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“Broken Inside”

You bring shame to this family

A sweet morning to everyone

A sweet looking girl is standing in front of you
I look happy, l look happy today right I’ve always
The ideal girl everyone dream

You all ever asked me if I’m okay everything seem so fine

But looking into my eyes is really okay
In school i would dress up
as if my insecurities were not killing me

Now to talk problems are not eating me

I’ve always walk confidence,
perfectly stress free

My friends would didn’t ask me

How past make me strong

I never asked you are still okay,

never asked me if i cried before to sleep

Because of society I had a question for myself

What if I was the real me?

People still like me

People will always point out your mistakes
But will never ever appreciate that good things you did

Failure are always comes to my head

Failure to expectations,
Failure a good daughter,
Failure as a student

Failure has a simply asking myself

All people why me

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