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“The Change of Feminism Goals From First-Wave Era to Post-Modernism



A. Background of the study

Feminism is a complicated arrangement of belief systems and hypotheses, however on the

most-simple level, it will probably accomplish equivalent social, political, and financial rights

for women. The primary rush of feminism, toward the finish of the nineteenth and start of the

20th century, zeroed in fundamentally on women' democratic rights and property rights.

Then, at that point, came the second influx of women's rights and the Women' Freedom

Development of the 1960s, which zeroed in on issues past the legitimate status of women to

incorporate sexuality, conceptive rights, sex jobs, and man centric mentalities and culture.

( )

In the past, feminism emerged as an act of rebel towards patriarchal society, the word

feminism came from French socialist activist, Charles Fourier in 1837. It means that women

should be equal as men in every field such as politics, economics, human rights, etc. Cited

from a book called Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture by Julia T. Wood,

feminism derives from French word “femme” means women and “ism” means political

perspective, it can be defined that feminism is a political perspective and recognition on

women according to McCam & Kim on Julia T. Wood. (Wood, 2009)

B. Scope of the Study

C. Problem Formulation

D. Objectives of the Study

E. Review on the Related Studies

F. Theoretical Approach

G. Method of Study

H. Presentation

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