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Storytelling Challenge

I was given the responsibility (a one-off assignment) of inspiring and grooming top individual
contributors (ICs) for frontline manager role. As part of this, I collaborated with human resource
managers, company top leadership and client-facing teams to design a training course or module.
Many of potential frontline managers are top performers in the organization in terms of technical
capability (market research, report presentation), their motivation to move to managerial role
remained low. They also needed proper training to grow into a capable frontline manager. I had to
find ways to inspire top individual contributors (ICs) to improve their leadership skills.


Many ICs understood the positives of managerial role in terms of monetary benefits and career
advancement but were not ready to trade unknown territory. Forcing it on them was also not an
option as they are too critical to the company’s operations. Along with traditional case studies and
external training modules, I strongly argued for inclusion of storytelling as pedagogical tool. I
suggested storytelling as a solution as it could convey the message with lot of positivity.


I scheduled discussion with all critical departments of company (Customer success, Sales, Middle-
managers, Human resource) to highlight few frontline managers who had contributed immensely to
company and clients. I then gathered stories of success about them from different stakeholders (e.g.
2 sales managers, 2 customer success managers, 2 middle-managers in operations, 1 Human
resource manager, 2 head of department, 1 admin).

Stories revolved around following aspects: 1. How top frontline managers turned around projects
from negative client feedback rating to positive by their positive attitude and problem-solving skills
2. Innovation in team management


I moderated many storytelling sessions. I also collected feedback from potential frontline managers.
I observed people opening after few sessions and started contributing their perspective. They
started to appreciate the bigger playground for which they were being groomed. It also convinced
many to welcome “change” as a positive by reducing degree uncertainty.


Stakeholders from many departments have approached me and appreciated the storytelling
approach, how it has helped them in their mission to showcase “Change” as a win-win. Sometimes a
little story can go a long way in fostering positive change.. This course made me see this as a tool in a
new way. When I've done it before it was really "one-off," but now I can prepare ahead and think of
stories that will assist me in presenting my ideas and best illuminate them. I have a market
intelligence background, but I ended up as a storyteller in my organization. ‘Wow”.

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