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A Scientific Publication

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Sarjana Sastra Degree in English Literature Department
Faculty of Literature, Culture, and Communication
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan



Salma’ Azizah Sheilanukda A.
English Literature
Universitas Ahmad

Dra. Ani Windarti, M.Hum.

English Literature
Universitas Ahmad

Citation: Salma’ Azizah Sheilanukda A., Ani Windarti. (2021). Cyber Bullying Among
American Public Figures as Seen on Twitter. Notion: Journal of Linguistics,
Literature and Culture Vol x(x), p. xx. DOI:

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article History This study explores bullying has been grown into something more dangerous and
Article Received out of control problem over the past years. In recent years bullying itself has been
spreading into internet which called cyber bullying. Since bullying occurs on the
Article Accepted
internet especially on social media, every single person potentially can be the victim of
this action, and no exception for public figures. This study entitled Cyberbullying on
Keywords Twitter Experienced by American Public Figures find out the verbal expression of cyber
Feminism, Female bullying on American public figures Twitter, and also to examine the victim’s reaction
Victims, Horror, towards cyber bullying on their Twitter.
Psycho, Scream, To find out the major objectives in this study, the researcher takes qualitative
descriptive method and applies American studies discipline which focuses on
Popular Culture
interdisciplinary approaches which are media and lifestyles theory combined with
psychology theory that focus on cyber bullying. In this study, the researcher takes the
main data from American public figures Twitter, moreover the supporting data takes
from several websites such as, American Psychological Association, American
Society for the Positive Care of Children, YouTube, and other online sources
that relate to the major object.
The researcher sums several important points of the result of this study concisely
as follows. First, cyber bullying on American public figures social media has various
forms, such as racism, sexualizing, body shaming, name calling and other inappropriate
comment as example, taunting, mocking and the worst is sent death wishes to the
victims. Second, the reactions of the victims are various either, some of them show
positive action reacts to the cyber bullying on their social media, and the rest are show
negative reactions, such as angriness, sadness and stressfulness.

I. INTRODUCTION Bullying is a serious issue that is always

interesting to discuss. From year-to-year

bullying is also developing. Which was only thinking, stressed and the worst is can lead the
happened at school or work place now also victims to commit suicide, and these are having
happens on social media. For example, as an impact for all human being that received the
happened recently, the impact of bullying on bullies, not only children, but also teenagers
social media that comes from entertainment and adults. And in this case no exception for
world recently. According to The Jakarta Post, public figure, to received bullying or being the
Korean singer-actress, Choi Jin-ri or well- hateful subject, especially the public figure that
known as Sulli f(x), found dead at her house. has controversial life.
Police investigate that Sulli, execute suicide. The public figure that became a victim
A suicide note found after the police found of cyber bullying usually get attacked by the
Sulli’s death. Choi Jin-ri, or Sulli debuted as a offender of bully from their social media
child actress and then became a member of account, such as Instagram, YouTube,
one Girl Group named f(x). Sulli went on long Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter. Every single
hiatus after being the subject of hateful online person that has social media accounts can see
comments and rumors, these indicated as and follows public figure’s social media
factors triggering her suicide account that they want to follow. And also,
(, 2019). they have access to leave comments on their
Although bullying is a dangerous and content. And the cyber bullying offender
has so much awful impact in reality, usually use this comment section to do a
prevention and treatment for this case is still bully. Or else, people can do something
lacking. Especially in an all-sophisticated era crueler such as, create social media account to
nowadays. Bullying is not enough to be done make a hate content or bullied content for
by direct oppression, but also done on other people they want to against.
Internet. Furthermore, progress on the Internet Just like regular bullying, cyber bullying
brought more and more websites and with has several types, one of the types of cyber
this, came social media platform. And, every bullying is like what the researcher explains
day bullying that occur on social media or above, which the researcher involves to
people know that as cyber bullying is getting analyze cyber bullying as seen in American
more terrible. public figures Twitter.
As what Craig Donnellan on his book
entitled Bullying Issues said. Today, as II. METHODOLOGY
technology develops and becomes more This paper is methodologically qualitative,
readily available, bullies are finding new and by gathering the data and presenting it into
innovative ways to pick on their victims. descriptive. The researcher uses some
Texting and emailing threatening messages methods to conduct the study will be
are another form of bullying that is on the rise, explained as follows:
with one in five children now reporting that 1. The Source of Data
they have been bullied in this way (Donnellan a. Main Data
5). In this study the researcher uses a
Same with regular bullying, that has a collection of Twitter content and transcript of
meaning according to Britannica is harassment comments section on the content from some
and harm-doing that occur intentionally that is American public figure Twitter accounts from
directed toward vulnerable targets and typically 2017-2020 as the primary data. Besides, the
repeated (, 2019). Cyber researcher also utilizes Twitter content from
bullying itself has a serious impact for the TMZ account and another online news portal
victims, such as depression, anxiety, over as another main data.
b. Supporting Data

The researcher gathers another data from and analyzing American public figures
several sources such as bullying percentage reaction towards verbal bullying as seen on
form American Psychological Association, Twitter.
American Society for the Positive Care of
Children, YouTube, and other online sources A. Verbal Bullying Expressions among
that relates to the main issues. American Public Figures as Seen on
2. Collecting Data Technique Twitter
The researcher uses some techniques in The researcher explores the verbal
collecting data in this study. The first, the expression of bullying among American
researcher collects data by observe some public figures as seen on Twitter.
American public figures Twitter account as 1. Racism
the main data. Second, the researcher gathers Racism is one form of verbal bullying
some books that related to this study. Then expression that experienced by American
the, researcher downloads electronic sources public figure. Racist bullying usually occurs
such as some journals, articles, and thesis that because of the differences in ethnic, religion,
related to the main issue to avoid plagiarism. race, physical appearance and cultural
And the researcher also went to Self Access practice. Moreover, racist bullying frequently
Center in Universitas Ahmad Dahlan to search occurs because of the differences in skin
some undergraduate thesis which is related to color, also some ethnic and race feel they have
the topic of research. more power than other, so they can intimidate
3. Analyzing Data Technique and discriminate others who they think are
The researcher takes the data from the minority and powerless. There are a lot
American public figures Twitter platform and American public figures that got this type of
screen capture the comments by Twitter user bullying, and the researcher choose Michelle
and analyze the comment based on the note of Obama, Kelly Marie Tran, and Kendall Jenner
cyber bullying along its topic, and then as example of the victim of racist bullying that
collects another data from some social media occurs on Twitter.
and several journals that have similar topic 2. Sexualizing and Body Shamming
with the main issue. And the researcher also The word sexualizing is sounded so
reads any books from the online library. negative as well as body shaming, sexualizing
Therefore, the researcher also searches some is a negative term that involve sex and
files and scripts from others online sources. sexuality, sexualizing is when the victim body
The final step is the researcher organize and parts became the sexualized object, sometimes
analyze it into a discussion in this study. the clothes can be sexualized object as well
because it’s too shaped the body. While, body
III.RESULT AND DISCUSSION shaming is when the perpetrators make a
In this chapter the researcher presents the painful word and criticize someone physical
discussion and focuses on explaining the appearance and become so judgmental about
statements in the objective of the study from that. Here the researcher put the example of
the chapter one. This chapter will discuss the American public figures who became the
verbal expressions of bullying among victim of the action of sexualizing and body
American public figures as on Twitter and shaming expression among American public
discuss the analyze American public figures figures on Twitter; Billie Eilish, and Melania
reaction towards the verbal bullying on Trump.
Twitter. This chapter divides into two section.3. Name Calling
Firstly, are verbal bullying expressions among
American public figures. Secondly, is discuss

Name calling define as verbally abuse and 4. Billie Eilish who become the target of
language abuse to other people, the example is sexualizing and Body Shamming shoe the
calling someone “you are trash” and so on. reaction of feeling unsecured, threatened
This cases frequently occurs to American and scared.
figures, as a public figure they often times got 5. Melania Trump, target of sexualizing
language abuse from their haters on their bullying chose to doesn’t give any
social media. Some example of Name Calling reaction.
that occurs with American public figures are 6. Kylie Jenner who become the victim of
Kylie Jenner, Donald Trump, Kris Jenner and multiple types of bullying show the
The Kardashian Clan. These are some reaction of sad and angry.
example of American public figures who got 7. Donald trump, same with Kylie, he also
name calling bullying on their Twitter. became the victim of multiple types of
4. Taunting and Inappropriate Comment bullying on Twitter, but the difference is
Taunting is one of many forms of he choose to doesn’t give any reaction
Bullying, taunting is an action when someone toward it.
attack a person by insulting and mocking 8. Kris Jenner and The Kardashian Family
them. And inappropriate comment almost which choose to don’t give any reaction
same with taunting. Here some American toward name calling bullying they got on
public figures who frequently get taunting Twitter.
bullying by their haters on Twitter: This type 9. Cardi B, show the reaction of angriness
of bullying is also frequently type of bullying and choose to attack the bullies back after
that attack on American public figures on taunting and inappropriate bullying she got
Twitter, the public figures that include on the on Twitter.
victim of this action such as, Cardi B, Kanye 10. Kanye West, the victim of taunting and
West, Greta Thunberg, Kylie Jenner and inappropriate bullying shows angry
Donald. They are all are the most often get reaction toward it.
this type of bullying on their Twitter. 11. And last, Greta Thunberg who choose
attack the bullies back after taunting and
B. Victim’s Reactions of Verbal Bullying inappropriate bullying she got on Twitter.
as Seen on Twitter 12. Additionally, Twitter company which take
There are several reactions from the action to defend cyber bullying on Twitter,
victims towards cyber bullying as seen on by ban, suspend and blocking the users
their Twitter, some of them react with who share hateful and violence content on
madness, sadness and stressful, and another Twitter.
negative reaction. In other hand, there are
some of them choose to show and take IV. CONCLUSION
positive reaction. And, for more detail, here
the researcher presents some of explanations In this study the researcher explores the
the victims react to the verbal bullying they concept of Bullying in Social Media and finds
got on Twitter. that the culmination of this undergraduate
1. Michelle Obama who become the victim thesis entitled Cyberbullying on Twitter
of racism bullying show positive reaction. Experienced by American Public Figures can
2. Kelly Marie Tran, victim of racism be concluded into several points.
bullying also show positive reaction. First, cyber bullying has various types and
3. Kendall Jenner shows stressful and sad expression, also, American public figures
reaction as she got racism bullying on her obtained those various types of cyber bullying
Twitter. expression on their Twitter as well, such as

racism, sexualizing, body shamming, name mad and angry because of the bullies keep
calling and another inappropriate comment sending them bad things and stuff on their
such as taunting and the worst is death wishes. Twitter, and they attack back on the bullies
Racism bullying is when the bullies left with anger statement. Hence, the Twitter
comments or critics on Twitter offended their company also takes some actions which is
differences of skin color or race. While ban, blocking, and suspend accounts who send
sexualizing is when the bullies convey or create content that conclude harmful and
indecent things about American public figure. abusive language to hurt people on purpose, it
And the bullies also left negative comment has rules and policy for users and account
about their physical appearance and body who intentionally doing verbal bullying on
shape. Another type of verbal bullying Twitter.
expression is name calling, which are the Additionally, the researcher would like to
bullies call American public figures with such draw how bad bullying are those. Even more
an offensive and bad name, this is the type of on this social media era, which bullying can
verbal bullying that mostly done to American be occur to everyone who has social media
public figure. And also, there is inappropriate account. From this case, we can see that even
comment type of bullying, the bullies usually a public figure, or a president can be the
taunting and mocking at American public victim of bullying, and the impact of bullying
figures, and the worst is the bullies send death is not an easy deal. It can lead you to some
wishes to them. awful things such as psychological issue, law
Second, American public figures reaction problem and the worst is suicide. So, we need
toward verbal bullying on their Twitter is to raise awareness to our social media account
various as well. There are some of them react these days, we need to have strong control to
with positive action, such as cheering our digital world and use it as wise as
themselves up by quitting social media. And possible. Besides, the researcher hopes this
there are some of them became sad and research can be a reference in further research.
stressful dealing with the bullies on their
Twitter. While, not less of them are getting

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