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January 11, 2018


Door #1, East Bldg.
Circumferential Road
Bacolod City

Proposal for Limited Legal Retainer

Dear Ma’am:

This serves as our Proposal for Limited Legal Retainer (the “Proposal”) in relation to the
services of the law office (the “Law Office”) as your counsel for JJJ Salon and Spa (the
“Company”), as follows:


(a) The Monthly Retainer Fee is PESOS: TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (PhP 2,
500.00), to cover for the flexible time and services of the Law Office every month, relative to
legal consultations, research, conferences (either in person or through electronic means) with
the Company’s Human Resources Department, as well as for the review, preparation and
notarization of affidavits, basic legal documents and forms which are part of the usual trade
or business of the Company regardless of the value, price or consideration that is/are not
related to a litigation or case/s before any court, administrative agency or quasi-judicial body
of the government.

(b) For purposes of this Proposal, “Flexible Time and Services” means that the Law Office
can render service either within or beyond the normal office hours without need to log in or
out from the office premises of the Company and which services may be performed within the
premises of the Company or the Law Office, as the case may be.

(c) With respect to fees for services to be rendered by the Law Office for the Company’s
case/s or litigation before any court, administrative agency or quasi-judicial body of the
government., the Law Office will submit its bill in accordance with the Minimum Standard
Legal Fees of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (Negros Occidental Chapter), but subject
to further agreement of the parties.




Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.

All expenses for the printing and reproduction of documents, mailing, fare or
transportation, filing fees, transcript of stenographic notes, charges that may be required by
the court and other government agencies, sheriff’s fees, docket fees of cases to be filed,
meals, representation expenses and all other expenses incidental to the foregoing will be to
the account of the Company.

Photocopying of documents from the office of the undersigned is at PESOS: TWO PESOS
(Php 2.00) per page.


Payment of the Monthly Retainer Fee is to be made by the Company not later than the
_____ day of every month. If it falls on a holiday or weekend, then payment is to be made on
the day prior to the holiday or weekend. For check payments, please make it payable to
CASH or to another person whom she may authorize for the purpose.

For the rest of the fees, the Law Office will send its bill or Statement of Account to the
Company through e-mail, fax, registered mail, private courier or personal service, whichever
is deemed practicable during the applicable billing period. Official receipts may be delivered
to the Company upon request by the latter to the Law Office.


The Law Office, regularly or upon request, will provide reports to the Company either in
writing or through such practicable means as may be required by the circumstances.


The rules on Legal Ethics prohibit the Law Office from accepting an engagement involving
the prosecution or defense of your interests which may be adversarial to those of another
retained client where the law office has previously represented such client in respect of the
same set of facts or events.

Sometimes, the interest may not be readily discernible at the time the Law Office accepts
a specific engagement from a retainer client. Accordingly, the Law Office has to reserve the
right to withdraw from the engagement should such conflict of interest develop or become


The law office will provide the services set out in this engagement proposal and will use
all reasonable efforts to provide the services required in an efficient and timely manner, using
necessary skill and expertise to an appropriate professional standard. The Law Office does
not purport to provide any advice or render any expert opinion or views to take on any role
on any matter other than as set out in this engagement proposal regardless of whether the
Law Office has the capability or expertise to render such service, advice, opinion or view or to
take on such role.
Our services will be provided based on our interpretation of relevant laws, rules and
regulations, if any, and jurisprudence, current at the date it is provided, but should not be
relied on, subsequent to any change in laws, rules and regulations, jurisprudence and
rulings after that date.

When applicable, we will indicate within our deliverables the sources of the information
presented. We will not seek to establish the reliability of these sources by reference to
evidence independent of documents provided. We will, however, satisfy ourselves, so far as
possible, that the information presented is consistent with other information that is made
available to us in the course of our work in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


The scope of our work is restricted to the services earlier mentioned, unless the scope of
such services are increased or decreased by agreement of the parties.

Any advice rendered will be based on the law as it stands at the time the advice is
When the Company asks the Law Office to review any advice already given if a material fact
relating thereto is changed, or the occurrence of which is delayed or is to be repeated, or if an
apparently similar transaction is to be undertaken, our original advice or our course of
action may not be applicable or appropriate in such circumstances. The Law Office does not
guarantee the success of any process or action it takes in relation to the services proposed.


The engagement under paragraph 1 (a) shall take effect on __________________ until
_______________________ and subject to automatic renewal for the same period unless
otherwise agreed upon by the parties in writing to that effect. In any case, either or both
parties have the option to pre-terminate this Agreement provided notice shall be given by one
party to the other within a period of at least 30 days from the intended date of effectivity of
the said pre-termination without prejudice to any accrued and outstanding professional fees
and out-of-pocket expenses owing to the Law Office.

The rest of the engagements mentioned in this Agreement shall take effect upon the
endorsement by the Company to the Law Office of each case to be handled.

Should the foregoing proposed Agreement be acceptable, please indicate your conformity

Thank you very much and God bless.

Sincerely yours,


________________ __________

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