giving successful 15 minutes. Finally, reactions were stopped with 100 mL of 2M
results in other laboratories under different conditions and coun- H2SO4, and absorbance was read at 492 nm in a microplate Spec-
tries [14]. traMax M5 reader (Molecular Devices, USA).
Mexico has a worldwide consolidated equine industry, with a
population that was estimated on 6 385 102 animals, in accordance 2.4. Data Analysis
with data provided by FAOSTAT for 2018 [15]. Equine are valuable
for agriculture, sport, and meat production [16,17] and for all these Some general aspects were analyzing such as content avail-
activities is important count with a certainly diagnostic system that ability of the liquid components, manual of instruction, and
establish that animals are free of EIAV. Information of the virus in organoleptic properties by visual examination. The analytical
Mexico is limited [18]. The commercially available cELISA (IDEXX) sensitivity was evaluated using twofold serial dilutions of the
designed to detect antibodies to p26 that has been approved for EIA positive control serum from 1/5 to 1/1280, to determine the
diagnosis in several countries. Recently a study of serological maximum dilution where antibodies were detected considering the
diagnosis using a commercial cELISA (IDEXX, USA) indicated the cutoff value of the plate, optical density (OD) 0.300.
presence of EIAV in 37.7% of a 56 population of work equines at the A precision study was performed to estimate the repeatability,
municipality of Veracruz, Mexico [19]. intermediate precision, and reproducibility. The repeatability was
For all that reason, the aim of this study was to evaluate the determined using 12 replicates of positive and negative serum
performance of ELISA AIE-LAB in a Mexican context, using AGID- control from the ELISA and a positive field serum. For the inter-
AIE Kit (LABIOFAM, Cuba) and DyaSystems EIA-AGID test kit mediate precision estimation, the design was the same as the
(IDEXX, USA) as quality control diagnostic kits. For the first time, we repeatability assay but evaluated in three different days. The
presented ELISA AIE-LAB results, a designed and produced kit by reproducibility was assessed in two laboratories with different
Cuba industry, used for the diagnostic of EIAV with Mexican equipment and personnel. The standard deviation and the intra-
samples. assay and interassay variation coefficients (CV) were also calcu-
lated [20]. The diagnostic performance of ELISA AIE-LAB included
2. Material and Methods the evaluation of specificity, sensitivity, and concordance against
both AGID tests [21,22]. In addition, robustness of ELISA was
2.1. Serum Samples demonstrated by the evaluation of absorbance value using conju-
gate reagent after 24 hours at room temperature.
A panel of 96 individual horse serum samples (86 negative and
10 positive) collected from State of Mexico, donned by the Research 3. Results
and Advanced Studies in Animal Health Center (CIESA) and Na-
tional Center of Animal Health Diagnostic Services (CENASA) was ELISA AIE-LAB kit contains 10 components that were supplied in
used in the study for the evaluation of ELISA AIE-LAB. enough quantity for the evaluation of 192 samples. Liquid compo-
nents showed good transparency without sediments in none of the
2.2. Agar Gel Immunodiffusion, AGID Test flasks. In addition, the color of these components did not change in
the flasks or in the microplate during the assays. The evaluation of
AGID-AIE Kit (LABIOFAM, Cuba) and DyaSystems EIA-AGID test ELISA AIE-LAB robustness challenging the anti-IgG equine peroxi-
kit (IDEXX, USA) were used following the manufacturer’s recom- dase conjugate at room temperature for 24 hours did not affect its
mendations and also OIE manual indications for EIA diagnosis [3]. functionality. Furthermore, changes of the physical appearance of
AGID tests were performed, in a 15  90 mm diameter petri dish the sera samples (lipemic and hemolytic sera) did not influence in
with 15 mL of 1% Noble agar. After hardened, agar was perforated the expected results.
with a mold that originates a central and six peripheral wells. The ELISA AIE-LAB allowed the detection of antibodies from a 1/5
measure of these was 5.3 mm in diameter and 2.4 mm of distance dilution of the positive control serum to a 1/160, which represents
between wells. Antigen p26 protein (24 mL) was placed in the the detection limit of the assay, maximum and minimum range of
zquez Chagoyan et al.
M.C. Rodríguez Domínguez, R. Montes-de-Oca-Jimenez, J.C. Va Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 98 (2021) 103372

Fig. 1. ELISA AIE-LAB evaluation assays for performance of diagnostic kit in Mexico.

the OD values detectable with the kit. The controls’ sera results AIE-LAB showed a 100% sensitivity and 97.6% specificity, with a
were OD of positive control serum > 1.0 and OD of negative control concordance 0.9, values considered adequate for the test.
serum between 0.025e0.05 and (P/N)  6.0 (P: OD media of posi-
tive control and N: OD media of negative control). 4. Discussion
The validation parameters evaluated were repeatability and
reproducibility based on standard deviation (SD) and CV estima- Equine infectious anemia virus causes a persistent infection
tion. In addition, accuracy was estimate from concordance (Kappa where animals remain viraemic carriers for life. Antibody response
index), diagnostic sensitivity, and specificity with respect to those usually persists and antibody-positive animals older than 6 months
of the AGID (Fig. 1). For the repeatability trials (intraplate vari- are identified as infectious with the potential to transmit the virus
ability), all CV values were less than 20% as expected for both to other horses. Currently, there is no vaccine or effect treatment for
controls’ serums and a positive serum from CENASA, Mexico EIA, and that is why the control strategy consists in the detection
(Table 1). The CV values confirmed the satisfactory compliment of and segregation of infected animals [1,3]. The AGID or Coggins test
valid parameters of ELISA AIE-LAB in the repeatability assay. The have been used since 1973 [23] as the official diagnosis test
results of repeatability trials to determine the intermediate preci- established by OIE, also prescribed as mandatory test for interna-
sion of the system are summarized (Table 2). The reproducibility tional movement of equine [14]. However, this test has a low
results of trials showed CV values of 0.24 for positive control serum, sensitivity which can originate false results making more difficult of
11.72 for negative control serum, and 2.26 for positive serum from the control and eradication of EIA. Even though the specificity of
SENASA, Mexico (Table 3). All CV values obtained were lower than the AGID test is very high, its sensitivity is lower, and horses can
20%. The precision results (repeatability and reproducibility) were transmit EIAV even though their AGID tests were negative. In
satisfactory, and CV values were considered adequate to guarantee addition, to develop a more rapid and sensitive diagnostic tools,
excellent precision and consistency of the ELISA AIE-LAB (Fig. 1). several laboratories have developed ELISA [7,10].
Correlation between ELISA AIE-LAB and AGID test results was The ELISA AIE-LAB is an indirect heterogenic system designed
similar for both AGID techniques used as confirmatory control test. and produced in Cuba with the purpose of enhancing the efficiency
Only two samples (sample 2 and 3) were identified as reactive of the National Diagnostic Program of EIA. The ELISA EIA-LAB uses a
serums by ELISA AIE-LAB and were detected as negative by both synthetic peptide from gp45 protein as antigen for detection of
AGID test (Table 4) (Fig. 2). EIAV antibodies presenting advantages over the use of natural an-
The parameters of performing diagnosis for the ELISA in com- tigens because they increase the sensitivity and eliminates crossed
parison with the AGID technique are showing in Table 5. The ELISA reactions [24]. The primary goal of this study was to evaluate the

Table 1
Repeatability study of the ELISA AIE-LAB (intraplate variability).

Positive Control Serum Negative Control Serum Positive Serum


1.92 0.08 4.25 0.09 0.01 14.38 1.83 0.04 2.06

Abbreviations: X, mean value; SD, standard deviation; CV, coefficient of variation.

zquez Chagoyan et al.
M.C. Rodríguez Domínguez, R. Montes-de-Oca-Jimenez, J.C. Va Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 98 (2021) 103372

Table 2 Table 4
Intermediate precision of ELISA AIE-LAB. Diagnosis Comparison of AGID EIA IDEXX Commercial System: AGID AIE-LABIOFAM
Days Positive Control Negative Control Positive Serum

X SD CV X SD CV X SD CV Positive Negative Total

1 1.92 0.08 4.25 0.09 0.01 14.38 1.83 0.04 2.06 Positive 10 2 12
2 2.15 0.12 5.46 0.09 0.02 17.53 1.93 0.03 1.72 Negative 0 84 84
3 2.24 0.16 7.06 0.12 0.02 13.93 1.96 0.05 2.77 Total 10 86 96

Abbreviations: X, mean value; SD, standard deviation; CV, coefficient of variation.

manufacturer, which indicates that these are weak serums and are
ELISA AIE-LAB performance in CIESA laboratory of UAEM Univer- not visible in the precipitation line by AGID. Lower antibody con-
sity. The components provided in the kit presented adequate centration in a serum sample may originate negative AGID inter-
organoleptic characteristics (color and texture) in accordance with pretation, while are positive by ELISA [5,10,11]. In addition, positive
establish by the manufacturer. The color present in positive and ELISA results may be due to the presence of gp45 antibodies, pro-
negative serum controls facilitates identification of the reagents. duced in the early stages of viral infection, which are not possible to
The design of color change of control serum at contact with the detect by AGID test because it only uses the p26 protein as an an-
reagent sample diluent allows easy visualization in the support of tigen [27]. Immune response against gp45 and gp90 envelope
the reaction. The chemical properties and functional characteristic proteins, encoded by env gen [29], is developed in first stage of
of the components were satisfactory to achieve established limit of infection. Previous studies have reported that antibodies against
OD. The detection limit established by the manufacturer provided capsid p26 protein are produced after glycoproteins antibodies
an extensive range of dilutions for the positive serum that increase because gp45 is a transmembrane protein and gp90 an integral
the sensitivity of the technic. The anti-IgG equine-peroxidase membrane protein, both more exposed from immune system
conjugate activity was not affected by change in temperature. All recognition [30,31]. Despite the rapid and high rate of env gene
these results were a sample of the robustness of the ELISA AIE-LAB, mutations, as a viral mechanism for evasion of the immune system
which indicates the ability to maintain the same results in the face response, conserved regions in the env sequence have been iden-
of small changes that may occur during the test. tified for the diagnostic and production of immunogenic peptides
The repeatability is an indicator of the coincident results be- [24,32,33].
tween the replica of the same sample in one or different trials. At Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay system reached an
least a minimum of three samples representing analytic activity appropriate performance in comparison with AGID, which is the
within the operating range of the assay have to be used for the method accepted for EIA diagnosis by the OIE. The analysis of the
repeatability evaluation. Reproducibility is the ability of a diag- results demonstrates high levels of sensitivity (100%) and speci-
nostic test to provide consistent results, as a parameter of precision, ficity (97.6%), despite the low number of samples evaluated. The
when the evaluation of aliquots of the same sample tested with a strong points of the ELISA AIE-LAB arising from this assay were
kit in different laboratories, located in distinct regions or countries, diagnostic sensibility and precocity, which could be due to the
achieves the same results [14]. antigen used. False negative results can be the product of low
ELISA EIA-LAB showed a satisfactory result in repeatability trials specificity or sensitivity of diagnostic test, making difficult to
(intraplate variability) and reproducibility because all CV values establish a good control program for disease eradication [4].
were less than 20%. The CV values of positive serum were less than Different classical methods are been available for antigens prepa-
15%, however, CV of the negative serum had a different behavior ration, usually using infected spleen or primary cell culture equine.
associated with low-OD values (<1.0). Small numerical variations in These techniques have disadvantages because are expensive,
OD of negative serums can produce higher CV values because the laborious, and the antigen can be contaminated by another pro-
calculation of CV (CV ¼ standard deviation/mean of OD) using a low teins, generating nonspecific results in diagnostic tests [14]. Alter-
value of denominator (low mean OD) mathematically produce a native antigen production for serologic diagnosis confers
higher numerical result. These results are in agreement with enhancements in the techniques and consequent improvement of
another ELISA kits in repeatability assay when CV values obtain had the programs for EIA eradication [22]. Many authors have reported
been 2.8% [11] and 12.73% [25] for positive sera and less than 20% the use of envelop synthetic peptides (gp45) as antigen for ELISA
for the negative serum [26e28]. Previously reported CV values of with excellent agreement in comparison with AGID [12,13]. The
reproducibility for positive samples have been between the range calculated ELISA AIE-LAB effectiveness was bigger than 97%, and it
of 3 and 15% [11,13] and CV values for negative samples even more represents a general capacity to detect all true positive and negative
than 20% [11,25]. serums correctly. The ELISA AIE-LAB was designed for the screening
The comparison of ELISA EIA-LAB and AGID test originated two of the equine infectious anemia, aiming to bring high sensitivity
discordant results, which have been expected because OD values and specificity. The concordance degree between both methods
for these two serums were around the gray zone established by the tested was very good (Kappa ¼ 0.9) and demonstrated that this
system is appropriated for the purpose it was designed [14,34].
Control’s serum OD values were correct, and the assay was not
invalidated. No change of coloration, or sedimentation was
Table 3
Reproducibility results of ELISA AIE-LAB.
observed in the flask of the conjugate. The distilled water used to
dilute the washing solution did not modify the functionality of
Laboratory Positive Control Negative Control Positive Serum
ELISA. The behavior of the general stability of the components and
Serum Serum
their functionality after the proper transfer was demonstrated by
X SD CV X SD CV X SD CV the OD values of the controls and the result of the precision trial.
Lab 1 2.24 0.16 7.06 0.12 0.02 13.93 1.96 0.05 2.77 In addition, our results agree with those presented recently
Lab 2 2.25 0.11 4.76 0.11 0.02 16.66 1.89 0.11 5.79 where an ELISA using peptides of the gp45 protein as antigen was
Abbreviations: X, mean value; SD, standard deviation; CV, coefficient of variation. evaluated for the diagnosis of serum samples from horse, donkey,

zquez Chagoyan et al.
M.C. Rodríguez Domínguez, R. Montes-de-Oca-Jimenez, J.C. Va Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 98 (2021) 103372

Fig. 2. Principle and method of ELISA AIE-LAB and AGID test.

and mule, with 96.1% concordance, 98.6% sensitivity, and 95.6% studies have shown that the scientific production dedicated to the
specificity compared with AGID. The sensitivity and specificity of investigation of this virus in Mexico is deficient, despite being one
this ELISA was also > 90% when tested in individual equid species, of the main producing countries of equines [18]. The implementa-
indicating the potential of the gp45 antigenebased diagnostic tion of the diagnosis using ELISA systems in Mexico could be an
design, especially in donkeys and mules, which have a demon- alternative to expand EIA screening studies, as well as carry out
strated tendency of equivocal results in AGID [35]. epidemiologic and prevalence analyzes in higher risk areas because
The ELISA is a technique that offers greater sensitivity and it is an economical technique with high capacity for processing a
diagnostic specificity, capable of detecting EIAV-specific antibodies large number of samples in a single round test. Taking to account
between 10 and 14 days after infection [35], whereas the AGID test the results obtained in the present work, we propose the use of
does not have the sensitivity to detect antibodies during the first ELISA EIA-LAB as screening tool for routine diagnosis and confir-
day of infection. Unfortunately, animals with low titers of anti- mation of positive samples by AGID the gold standard test.
bodies can originate false negative results, if only AGID test is used
in diagnostic schedules. This situation is very important due to 5. Conclusions
enhance risk of widespread of the disease because positive animals
escape the diagnostic filter, allowing the mobilization of infected The ELISA AIE-LAB shows good results as a diagnostic system
animals [4]. Despite AGID test limited capacity due to low- and could be used in Mexico for the detection of specific antibodies
diagnostic sensitivity and difficult line interpretation by visual against the EIAV. Considering the limitations of the AGID test, many
recognition, this technique continues as the established official test authors share the idea that the OIE diagnostic recommendations for
for diagnosis of EIA [3]. Consequently, some countries have been international trade in equines need to be modified by adding the
established the ELISA as the sero-screening official diagnostic tool, ELISA in the routine diagnosis. In addition, the combination of the
with the confirmation of positive samples by AGID test, before ELISA and AGID test as a diagnostic algorithm confers greater
taking any action with the infected animal [3,5,34]. Surveillance sensitivity and specificity, which could improve the accuracy of EIA
programs in Mexico establish AGID kit as diagnostic test after OIE surveillance programs in Mexico.
indications. Contrasting with the official stablished immunodiffu-
sion test, ELISA is an immunoenzymatic technique that allows
obtaining results in short periods of time, being more effective to
issue criteria and authorization for the transfer of animals, adding
This work was supported by Veterinary Medicine Faculty of
efficiency to equine production and activities. Furthermore, recent
Mexico State Autonomy University, Toluca, Mexico. The authors
thank Dr. Alejandro Rivera from CENASA for providing some part of
serum panel for the evaluation of ELISA AIE-LAB.
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