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The expenses for the maintenance of the minor delinquent confined in the institution to
which he has been committed, shall be borne totally or partially by _________ or those
persons liable to support him, if they are able to do so in the discretion of the court.
(1 Point)
Parents or relatives
2.Under the new law, the age of majority is ___________.
(1 Point)
21 years old
18 years old
15 years old
16 years old
3.Any person sentenced to ___________ shall not be permitted to enter the place or places
designated in the sentenced, nor within the radius therein specified.
(1 Point)
Arresto Mayor
Aresto Menor
Prision Mayor
4.The radius specified in the penalty of destierro shall be _____________.
(1 Point)
Not less than 25kms. But not more than 200 kms.
Not less than 20 kms. But not more than 225 kms.
Not less than 5 kms. But not more than 125 kms.
Not less than 25 kms. But not more than 250 kms.
5.The penalty of ____________ shall be served in the municipal jail or in the house of the
defendant under the surveillance of an officer of the law.
(1 Point)
Arresto Mayor
Prision correccional
Arresto Menor
Prision Mayor
6.As the personal penalties, criminal liability of the accused is totally extinguished upon his
(1 Point)
7.The pecuniary liabilities of the convict are extinguished only when the death of the
offender occurs _______.
(1 Point)
After the final judgment
During the pendency of the case
Before the final judgment
During the hearing of the case
8.It is not one of the grounds of extinction of criminal liability of the accused.
(1 Point)
By voluntary surrender
By service of sentence
By absolute pardon
By prescription of the crime
9.Amado was change with homicide during the pendency of the case Amado died what will
happen to the Case filed against him.
(1 Point)
The case will continue to be heard.
The case will be suspended.
The case will set aside.
The case will be dismissed.
10.Berto was sentenced in the regional trial court. He appealed the case to the court of
appeals. During the pendency of his appeal, Berto died. What will happen to his civil and
criminal liability?
(1 Point)
The civil and criminal liability is not extinguished?
The civil and environmental liability is extinguished?
The civil and criminal liability will be suspended.
The civil and criminal liability is set aside.
11.It is an act of grace proceeding from the power entrusted with the execution of the laws
which the individual On whom it is bestowed from the punishment the law inflicts for the
crime he has committed.
(1 Point)
Prescription of penalty
Prescription of crime
12.It is the forfeiture or loss of the right of the state to prosecute the offender after the
lapse of a certain time.
(1 Point)
Prescription of crime
Prescription of penalty
13.Crimes punishable by reclusion perpetua or reclusion temporal shall prescribed in _____.
(1 Point)
14.Crimes punishable by other affective penalties shall prescribe in _____.
(1 Point)
15 years
5 years
10 years
20 years
15.Crimes punishable b correctional penalty shall prescribed in _____.
(1 Point)
5 years
15 years
6 years
16.The crime of libel on other similar offenses shall prescribed in _____.
(1 Point)
Two years
One year
Five years
Ten years
17.The 0ffense of oral deformation and slander by deed shall prescribed in _____.
(1 Point)
Six month
One year
One month
Five years
18.In computing the period of ______ the first day is to be excluded and the last day
(1 Point)
19.The prescriptive period of offenses punishable under special laws and municipal and
ordinances, such as offenses punished only by a fine or by imprisonment for not more than
one month, or both prescribed after ______.
(1 Point)
Four years
One year
Five years
Eight years
20.The term of prescription shall not run when the offender is _____.
(1 Point)
Absent from the Phil. Archipelago.
Under rehabilitation
21.The period of prescription of penalties shall commence to run from the date when the
offender should _____ the service of this sentence.
(1 Point)
Start serving
22.It is a change of the decision of the court made by the Chief Executive by reducing the
degree of the penalty inflicted upon the convict, or by decreasing the length of the
imprisonment of the amount of the fine.
(1 Point)
Suspension of sentence
Commutation of sentence
Enforcement of sentence
23.It is considered a contract between the sovereign power of the executive and the convict
that the sovereign power will release convict upon compliance with the condition.
(1 Point)
Conditional Pardon
24.Any person who has been granted conditional pardon shall incur the obligation of _____
otherwise, his non compliance shall result in the revocation of the pardon.
(1 Point)
Strictly complying the condition
Ignoring the condition
Evading the condition
Questioning the condition
25.It is the prerogative of the Executive to extend this to the offender at any time after the
imposition of the final judgment.
(1 Point)
Conditional Pardon
26.It is an Executive clemency given to the convicted offender after the offender has served
the minimum penalty through the Board of Pardons and Parole.
(1 Point)
27.Every person criminally liable for a felony is also _____ liable.
(1 Point)
28.It is one of the extinguishment o9f civil liability.
(1 Point)
Serving of sentence
By compensation
29.It is included in civil liability.
(1 Point)
Indemnification for damages consequential
Reparation of the damage caused
All of these
30.The civil liability for acts committed by a youthful offender shall be paid by the offenders
(1 Point)
All of these
31.A prisoner who showed good conduct inside the penal institution shall be allowed a
deduction of his penalty for a period of _____ for each month of good behavior during the
first two years of his imprisonment.
(1 Point)
Five days
Eight days
Ten days
Fifteen days
32.During the 3rd to 5th year of his imprisonment the prisoner shall be allowed a deduction
of _____ for each month of good behavior.
(1 Point)
Fifteen days
Five days
Eight days
Ten days
33.During the 6th year until the tenth year, of his imprisonment, the prisoner shall be
allowed a deduction of _____for each month of good behavior.
(1 Point)
Eight days
Ten days
Five days
Fifteen days
34.During the eleventh and successive years of his imprisonment, the prisoner shall be
allowed a deduction of _____ for each month of good behavior.
(1 Point)
Five days
Ten days
Eight days
Fifteen days
35.Ana was charged with the crime of adultery together with his boyfriend. Ana, the married
woman after conviction, her husband pardoned her alone is the pardon effective?
(1 Point)
Yes because she was pardoned by her husband
No, the pardon should include the man to be effective.
Yes, because it is voluntary given by the husband,
No, because pardon can only be given by the Chief Executive
36.When a single act constitute two or more grave or less grave felonies, or when an offense
is necessary means for committing the other, the penalty for _____ shall be imposed in its
(1 Point)
The less serious crime
The most serious crime
The light offense
The most common crime
37.Subsidiary imprisonment is not an accessory penalty. It is a penalty for it is imposed upon
the accused and served by him in lieu of the fine which he fails to pay on account of
(1 Point)
if both statements are correct
if first statement is correct and the second is incorrect.
if the first statement is incorrect and the second is correct
if both statements are incorrect.
38.One of the pecuniary penalties of the offender is reparation of the damaged caused. The
pecuniary liabilities apply only in case the property of the offender is sufficient for the
payment of all his pecuniary liabilities.
(1 Point)
if both statements are correct
if first statement is correct and the second is incorrect.
if the first statement is incorrect and the second is correct
if both statements are incorrect.
39.The subsidiary personal, liability of the offender is at the rate of one day for each ten
pesos. The convict who served subsidiary penalty may still be required to pay the fine.
(1 Point)
if both statements are correct
if first statement is correct and the second is incorrect.
if the first statement is incorrect and the second is correct
if both statements are incorrect.
40.When the court merely imposes a fine, the subsidiary liability shall not exceed one year.
The proceeds of the crime as well as the tools and instruments shall be forfeited and
confiscated in favor of the victim.
(1 Point)
if both statements are correct
if first statement is correct and the second is incorrect.
if the first statement is incorrect and the second is correct
if both statements are incorrect.
41.The confiscation of the proceeds or tools or instruments of the crime can be ordered
only if they are submitted in evidence or placed at the disposal of the court. Articles which
are forfeited, when the order of forfeiture is already final, cannot be returned even in case of
(1 Point)
if both statements are correct
if first statement is correct and the second is incorrect.
if the first statement is incorrect and the second is correct
if both statements are incorrect.
42.The penalty prescribed by law for the commission of a felony shall be imposed upon the
principals in the commission of such felony. According to Art. 47 of the RPC death penalty
may be imposed when the guilty person be more than 70 years of age.
(1 Point)
if both statements are correct
if first statement is correct and the second is incorrect.
if the first statement is incorrect and the second is correct
if both statements are incorrect.
43.A complex crime is not considered as one crime. One of the kinds of complex crime is
when an offense is a necessary means for committing another crime.
(1 Point)
if both statements are correct
if first statement is correct and the second is incorrect.
if the first statement is incorrect and the second is correct
if both statements are incorrect.
44.A continuing crime is not a single crime consisting of series of acts but all is not arising
from one criminal resolution. In continuing offense, although there is a series of acts, there
are several crimes committed.
(1 Point)
if both statements are correct
if first statement is correct and the second is incorrect.
if the first statement is incorrect and the second is correct
if both statements are incorrect.
45.Indeterminate Sentence Law is an act which provide for an indeterminate sentence and
parole for all persons convicted of certain crimes by the courts of the Philippine Island. The
act shall not apply to persons convicted of offenses punished with death penalty of life
(1 Point)
if both statements are correct
if first statement is correct and the second is incorrect.
if the first statement is incorrect and the second is correct
if both statements are incorrect.
46.The court must, instead of single fixed penalty, determine two penalties, referred to in
the Indeterminate Sentence Act as the Maximum and Minimum terms. Indeterminate
Sentence Law does not apply to those who are habitual delinquents.
(1 Point)
if both statements are correct
if first statement is correct and the second is incorrect.
if the first statement is incorrect and the second is correct
if both statements are incorrect.
47.It is an exception to the General Characteristic of Criminal Laws.
(1 Point)
Chief of State
Commercial representative
Senators and Congressmen
48.A legislative act which inflicts punishment without judicial trial.
(1 Point)
Bill of Lading
Special Law
Bill of attainder
Criminal Law
49.It is a branch or division of law which defines crimes, treats of their nature, and provides
for their punishment.
(1 Point)
Remedial Law
Political Law
Civil Law
Criminal Law
50.It is not one of the sources of our Criminal Law.
(1 Point)
Revised Penal Code
Special Laws
Executive Department
51.A body of principles, usages and rule of action, which do not rest for their authority upon
any express and positive declaration of the will of the legislature.
(1 Point)
Legislative Law
Remedial Law
Common Law
Political Law
52.It means that as a rule, penal laws are enforceable only within the territory of the
(1 Point)
Territoriality principle
Retroactivity Principle
Generality Principle
Prospectively Principle
53.According to the classical theory, it states that the purpose of the penalty is ___________.
(1 Point)
54.In self defense, the burden of proof rest upon the ____________.
(1 Point)
55.In defense of relatives, one of the relatives that can be defended are those relatives by
consanguinity within the fourth civil degree such as _________________.
(1 Point)
Brothers and sisters
First cousin
Uncle and niece
Second cousin
56.Relationship by blood refers to relatives by _____________.
(1 Point)
57.What crime is committed when a person, through force, inserts his penis into another
person’s mouth or anal orifice?
(1 Point)
Simple rape
Qualified rape
Rape by sexual assault
Acts of Lasciviousness
58.If a person wounds, assaults or beats another person causing deformity on the latter, the
crime committed is:
(1 Point)
Serious physical injuries
Slight physical injuries
Less serious physical injuries
59.What crime is committed when a person, without intent to kill, inflicts upon another any
serious physical injury, by knowingly administering to him any injurious substances or
(1 Point)
Serious physical injuries
Less serious physical injuries
Administering injurious substances or beverages
60.MAGDA, a prostitute, agreed to have sex with a customer for the amount of P1,000.00.
While in the motel, the customer started kissing MAGDA. MAGDA noticed that the customer
has bad breath. Eventually, she pulled away from the customer and refused to have sex with
him. Angered by the refusal, the customer forced himself on MAGDA who was able to
accomplish his carnal desires on the latter. What crime, if any, did the customer commit?
(1 Point)
Acts of lasciviousness
No crime was committed
61.Republic act no. 8353 is also known as:
(1 Point)
Comprehensive dangerous drugs act of 2002
Anti-Rape law of 1997
Anti-torture law
Anti-illegal Logging
62.NENE, a 10-year old girl, consented to have sex with her 20-year old neighbor HOMER
who looks like John Lloyd Cruz. What crime, if any, did HOMER commit?
(1 Point)
Simple rape
Qualified rape
Violation of child abuse law
Qualified Seduction
63.What crime is committed when a police officer takes advantage of his position to rape
another person?
(1 Point)
Simple rape
Sexual assault
Qualified rape
64.Any private person who shall enter the dwelling of another against the latter’s will
commits the crime of:
(1 Point)
Qualified trespass to dwelling
Trespass to property
Simple trespass to dwelling
Violation of domicile
65.Due to the passage of the Anti-rape law of 1997, Rape is now classified as:
(1 Point)
Crime against chastity
Crime against liberty
Crime against persons
Crimes against mammal
66.If the person kidnapped or detained shall be a female, the crime is:
(1 Point)
Kidnapping and serious illegal detention
Slight illegal detention
Arbitrary detention
67.It is a crime committed by anyone who, under the pretext of reimbursing himself of a
debt incurred by an ascendant, guardian or person entrusted with the custody of a minor,
shall, against the latter have will, retain him in his service.
(1 Point)
Exploitation of minors
Abandoning a minor
Exploitation of child labor
68.It is committed by any person who, with intent to gain but without violence against or
intimidation of neither persons nor force upon things, shall take personal property of
another without the latter’s consent
(1 Point)
69.It is a felony committed by any person who shall threaten another with the infliction
upon the person, honor, and property of the latter or of his family of any wrong amounting
to a crime.
(1 Point)
Grave coercion
Grave threats
Light coercion
Light threats
70.Any person who shall deliberately cause to the property of another any damage that
does not constitute arson shall be guilty for what crime?
(1 Point)
Unjust vexation
Damage to property
Malicious mischief
Damage to self
71.A criminal complaint for adultery can be filed only by whom?
(1 Point)
Offended spouse
Both A and B
Guilty spouse
The State
72.Any person who, having found lost property, shall fail to deliver the same to the local
authorities or to its owner shall be liable for what crime?
(1 Point)
No crime was committed
73.LOLO ROMEO fondled the breast of her 15 year-old granddaughter WENDY. WENDY did
not resist the advances of her LOLO and in fact, she stated to him to continue what he is
doing. What crime, if any, did LOLO ROMEO commit?
(1 Point)
Acts of Lasciviousness
Acts of Lasciviousness with the consent of the offended party
Attempted Rape
74.Acts of lasciviousness (Art.336) can be committed against:
(1 Point)
female only
Either male or female
male only
75.A person who engages in the business of prostitution is liable for what felony?
(1 Point)
White slave trade
76.While walking within the premises of a coconut plantation owned by JOEY, ROLAND saw
a piece of coconut on the ground. ROLAND decided to get the coconut and bring it home
as a “pasalubong” to his son. What crime, if any, did ROLAND commit?
(1 Point)
Simple theft
Qualified theft
77.It is the seduction of a woman who is single and of good reputation, over twelve but
under eighteen years of age, and committed by means of deceit
(1 Point)
Simple seduction
Forcible abduction
Qualified seduction
Acts of Lasciviousness
78.KURT has a longstanding grudge against his neighbor JIMI. One day, while JIMI was
away, KURT surreptitiously poisoned the cow of JIMI resulting in the death of the cow. What
crime, if any, did KURT commit?
(1 Point)
Malicious mischief
Unjust vexation
Violation of PD 533 (Anti-cattle rustling law)
Physical injuries
79.MICHELLE MASIPAG worked as a housemaid and yaya of the one-week old son of the
spouses PETER and PAULA. When MICHELLE learned that her 70 year-old mother was
seriously ill, she asked PETER for a cash advance of P1,000.00, but PETER refused. One
morning, MICHELLE gagged the mouth of PETER’s son with stockings; placed the child in a
box; sealed it with masking tape and placed the box in the attic. Later in the afternoon, she
demanded P5,000.00 as ransom for the release of his son. PETER did not pay the ransom.
Subsequently, MICHELLE disappeared. After a couple of days, PETER discovered the box in
the attic with his child already dead. According to the autopsy report, the child died of
asphyxiation barely three minutes after the box was sealed. What crime/s did MICHELLE
(1 Point)
Kidnapping and serious illegal detention
Kidnapping with homicide
Slight illegal detention with homicide
Kidnapping and homicide
80.Unjust vexation is a:
(1 Point)
Crime against security
Crime against chastity
Crime against property
Crimes against Minor
81.Malicious mischief is a:
(1 Point)
Crime against property
Crime against persons
Crime against liberty
Crimes against Minor
82.SARAH and NONITO are sweethearts. As a birthday gift, NONITO gave SARAH a
BlackBerry cell phone. Two days later, SARAH broke up with NONITO because she caught
the latter cheating on her. SARAH decided to burn the cell phone that NONITO gave her.
What crime, if any, did SARAH commit?
(1 Point)
Damage to property
Malicious mischief
No crime was committed
83.In an interview aired on television, DINA uttered defamatory statements against
CARMEN, a successful and reputable businesswoman. What crime, if any, did DINA commit?
(1 Point)
Incriminating innocent persons
No crime was committed
84.It consists in voluntarily, but without malice, doing or failing to do an act from which
material damage results by reason of inexcusable lack of precaution on the part of the
person performing or failing to perform such act.
(1 Point)
Reckless imprudence
Simple imprudence
85.It is the abduction of any woman against her will and with lewd designs.
(1 Point)
Consented abduction
Forcible abduction
Damage Cause
86.SIMON entered the house of another without employing force or violence upon things.
He was seen by a maid who wanted to scream but was prevented from doing so because
SIMON threatened her with a gun. SIMON then took money and other valuables and left.
What crime, if any, did SIMON commit?
(1 Point)
Trespass to dwelling
Qualified theft
87.Seduction is a:
(1 Point)
Crime against honor
Crime against chastity
Crime against persons
Crime against liberty
88.Libel is a:
(1 Point)
Crime against persons
Crime against chastity
Crime against property
Crime against honor
89.A fire broke out in a department store. SID, taking advantage of the confusion, entered
the store and carried away goods, which he later sold. What crime, if any, did SID commit?
(1 Point)
Qualified theft
90.Any person who shall defraud another with unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence shall
be liable for what crime?
(1 Point)
Qualified theft
91.DANTE and DIEGO ate at a restaurant near Our Lady of Fatima University in Valenzuela
City. Because it is lunch time, the restaurant was crowded. Realizing that they can leave the
restaurant unnoticed without having their bill for the food they ate, paid, the two
clandestinely left the place. After two days, the police apprehended the two. What crime, if
any, did DANTE and DIEGO commit?
(1 Point)
Qualified theft
No crime was committed
92.Kidnapping may be committed by:
(1 Point)
Private persons
Either A or B
Public officers/employees
93.It is a crime committed by any person who, in any case other than those authorized by
law, or without reasonable ground therefore, shall arrest or detains another for the purpose
of delivering him to the proper authorities.
(1 Point)
Arbitrary detention
Illegal detention
Unlawful arrest
94.It is committed by any person who, without authority of law, shall by means of violence,
threats or intimidation, prevent another from doing something not prohibited by law, or
compel him to do something against his will, whether it is right or wrong.
(1 Point)
Grave coercions
Light coercions
Grave threats
Light threats
95.Any person who shall orally threaten to do another any harm not constituting a felony is
liable for what crime, if any?
(1 Point)
Unjust vexation
Other light threats
No crime was committed
96.A private individual who, in order to discover the secrets of another, shall seize his papers
or letters and reveal the contents thereof is liable for what felony?
(1 Point)
Infidelity in the custody of documents
Discovering secrets through seizure of Correspondence
97.Vex means
(1 Point)
98.To constitute a band under Art. 296 of the Revised Penal Code, there must be how many
armed persons taking part in a robbery?
(1 Point)
More than three
Three or more
Less than three
99.A person who possesses a picklock without lawful cause is liable for what crime, if any?
(1 Point)
Possession of picklocks
No crime was committed
100.A person who uses a picklock or other similar tools in the commission of robbery shall
be guilty of what crime?
(1 Point)
Possession of picklocks
Robbery and possession of picklocks
101.CAROL and CINDY are sisters. Both are college students in the College of Criminology
of Our Lady of Fatima University in Valenzuela City. They both live with their parents. CAROL
has a cute Shih Tzu dog; one day while CAROL was away on a date, CINDY took the dog
without the consent of CAROL and sold it to her classmate. What crime did CINDY commit?
(1 Point)
Malicious mischief
102.In question no. 101, is CINDY criminally liable?
(1 Point)
Yes, because she committed theft
Yes, because she sold the dog without the permission of her sister
No, because she is exempted under Art. 332 of the Revised Penal Code
No. Although a crime was committed, she is exempted under Art. 332 of the Revised Penal Code
103.When more than three armed persons form a band of robbers for the purpose of
committing robbery in the highway, the felony committed is:
(1 Point)
None of these
104.To be liable for violation of the Anti-Fencing law of 1979 (PD No. 1612), a person who,
with intent to gain for himself or another, shall buy, receive, possess, keep, acquire, conceal,
sell, or dispose of, or shall buy and sell, any item, article, object which he knows, or should
be known to him, to have been derived from the proceeds of the crime of:
(1 Point)
Robbery or Theft
Theft only
Robbery only
Robbery, Theft, or Estafa
105.A person who shall contract a second or subsequent marriage before the former
marriage has been legally dissolved is liable for what crime?
(1 Point)
Third Party
106.HERCULES kidnapped ACHILLES and subsequently detained him in a rented property
somewhere in Valenzuela City. After detaining ACHILLES for 10 hours, HERCULES called
ACHILLES’ wife to ask for the payment of P2 million in exchanges for the liberty of her
husband. ACHILLES’ wife immediately agreed and deposited the P2 million in HERCULES’
bank account. Five hours have passed before HERCULES was able to receive the money.
Thereafter, he quickly released ACHILLES. What crime is committed?
(1 Point)
Slight illegal detention
Kidnapping and serious illegal detention
Grave coercion
Forcible abduction
107.DENNIS and CARMEN were legally separated. Their child FRANCIS, a minor was placed
in the custody of CARMEN, subject to monthly visitations by DENNIS. On one occasion,
when DENNIS had FRANCIS in his company, DENNIS decided not to return FRANCIS to his
mother. Instead, DENNIS took FRANCIS with him to Spain where he intended for them to
reside permanently. What crime, if any, did DENNIS commit?
(1 Point)
Kidnapping and serious illegal detention
Kidnapping and failure to return a minor
Kidnapping and slight illegal detention
Corruption of minors
108.A public officer or employee acting in his private capacity is considered a:
(1 Point)
Public officer
Either A or B
Private individual
Person in authority
109.A person who, by means of violence, shall seize anything belonging to his debtor for
the purpose of applying the same to the payment of the debt is liable for what felony?
(1 Point)
Light threats
Light coercions
Fraudulent insolvency
Light Offense
110.By using a slingshot, RONNIE deliberately hit the favorite duck of his LOLA TASYA. As a
consequence, the duck died. RONNIE was charged with malicious mischief. RONNIE
contended that he is exempt from criminal liability pursuant to Art.332 of the Revised Penal
Code. Is RONNIE correct?
(1 Point)
Yes, because RONNIE is a descendant of his LOLA, thus exempt under Art. 332 of the Penal
Yes, because RONNIE is a minor
No, because RONNIE committed a crime
No, because RONNIE intended to kill the duck of his LOLA
111.It is an essential element of estafa:
(1 Point)
112.DANNY burned to death his enemy FLORANTE. What crime is committed?
(1 Point)
Arson with homicide
Murder and arson
113.JOAN and JANE are college classmates. They are both of legal age. JOAN burned the
pen of JANE worth P10.00 because JANE did not allow JOAN to copy her assignment in
school. What crime, if any, did JOAN commit?
(1 Point)
Malicious mischief
Unjust vexation
No crime was committed
114.Which of the following is a crime against security:
(1 Point)
Unjust vexation
Malicious mischief
115.At about 11:00 in the evening, LANDO forced his way inside the house of ROGER.
TIBURCIO, ROGER’s son, saw LANDO and accosted him. LANDO pulled a knife and stabbed
TIBURCIO on his abdomen. ROGER heard the commotion and went out of his room.
LANDO, who is about to escape, assaulted ROGER. TIBURCIO suffered injuries, which were
not for the timely medical attendance, would have caused his death. ROGER sustained
injuries that incapacitated him for 25 days. How many crime/s did LANDO commit?
(1 Point)
116.In the crime of qualified seduction, the offended party should be a virgin. What kind of
virginity does the law contemplate?
(1 Point)
Physical virginity
Both a and b
Moral virginity
117.Lewd designs mean:
(1 Point)
118.It is the essence of adultery:
(1 Point)
Sexual intercourse
119.RA No. 6539, otherwise known as the Anti-carnapping law is:
(1 Point)
Part of the Revised Penal Code
All of these
A special penal law
Black Mamba
120.PD No. 533, otherwise known as the Anti-cattle rustling law of 1974 is:
(1 Point)
Part of the Revised Penal Code
All of these
A special penal law
PD 603
121.It is one of the essential elements of libel:
(1 Point)
Intent to gain
122.Act No. 3815 is otherwise known as:
(1 Point)
The new arson law
Criminal law
Code of Hammurabi
The Revised Penal Code
123.It is a provisional remedy issued upon an order of the court where an action is pending
to be levied upon the property of the defendant, the same can be held thereafter by the
sheriff as security for the satisfaction of whatever judgment might be secured in said action
by the attaching creditor against the defendant.
(1 Point)
Preliminary Injunction
Preliminary Attachment
Motion for Prohibition
124.The provision remedies, in so far as there are applicable, may be availed of in
connection with the civil action deemed instituted in _________________ .
(1 Point)
Civil Case
Administrative Action
Criminal Action
Remedial Action
125.When the civil action is properly instituted in the criminal action, the offended party
may have the property of the accused attached as security for the satisfaction of any
judgment that may be recovered from the accused in the following cases:
(1 Point)
When the accused is about to leave from the Philippines
When the accused has concealed, removed or disposed of his property or is about to do so.
When the accused is out on bail.
When the criminal action is based on a claim for money or property embezzled or fraudulently
misapplied or converted to the use of the accused who is a public officer, officer of a corporation,
attorney de facto, broker or agent or clerk in the course of his employment as such.
126.This doctrine means that an unlawful search taints not only the evidence obtained there
at but also facts discovered by reason of unlawful search.
(1 Point)
Proof beyond reasonable doubt.
Fruits of the poisonous tree.
Burden of proof
Border Search
127.This rule commands that evidence obtained by an unreasonable search and seizure is
excluded from evidence.
(1 Point)
Consented warrantless Search
Exclusionary Rule
Stop and frisk on Terry search.
Inspection Search
128.It is a ground for new trial except:
(1 Point)
Error of Law
Irregularities prejudicial to the substantial rights of the accused have been committed during the
Failure to conduct preliminary Investigation
Newly discovered evidence has been discovered which accused could not with reasonable
diligent have discovered and produced at the trial and submitted would probably changed the
129.It is a motion which can interrupt the running of the fifteen (15) day period to perfect an
(1 Point)
Motion for new trial
Motion for Reconsideration
Motion in Quash
Motion for probation
130.How long is given to the accused to make his appeal before the judgment will become
final and executor?
(1 Point)
30 days
15 days
45 days
20 days
131.In cases divided by the Metropolitan Trial Court, where should the appeal be filed?
(1 Point)
To the court of Appeals
To the Supreme Court
To the Regional Trial Court
To the Municipal Trial Court
132.It is a ground for new trial except:
(1 Point)
Errors of law
Irregularities prejudicial to the substantial rights of the accused have been committed during the
New and material evidence has been discovered which the accused could not with reasonable
diligence have discovered and produced at the trial and which if introduced and admitted would
probably change the judgment
minority of the accused
133.It may be granted by the court where the incompetency of the counsel for the defense
is so great that the defendant was prejudicial and prevented from fairly presenting his
(1 Point)
New Trial
Dismissal of the case
134.Requisites of newly discovered evidence to be a valid ground for new trial, except:
(1 Point)
The evidence was discovered after the trial
Such evidence could not have been discovered and produced at the trial even with existence of
reasonable diligence.
The evidence violates the Principle of Double Jeopardy.
The evidence must go to the merits and not rest on merely a technical defense.
135.It is a motion which may be filed after judgment but within period for perfecting an
(1 Point)
Motion for reconsideration
Motion for new trial
Motion to Quash
Motion to file an appeal
136.It is a motion which may be presented only after either or both parties have formally
offered and closed their evidence, but before judgment.
(1 Point)
Motion to re-open trial
Motion for reconsideration
Motion to file an appeal
Motion to Quash
137.In all cases, when the court grants new trial, what happens to the original judgment?
(1 Point)
The judgment is set aside or vacated
The judgment become final and executory
The judgment is retained
The judgment may be appealed
138.When a new trial is granted on the ground of newly discovered evidence, what happen
to the original evidence already presented?
(1 Point)
The evidence already presented remains
The evidence already presented will be set aside
The evidence already presented will be discard
The evidence already presented will not be given weight.
139.If the criminal case is dismissed by the court, or there is acquittal, can the complainant
or the offended party make an appeal.
(1 Point)
No, because it is only the accused who can appeal in case of conviction.
No, the offended party or complainant cannot appeal the criminal aspect of the case.
Yes, the complainant or offended party may appeal the civil aspect of the case only.
Yes, the complainant and the accused are both given by law the right to appeal either the
criminal aspect or civil aspect of the case.
140.What is the remedy of the accused in case a final judgment of conviction was rendered
by the court?
(1 Point)
File an appeal
File a motion to Quash the information
File a motion to set aside judgment
File a motion for new trial
141.For purposes of determining appellate jurisdiction in criminal cases is the __________of
the penalty is taken account
(1 Point)
Minimum of the penalty
Medium of the penalty
Highest Level
Maximum of the penalty
142.When can a final judgment becomes final?
(1 Point)
Upon the expiration of the period to appeal there from if no appeal has been duly perfected.
Upon the expiration of the period of 30 days
Upon the expiration of the period of 10 days
Upon the expiration of the period of 20 days
143.Pedro was sentence to suffer five years imprisonment by final judgment. Before the
period of appeal lapsed, Pedro escaped. Can he appeal his case?
(1 Point)
Yes, because his right to appeal is provided in our constitution
Yes, because he opted to file an appeal because the period of appeal had not yet lapses
No, because he escaped; hence, he waived his right to appeal
Yes, his right to appeal is mandatory right.
144.The appeal to the Court of Appeal in cases decided by the Regional Trial Court in the
exercise of its appellate jurisdiction shall be by ____________.
(1 Point)
Petition by Motion for Reconsideration
Petition to re-open the trial
Petition for new trial
Petition for review
145. Pedro is the complainant against Berto in a criminal case. Berto was convicted and the
judgment was promulgated. Before the judgment became final the complainant filed an
appeal. Does Pedro have the right to appeal in a criminal case.
(1 Point)
No, only the accused/convicted accused can appeal
Yes, the complainant can appeal on the civil aspect only of the case.
No, because he is the complainant, not the accused.
No, because such appeal made by the complainant will place the accused in double jeopardy.
146.Mario was convicted on the complaint of Noel for homicide. Mario was sentenced to
four years and six months and one day. Noel the complainant appealed on the ground that
the penalty imposed was not proper. And Noel prayed that it be increased. Was the appeal
of Mario Proper?
(1 Point)
Yes, because he has also the right to appeal even if he is the complainant.
Yes, because the penalty imposed is really not proper.
No, the appeal of Noel would constitute a violation on the right of the accused for it will fall
under Double jeopardy.
Yes, because under the law, Rule 122, Sec.1, provides that any party may appeal from a
judgment or final order.
147.John was convicted by final judgment for the crime of murder. He was sentenced with
an imprisonment of Reclusion Perpetua. He did not appeal. The judgment became final and
executor. The Supreme Court by its own power (motu propio) reviewed the judgment. Is the
Supreme Court correct?
(1 Point)
No, because John did not appeal his judgment
No, because the proper person in interest (John) no longer wants to appeal his case.
Yes, the Supreme Court has the power to review judgment with maximum penalty of Reclusion
Perpetua, automatically.
No, it is only the accused who can appeal his case.
148.When does the period for perfecting an appeal shall be suspended?
(1 Point)
From the time a motion to re-open the trial is filed
From the time a motion for reconsideration is filed
From a time a motion to Quash the information is filed.
From the time a motion to dismiss is filed.
149.The world “Promulgation” refers to ___________.
(1 Point)
Case Record
150.The word “Notice” refers to ___________.
(1 Point)
Case Record
151.Within how many days should the clerk of court with whom the notice of appeal was
filed must transmit to the clerk of court of the appellate court the complete record of the
case together with the said notice.
(1 Point)
Ten days
Five days
Fifteen days
Twelve days
152.In all cases where the death penalty is imposed by the Trial Court, the records shall be
forwarded to the court of appeals for automatic review within how many days from the
promulgation of the judgment.
(1 Point)
Within fifteen days but not earlier than ten days from the promulgation of the judgment or
notice of denial of a motion for new trial or reconsideration.
Within twenty days but not earlier than fifteen days from the promulgation of the judgment or
notice of denial of a motion for new trial or reconsideration.
Within ten days but not earlier than seven days from the promulgation of the judgment or
notice of denial of a motion for new trial or reconsideration
Within seven days but not earlier than five days from the promulgation of the judgment or
notice of denial of a motion for new trial or reconsideration
153.Juanito was convicted by the trial court. A Counsel de Officio was appointed to him by
the court for his appeal since he is confined in prison. To cut short the proceedings of
appeal, the counsel de officio of Juanito withdraw the appeal. Is the action of the counsel de
officio proper?
(1 Point)
Yes, because the counsel de officio wishes to cut short the proceedings of the appeal since he is
not being paid by Juanito.
Yes, because it is his right (counsel de officio) to terminate the appeal at any time even without
the consent of Juanito.
No, he (counsel de oficio) cannot withdraw the appeal without the consent of Juanito.
Yes, considering that it was not Juanito who choose him (counsel de officio) to be his lawyer for
his (Juanitos’) appeal.
154.There is a uniform procedure in the Municipal Trial Courts except:
(1 Point)
In the municipal circuit trial court’s
Municipal trial courts in cities
Metropolitan Trial Courts
In criminal cases governed by the revised Rules on summary procedures.
155.The court of appeals may dismiss the appeal on the following ground except:
(1 Point)
If appellant escapes from prison
If appellant jumps bail
If appellant escapes from confinement
If appellant files a motion for reconsideration
156.It is one of the scopes of judgment of the Court of Appeals EXCEPT:
(1 Point)
Reverse the judgment imposed by the trial court.
Affirm the judgment imposed by the trial court.
Increase or reduce the penalty imposed by the trial court.
Forward the case to the Supreme Court.
157.The procedure for the review by the supreme court of decisions in criminal cases
rendered by the court of appeals shall be the same in _____________________.
(1 Point)
Civil Cases
Corporate cases
Administrative cases
Quash criminal cases
158.It is an order in writing issued in the name of the people of the Philippines, signed by a
judge and directed to a peace officer, commanding him to search for personal property
described therein and bring it before the court.
(1 Point)
Warrant of Arrest
Search Warrant
159.If the criminal action has already been filed where the application for search warrant
should be filed?
(1 Point)
Any court within whose territorial jurisdiction of a crime was committed.
Any court within the judicial region where the crime was committed.
Any court within the judicial region where the warrant shall be enforced
In the court where the criminal action is pending
160.A theory underlying the system of our criminal law, of which Rafael Garafalo and Enrico
Ferri, including Dr. Cesare Lombroso, were the greatest exponents, that crime is considered
as essentially asocial and natural phenomenon.
(1 Point)
Juristic or classical theory
Positivist or realistic theory
Punitive theory
Non- punitive theory
161.Are those crimes committed against individuals, particularly against their chastity, but
which do not produce danger or prejudice common to other members of society.
(1 Point)
Private crimes
Public crimes
162.Are those acts and omissions committed not only by means of deceit, but also by
means of fault and are punishable by law.
(1 Point)
Justifying circumstances
Exempting circumstances
Attempted felony
163.Is committed whenever the offender commences the commission of a crime directly by
overt acts but does not perform all the acts of execution which should produce the felony as
a consequence by reason of some cause or accident other than his own spontaneous
(1 Point)
Frustrated felony
Attempted felony
Consummated felony
164.Are those crimes committed against the society which produce direct damage or
prejudice common to all its members.
(1 Point)
Private crimes
Public crimes
165.During the arraignment, the accused must be ______________.
(1 Point)
Represented by a proxy
Out of the country
Present personally
Represented by the prosecutor
166.What plea is recorded or entered for the accused if he refuses to plead?
(1 Point)
Plea of guilty
No plea is entered
Plea of not guilty
Improvident plea of guilty
167.The reading of the complainant or information during the arraignment shall be done in
what dialect or language?
(1 Point)
In English only
In Spanish
In Tagalog only
In the dialect or language known by the accused
168.This doctrine means that an unlawful search taints not only the evidence obtained
during the search but also facts discouraged by reason of said unlawful search
(1 Point)
Principle of double jeopardy
Proof of beyond reasonable doubt principle
Principle of a fruit a Poisonous tree
Search incidental to a lawful arrest principle
169.It is defined as the vernacular designation of the right of a police officer to stop a citizen
on the street, interrogate him and put him for weapons,
(1 Point)
Stop & Frisk
Plain view seizure
Consented warrantless search
170.The search warrant was issued on December 01, 2020; up to what date will it be valid?
(1 Point)
December 09, 2012
December 12, 2012
December 11,2020
171.The officer after the conduct of search and seizure must do the following EXCEPT
(1 Point)
Give a detailed receipt of the property seized to the lawful occupant.
Leave a detailed receipt of the property in the place in which he found the seized property in
the presence of at least two witnesses of sufficient age and discretion residing in the same locality.
Deliver immediately the property seized to the issuing judge together with the true and duly
verified under oath inventory thereof
Deliver immediately the property seized in a bonded warehouse for safekeeping even without
the approval of the court.
172.The extent of warrantless search may be made on the person of the suspect and
immediate vicinity or surrounding area of the place of arrest, EXCEPT
(1 Point)
In his room
Confined place within the accused’s immediate control
In his house situated 150 kmtrs. away from the place of arrest
Premises of surroundings under his immediate control.
173.Routine inspection is not regarded as violation of an individual’s right against
unreasonable search, EXCEPT
(1 Point)
Where the occupants are subjected to a physical or body search
Where the officers flashes a light therein without opening the car’s door
Where the inspection of the vehicle is limited to a visual search or visual inspection
Where the routine check is conducted in a fixed area
174.Charlie and Lea had been married for more than six months. They live together with the
children of Lea from her first husband. Charlie had sexual relationship with Jane, the 14 year
old daughter of Lea. Jane loves Charlie very much. What was the crime committed by
Charlie, if any?
(1 Point)
Simple Seduction
Qualified Seduction
Consented Abduction
175.Factum probans means __.
(1 Point)
preponderance of evidence
ultimate fact
evidentiary fact
sufficiency of evidence
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