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EPHE 252 Leadership - Quiz #2 Topics and Questions for Review – March 20-24, 2023

Outline of Quiz 2

The quizzes in EPHE 252 will be a combination of multiple-choice questions and open ended, short
answer or point form answer questions. The quizzes will be worth 40 marks and students will have 2
hours (120 minutes) to complete the quiz. Quiz #2 will be open from Monday March 20 at 9:00 am to
Friday March 24 at 7:00 pm (NOTE: must start by 5:00 pm to have the full 2 hours to complete the
exam). Students only have one attempts at the exam.

The following is a listing of topics and questions to focus your preparation for the quiz. In the same
manner as Quiz #1, the quizzes will focus on student’s comprehension and understanding of the
following concepts:

 Definition and explanation of concepts, theories, models, and principles as presented in the
course materials,
 Examples of the application and utilization of those concepts, theories, models, and principles
to leadership in the fields of recreation, health, leisure, sport, etc.

NOTE: ONLY topics and items on this list will be on the quiz. If a topic is NOT on this list it is NOT on the
quiz. However, not all topics on this list will necessarily be covered on the quiz. Also, the topics listed
here are general in nature, specific elements within these topics are applicable and may appear on the

Module 3 Required Course Materials and Resources (i.e. where to find the content)

Referenced by number in the topics and questions below i.e. Define Active Listening (1,4,5) means that
students can find information/content to answer this question or about this topic in the textbook
chapters 9, the Module 3 study notes and the Module 3 Instructor Video presentation.

1. Chapter 9: "Leadership and Communication"

a. Omit Table 9.1 “Cohorts and Generational Events,” pages 318-320
2. Chapter 10: "Leadership and Diversity"
3. Chapter 13: "Leadership in Social Settings"
4. Module 3 Brightspace Study Notes
5. Module 3 Instructor Video Presentation

Please note that more detailed outlines of the required textbook readings can be found at the start of
the study notes in each module.

Module 3 Topics and Questions

1. Describe inter-personal, organizational and transactional communications. (1) Describe the

process of communications. (1,4)
2. What are the purposes and functions of leadership communications? (1,4)
3. What are the keys to effective communications for leaders or the “best practices” and advice for
leaders to have effective communications? (3, 4, 5) What factors might impact the effectiveness
of communications for a leader? (4,5)
4. Define and describe the 3 channels of communication – verbal, nonverbal, written, etc. (1,4)
5. Describe the various styles of communication. (1)
6. Define Active Listening. (1,4,5) How does a leader improve their active listening skills? What are
the skills associated with active listening? (1,4,5) Describe the SOLER Technique. (4,5)
7. Define the types of active listening. (4)
8. Why is “perception” important to understand in communications? Discuss the relationship
between perception and communications? What is “perceptual selectivity?” What are the
physical and/or personal factors which may influence perception? (1,4)
9. Describe and define the barriers to communication (1,4) and discuss methods or strategies a
leader might use to minimize or reduce these barriers. (1,4,5) How might these barriers impact
communications on the parts of the sender and/or receiver? (4) Describe the listener, speaker
and message problems that may occur. (4)
10. Define “mindful communications,” and discuss why this is critical for leaders? (4,5)
11. Define and apply the 6 C’s of communication to a leadership example in the field of recreation
and/or health. (4)
12. What is meant by the phrase “intent versus interpretation?” Why is this important to leaders
and followers? (4,5)
13. Define “message congruency,” and discuss why leaders need to be aware of this concept. (4)
14. List and define the forms and types of nonverbal communications. What are the primary
functions of nonverbal communications? (4)
15. Define “para-verbal communications.” What are the forms and types of para-verbal
communications? Provide an example of how a leader might use para-verbal communications in
their leadership roles. (4)
16. When responding to another person, what are the important aspects of the
communication/message that one should be aware of? (4,5)
17. Describe how a leader can provide feedback effectively. What are the tips and hints for giving
effective feedback? What are the important responding skills? What is the importance of
empathy to responding skills? (4,5)
18. Describe and define diversity and cultural competency. (2) Discuss the relevance of diversity
within the communication process. (4) Describe the models of cultural competency. (2)
19. Define and describe the Cross Model of Intercultural Competence and the Bennett
Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity. (2) What are the ethnocentric and
ethnorelative stages of development? (2)
20. Describe the methods of promoting diversity and inclusion. (2) Describe the concept and
provide examples of universal design. (2)
21. Identify and discuss the methods (games, activities, etc.) a leader might use to build social
connections within a program or service. (3).
22. List and discuss the elements of organization necessary for leaders to consider when structuring
social activities. What are the impacts for implementation and program planning? (3). Why is
“theme” considered important in planning social activities? (3).
23. Discuss and apply the steps to problem solving and conflict resolution. List and describe the
“best practices,” in conflict resolution communications for leaders. (4)
24. Describe the steps in problem solving (4, also covered in module 4) and mediation. (4)

Module 4 Required Course Materials and Resources (i.e. where to find the content)

Referenced by number in the topics and questions below i.e. Define a group. (2,4) means that students
can find information/content to answer this question or about this topic in the textbook chapters 7, and
the Module 3 study notes.

1. Chapter 5: "Leading Change: Innovation, Decision Making, and Problem Solving"

2. Chapter 7: "The Dynamics of Leadership in Groups"
3. Chapter 8: "Leadership and Motivation"
4. Module 4 Brightspace Study Notes
5. Module 4 Instructor Video Presentation

Module 4 Topics and Questions

1. Describe why organizations change. (4) What considerations or “factors of change,” should
leaders be aware of in order to support change in the organization? (4)
2. Define strategic thinking. How might a leader use strategic thinking to support and manage
change? (4) Define the components of the SWOT analysis. Provide an example of the use of the
SWOT analysis in decision making. (4)
3. Describe the model of organizational transformation and change. Define the areas for
transformation and identify examples of change activities in each area. (1)
4. Define, describe and apply (i.e. provide an example of the application of) the following
theories/models of change leadership/management (4):
a. Bridge’s 3 phase model
b. Kotter’s 8 stage model
c. McKinsey’s 7 S model
5. Describe the important competencies and best practices/principles needed for a leader to
effectively lead change. (1,4)
6. Define innovation and provide examples of how leaders might use innovation in change
management. (1)
7. Describe the stages of group and team development. What can a leader do in each of these
stages? (4)
8. Define a “group.” (2,4) List and define the elements, properties or “keys” to developing effective
groups and teams. (2,4). Why do people join groups and what are the various roles people may
play in groups? (2)
9. Identify and discuss the forces that may be acting or influencing group development. (4)
10. Define cohesion and provide examples of how a leader might build cohesion with a group or
team. (4)
11. Define synergy and provide an example of synergy within a team. (4)
12. Describe the process of motivation. (3) Describe the various “motives or drives,” that might be
affecting an individual’s motivation. (3).
13. Discuss the importance of goals and goal directed activity in motivation. (3). What are the
motivators or reasons people participate in recreation programs and services? (3)
14. What is meant by the “cues,” in the physical, social and psychological environment that a leader
must pay attention to? (3). Describe the elements of the leader-participant interaction. (3)
15. Describe and apply (i.e. provide an example of how a leader might use) the following
theories/models of employee motivation (4):
a. Expectancy theory
b. Equity theory
c. Pink’s model of motivation
16. Discuss the use of rewards and recognition as motivational tools. (4)
17. Describe how coaching can be used as a motivational tool. (4) What is empowerment and how
might a leader utilize this to motivate their followers? Provide an example of how a leader
empowers their staff. (4) (Also defined in Chapter 1 of text)
18. Describe the steps in problem solving and decision making. (1,4, also covered in Module 3 study
notes). Describe the four frame model of decision making. (1)
19. Describe the criteria for decision making. How does one define importance and feasibility? How
might a leader use this criteria to build credibility? (5)
20. Discuss the benefits, challenges and processes of group decision making. What factors might be
considered when choosing an approach or method of group decision making? (4)
21. Define group dynamics. List and describe common groups within the fields of health and
recreation services. (2)
22. Define and discuss the “common issues with groups,” and group decision making. (4) Which
factors are generally considered to be at the root of most conflicts within groups? (2,4)
23. What is conflict resolution? What are the approaches and processes of conflict resolution? (4,
also covered in Module 3 study notes)
24. Describe the best practices or effective methods for a leader to handle and address conflict
within groups. (4, also covered in Module 3 study notes).

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