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Operating Area: COA Project Name Construction of Al-Bayan 380KV BSP ,S/S-9097 An reinforcement of 9020
Contractors: TDP Project Type: Substation Contract No.: 4400014617
Risk Assessment (Baseline and full RA)
RA Number: 5 DATE: 23-Mar-22
SEVERITY / CONSEQUENCE (Impact/Hazard Effect) (Where an event has more than one ' Loss Type ', choose the ' Consequence' with the highest rating)
Loss Type Additional "Loss Types" may exist for an event:
(1) Insignificant (2) Minor (3) Moderate (4) Major (5) Catastrophic
Identify & rate accordingly
Medical Treatment Case Single Fatality or Loss of Quality of Life /
(S/H) Harm to People (Safety/Health) First Aid Case/Exposure to Minor Health Risk Loss Time Injury / Reversible Impact on Health Multiple Fatalities / Impact on health Ultimately Fatal
Exposure to Major Health Risk Irreversible impact on Health
Material Environment harm (RST) Serious
(EI) Environmental Impact Minimal environment harm incident with workplace Material Environment harm (RST) Major environmental incident (RLT) Major environmental harm – Incident Irreversible
environmental harm incident (RMT)
(BI/MD) Business Interruption / Material / Fire Damage & Other Partial Loss of Operation/1M SR Substantial or Total Loss of Operation / 10M SR and
No disruption to operation / 1000 SR to Less than 10k SR Brief Disruption to Operation / 10k SR to Less Than 100k SR Partial Shutdown/100k SR to Less than 1M SR
Consequential Losses To Less than10M SR more
LIKELIHOOD Examples (Consider Near-Hits as well as actual events) RISK RATING / PROFILE
(5) ALMOST CERTAIN The unwanted event has occurred frequently : Occurs in order of (1) or more per year & is likely to reoccur within 1 year
5 (M) 10 (H) 15 (H) 20 (Ex) 25 (Ex)

(4) LIKELY The unwanted event has occurred infrequently : Occurs in order of less than once per year & is likely to reoccur within 5 yrs.
4 (M) 8 (H) 12 (H) 16 (Ex) 20 (Ex)
(3) POSSIBLE The unwanted event has occurred in the business at some time: or could happen within 10 years.
3 (L) 6 (M) 9 (H) 12 (H) 15 (Ex)
(2) UNLIKELY The unwanted event has occurred in the business at some time: or could happen within 20 years.
2 (L) 4 (M) 6 (M) 8 (H) 10 (H)
(1) RARE The unwanted event has never known to occur in the business or it is highly unlikely to occur within 20 years.
1 (L) 2 (L) 3 (L) 4 (M) 5 (M)
Stop operation and review controls- Eliminate, avoid risk & implement high priority
action plans
1. - Ibrahim Fawzy Site Manager 15 to 25 (Ex) - Extreme

Proactively manage & implement specific controls/action plans-Review after 7

2. - Ali Asad Civil Engineer 8 to 12 (H) - High

Actively manage & monitor – Additional controls is advised & review after 14 days
3. - Sherwin Safety Officer 4 to 6 (M) - Medium

Risk acceptable – Monitor & manage as appropriate with frequent review

4. - Ashfaque rehman Safety Officer 1 to 3 (L) - Low

Review by: Mohd Shahan Signature: Date: 23-Mar-22 MANAGER or Mohammad Fadel DATE: 23-03-22 NEXT REVIEW DATE: 23-Mar-23
Identify the hazard on the given task and conduct assessment of the actual site condition, all identified risk should provide with a plan to eliminate or control the risk.


Risk Ranking /

Risk Ranking /

Risks Issue


Improve existing


Work Activity (Possible incident) Follow up by Whom Controls Implemented
Item # (Process, Equipment, Materials)
Hazards [What can go wrong] Existing Controls controls / implement (name) & By When (date) Yes/No
(Accident / ill health to new controls
persons, fire or property loss)

● Permit to Work shall be obtained as a pre-requisite to

Obtain Permit to Work &
• Uncontrolled personnel entering a • Bodily and even perform work and Work shall not be started until duly Site manager/SiteEngineer
1 Request for Safety 3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 3 1 3 Yes or No
restricted area or location serious injury approved Permit to Work is available at site and that /safety officer/Supervisor
Safety Toolbox meeting was conducted

● A safe work practice shall be implemented to reduce Site manager/SiteEngineer

3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 3 1 3 Yes or No
the possibilities of accident / incident /safety officer/Supervisor

● Permit Receiver and Permit Issuer shall visit together at

Site manager/SiteEngineer
the site to ensure that workplace hazards are adequately 3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 3 1 3 Yes or No
/safety officer/Supervisor
identified and mitigating measure shall be established
● Permit to Work shall be displayed at the worksite and
Site manager/SiteEngineer
Permit Receiver shall not leave the area for the whole 3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 3 1 3 Yes or No
/safety officer/Supervisor
duration of work

● Work shall not proceed without the presence of

Site manager/SiteEngineer
approved Permit to Work with the Permit Receiver 3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 3 1 3 Yes or No
/safety officer/Supervisor
overseeing the activity

● Permit Receiver & issuer should have valid 3rd party

Site manager/SiteEngineer
certificates and able to understand safety requirements 3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 3 1 3 Yes or No
/safety officer/Supervisor
for PTW & relevant safety documents.

● PTW to be made known & understand by all workers at Site manager/SiteEngineer

3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 3 1 3 Yes or No
designated working area /safety officer/Supervisor

● Safety induction shall be given to all newly workforce

• Unaware of the potential hazards at • Slip, trip, fall and even Site manager/SiteEngineer
prior entering at site to ensure awareneess and safety 3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No
site serious injury /safety officer/Supervisor
requirements are communicated.

● Ensure visitors and newly inducted workers shall worn

mandatory PPE's at site. (safety shoes (BS 1970 or ANSI Site manager/SiteEngineer
3 3 9 Training 3 1 3 Yes or No
Z41.1) safety glasses (BS 29092 or ANSI Z 87.1) and /safety officer/Supervisor
rubberized hand gloves for protection on sharp edges.

● Visitor at site shall be accompanied by a designated

● Exposed with reversing equipments ● Bodily annd serious Site manager/SiteEngineer
site engineer/supervisor or a safety engineer upon 3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No
and vehicle movements at site injury /safety officer/Supervisor
entering at site.

● Ensure flag man is available for vehicle movements and Site manager/SiteEngineer
3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No
controlling traffic at site. /safety officer/Supervisor

● Ensure toolbox talk is conducted prior to start the Site manager/SiteEngineer

3 3 9 Training 3 1 3 Yes or No
activities. /safety officer/Supervisor

● To comply with work related Personal Protective Site manager/SiteEngineer

3 3 9 Training 3 1 3 Yes or No
Equipment before commence work /safety officer/Supervisor

● Musculoskeletal
sprains & strains for ● Sufficient workspace is provided in all practical Site manager/SiteEngineer
3 3 9 Training 3 1 3 Yes or No
● Manual Handling workers. workspaces to help ensure unobstructed, safe operation /safety officer/Supervisor

Site manager/SiteEngineer
● Use trolley when shifting materials. 3 3 9 Training 3 1 3 Yes or No
/safety officer/Supervisor
● Body pain or back ● Worker shall lift materials closer to the body and load Site manager/SiteEngineer
3 3 9 Training 3 1 3 Yes or No
injury shall not exceed half of the workers weight /safety officer/Supervisor

● Large materials shall be carried by minimum of two Site manager /safety

3 3 9 Training 3 1 3 Yes or No
● Ill health person officer/Supervisor

● Exposed with Environmental issue: ● Modify work schedules and arrange frequent rest
● Heat exhaustion / Site manager /safety
- Extreme temperature, humidity and periods with water breaks in shaded area 3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 3 1 3 Yes or No
stress / heat stroke officer/Supervisor

● Eye irritation and ● Ensure eye protection and respiratory protective Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 4 1 4 Yes or No
exposed with dust equipment shall be worn during dusty wearther. officer/Supervisor

● Work shall be suspended immeditely in outdoor Site manager /safety

3 3 9 Training 4 1 4 Yes or No
activities during hign wind and heavy sandstorm. officer/Supervisor

● Provide adequate cool water to workers close to the Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Training 3 1 3 Yes or No
work area. officer/Supervisor

● Provide covered rest shelter near the working area Site manager /safety
● Heat exhaustion 3 3 9 Training 3 1 3 Yes or No

● Adjust work timing and exposure of the workers to Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No
extreme environmental temperature officer/Supervisor

● Heat cramps & ● Allow frequent rest time if needed

Site manager /safety
Heatstress 3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 3 1 3 Yes or No

Site manager /safety

● Provide supplemental hydration powder or liquids 3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No

Site manager /safety

● Reminds to drink plenty of water 3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No

● Struck with sharp and hard object ● Accident resulting Site manager /safety
● Ensure hand protection shall be worn at site 3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No
injury to personnel officer/Supervisor
● Designate location for unloading of personnel and Site manager /safety
● Unorganized materials and access ● Vehicular accident 3 3 9 Supervisory Control 4 1 4 Yes or No
materials be stored only on a designated area officer/Supervisor

● Property damage to ● All material location and storage shall be barricaded Site manager /safety
● Area congestion 3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 4 1 4 Yes or No
equipment or materials and provided with adequate signage officer/Supervisor

• Personnel struck by
● Collision for Vehicle movements ● Only certified and licensed operator/driver to operate
moving equipment Site manager /safety
at site equipment. Third party training is a must. 3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No
resulting to fatality or officer/Supervisor
serious injury

● Designate a banks man to guide the movement of trailer Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Inspections 3 1 3 Yes or No
if the access way is narrow, congested and or pose risk. officer/Supervisor

● Fell in the same eleve

● Provision of proper access/egress shall be provided for Site manager /safety
● Limited access and egress nad caused broken 3 3 9 Inspections 3 1 3 Yes or No
means of entry officer/Supervisor
arms and legs

● Caused health
● Exposure to chemicals (application of hazards (eye and skin ● Personnel shall wear their required PPE at all times,
Manual application of Site manager /safety
2 primer, sealant) through inhalation, skin irritation, respiratory e.g., suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face 3 3 9 Training 3 1 3 Yes or No
bitumen prime officer/Supervisor
absorption or ingestion disease from long-term protection.

● Avoid contact with eyes (In case of contact with eyes,

Site manager /safety
rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical 3 3 9 Inspections 3 1 3 Yes or No

Site manager /safety

● Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. 3 3 9 Inspections 3 1 3 Yes or No

● After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Inspections 3 1 3 Yes or No
soap and water. officer/Supervisor
● Wear respiratory protective equipment (RPE, approved Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Training 3 1 3 Yes or No
dust mask against from chemical inhilation) officer/Supervisor

● Provide MSDS for water proofing materials and ensure Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 3 1 3 Yes or No
to communicate with the workforce. officer/Supervisor

● Only competent and experienced workers shall work Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Training 3 1 3 Yes or No
with bitumen/water proofing. officer/Supervisor

● All exposed workers shall be provided with adequate

and proper PPE for the task such as chemical apron,
Site manager /safety
rubber boots, long sleeved chemical gloves, mono 3 3 9 Inspections 3 1 3 Yes or No
goggles, face shield and cartridge type respirator as

● Flammable fume emitted from heated ● Resulting to fires and ● Ensure LPG Gas cylinder is properly fitted and secured Site manager /safety
4 3 12 Supervisory Control 4 1 4 Yes or No
bitumen & LPG cylinders burns to the worker during water pffing ac officer/Supervisor

Site manager /safety

● Flash back arrestors shall be installed in LPG hose 3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No

● Do not mix the heated or hot bitumen with water to Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No
avoid emission of combustible vapor officer/Supervisor

● Provide adequate number of fire extinguisher near Site manager /safety

3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No
water proffing activities officer/Supervisor

● Isolate by installing barricade around the area where Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No
bitumen was applied officer/Supervisor
● Ensure combustible materials shall be removed and Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 3 1 3 Yes or No
keep the materials away from open flames officer/Supervisor

● Gas cylinders shall be covered by fire blanket to ensure

Site manager /safety
leak and fumes are contained preventing from fire and 3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No

● During handling and working on these construction

● Fire / Explosion /
● Unsafe handling and storage of materials, personnel shall wear their PPE at all times Site manager /safety
Physical Injuries (like 3 3 9 Training 3 1 3 Yes or No
chemicals (safety shoes, protective clothing, safety glasses, officer/Supervisor
approved dust masks, and working gloves.

● Water proofing materials primer and sealant) shall be

Site manager /safety
temporarily stored in an isolated place protected from 3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 3 1 3 Yes or No
direct sunlight and other source of heat.

● Storage area shall be marked with “NO SMOKING Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Safe Work Procedures 3 1 3 Yes or No
flammable materials Present in this area” officer/Supervisor

Site manager /safety

● Provide adequate fire extinguishers. 3 3 9 Inspections 3 1 3 Yes or No

● Proper handling & safe storage of LPG gas cylinders Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Supervisory Control 4 1 4 Yes or No
shall be followed. officer/Supervisor

● Using blow torch and LPG fuel in ● Fire and burns

Site manager /safety
3 Membrane Application laying / sticking the Membrane/ ● Ensure competent personnel to perform the task. 4 4 16 Supervisory Control 4 1 4 Yes or No
Protection board
● Provide adequate fire extinguishers nearby water Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No
proofing activities. officer/Supervisor

● Test all connections for leaks using non-detergent soap Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No
and water solution. officer/Supervisor

Installation of aluminum ● Use of defective hand tools & power ● Hand injuries, ● Ensure hand protection shall be worn during drilling and Site manager /safety
4 3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No
flash (walls) tools or sharp tools laceration and cut fixing of nuts and bolts in base frames. officer/Supervisor

● Exposed with sharp

edges & rorating parts ● Ensure hand protection shall be worn during markings Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Supervisory Control 3 1 3 Yes or No
from portable and drilling holes. officer/Supervisor

● Measure and mark all drilling centers for aluminum flash Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Housekeeping 3 1 3 Yes or No
(walls) officer/Supervisor

● Exposed with sharp edges from

Housekeeping and ● Conduct and maintain daily housekeeping and ensure
wooden scrap materials and protruding Site manager /safety
5 removal of waste and ● Hand & foot injuries wooden materials are removed and properly stack in 3 3 9 Housekeeping 3 1 3 Yes or No
nails officer/Supervisor
scrap materials temporary wooden scrap materials area.

• Use hand protection during the handling of materials and Site manager /safety
3 3 9 Housekeeping 3 1 3 Yes or No
Keep hands away from pinch/crash points officer/Supervisor

● Wooden scrap materials to be removed from site by Site manager /safety

3 3 9 Housekeeping 3 1 3 Yes or No
approved contrcator. officer/Supervisor

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