DLP in English 6 With Road Safety Integration

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DAILY LESSON PLAN DATE:____________________

Quarter III Grade Level: 6 Week:3 Lesson: 2

Learning Area: ENGLISH 6 MELCs: EN6SS-IIIc- 1.8.3
Objectives Using a particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience
Topic/s Use a particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose and audience
 Greetings
 Presentation of Incentive/Behavioral Chart
 Review: What was our lesson yesterday?
 Drill: Reading of Unfamiliar Words
 Unlocking of Difficulties: Give the meaning of the following words using dictionary.

Role Play by Group

Title: Road Safety

*Dave, Gail and Hans are celebrating their get together*
Gail : It’s been 6 years since we had a get together. I really miss seeing your ugly faces.
Hans : Duh! as if you have a pretty face.
Dave : Stop it guys! When it comes to physical looks I am better than you two.
Gail : By the way for the past years many things had changed, might as well talk about it right now.
Hans : I agree. Dave you already have a family right?
Dave : Oh yes. As a matter of fact I have to fetch them right now.
Hans : Wait! You’re driving? But you’re already drunk!
Dave : It’s fine I can manage.
 Gail : Ok be safe! Don’t forget to fasten your seatbelt.*Dave drives to fetch his wife and daughter from school*

*While waiting for Dave* 
Julliene : Mom! Where’s dad?
 Cheska : He’s on his way. I told him not to be late.
Julliene : I think that’s our car mom.
 Cheska : Come on, let’s go!
Cheska : Why do you smell like alcohol? Have you been drinking?
Dave : Yes I have. But I just drunk a couple of shots. No worries.
Cheska : You now that it’s dangerous to drive under the influence of Alcohol! And we’re with our daughter.
Dave : I know that. And I’ll be careful. Don’t worry.
 Dave : Come, let’s get going.

*While driving*
 Cheska : Honey, how many times do I have to tell you to fasten your seatbelt while driving?
Dave : And how many times do I have to tell you that I can manage? It’s just a fifteen-minute drive. We won’t get
involved in an accident or something.
Cheska : ahh. It’s your choice. Don’t blame me if something happened to us.
 Julliene : Mommy! Mommy!
Cheska : Yes dear? Is everything alright?
Julliene : Can I join you in the front seat? I really want to have a better view of the road.
Cheska : Oh sure. Come here, Yen.
Dave : Is that okay? I mean, are kids allowed in the front seat?
Cheska : Just as what you said, we won’t get into danger. So better yet make our kid happy right?
Dave : Okay honey.
Julliene : Look Mommy, Police Officers!
Cheska : Oh Dave, you would be getting us in real trouble.
Dave : Why honey?
Cheska : Can’t you see? There was an accident. And Police officers are having a checkpoint.
DAILY LESSON PLAN DATE:____________________
Dave : Oh great. What should we do?
Cheska : I don’t know. Just keep calm and don’t be thrilled when they inspect us.

*As a police officer and a Land Transportation Officer (LTO), Angel and Joseph are having a checkpoint*
 Angel : *Knocks on the car window* Sir, excuse me can I have a word with you?
Dave : What is it officer?
Angel : *Smells alcohol* Sir, have you been drinking?
Dave : Ahhh… umm…
Angel : And Sir why aren’t you wearing your seatbelt?
 Dave : Umm this?
Angel : Sir are you not aware of the costs of not wearing a seatbelt while driving and under the influence of alcohol?
Joseph : Is everything alright here? Oh Ma’am, why is your kid sitting in the front seat with you? And why aren’t all of
you wearing a seat belt?
 Angel : According to the RA No 8750 or the Seat Belts Use Act of 1999 aims to secure and safeguard passengers and
drivers of motor vehicles from injuries and other effects of vehicular accidents. The policy includes the mandatory
wearing of seatbelts by the driver and front seat passengers of any running motor vehicle. The Act also prohibits
children from sitting in the front seat of any motor vehicle.
Joseph : In addition, RA No 10586 or the Anti- Drunk and Drugged Driving Law also penalizes those who will be caught
driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, and other similar substances.
Cheska : We were aware of those, but...
Angel : But you still did it and violated the Law.
Joseph : Now, step out of the car and come with us. We will be charging you with appropriate fines for your offense.
Dave : Okay Officers, we are so sorry. We won’t do it again knowing all the consequences ahead of us.
All Members: So let’s be ALERT TODAY and ALIVE TOMORROW

Answer the following questions:
1. What was the role play about?
2. What did the characters in the play violate?
3. What safety precaution were mention in the play?
4. What have you realized in that role play activity?

 Have you notice the lines of the characters in play?
 What can you say about their emotions?

 Here are some lines picked up from the role play, will you please read?
o It’s been 6 years since we had a get together. I really miss seeing your ugly faces.
o Sir why aren’t you wearing your seatbelt?
o Wait! You’re driving? But you’re already drunk!
 What can you say about these lines or sentences?

There are four kinds of sentences according to purpose.

1. Declarative sentences (also called assertive sentences) give information. They may state a fact or an opinion.
Declarative sentences end with periods.
I like riding my motorcycle around the park.
The sun is shining.
2. Interrogative sentences ask a question. Interrogative sentences end with question marks. In English, interrogative
questions often begin with interrogative words like who, when, where, why, what, and how.
Why are you late?
What time is it?
Where is the library?
3. Exclamatory sentences exclaim or show great emotion. Exclamatory sentences end with exclamation marks. Use
exclamation marks only when necessary.
DAILY LESSON PLAN DATE:____________________
Wow! That magic trick was terrific!
You look lovely!
4. Imperative sentences give a command, a request, advice, a suggestion, a warning, or a wish. They can be followed by
a period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark.
Be quiet. (a command)
Watch out! (a command)
Please have a seat. (a request)
Kindly turn on the lights. ( a request)

A. Look at the following words, insert suitable punctuation marks.
1. Why are you late today___
2. I am the winner ___
3. I am reading a book ___
4. I got new bag, pen, and ball ___
5. How old are you ___
B. Correct the sentences by supplying the appropriate punctuation mark.
1. When you cross, walk quickly ____
2. Will you please wear a seatbelt ____
3. Wait___ Look both ways____
4. Walk on the pavement_____
5. Stop____ Don’t run onto the road____
6. Did you talk to the driver while on board___
7. Do not lean out of the window ____

Evaluation: Additional Activities :

Prepared by Checked by Noted by



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