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The most common Name of a Synopsis of said

themes relevant relevant work


Alexander Pope directly The Rape The Rape of the

Pope addressed the most of the Lock Lock emerged as an
important intellectual, attempt to reconcile
political and religious two families
problems of his era. It between which had
was he who occurred a small
developed the heroic incident: Lord Petre
couplet beyond what had cut by force, a
no poet had lock of the hair of
previously achieved. Arabella Fermor,
object of his
admiration, thus
provoking the
indignation of this
and her family.

Lord In his poems, he She Walks She Walks in Beauty

Byron gives life to in Beauty Like the Night is a
characters who classic poem by
present an idealized, English PetyLord
but defective Byron. In it he
character, whose describes a beautiful
attributes included: woman. The Daisy
great talent, great Follows Soft the Sun
display of passion, has a daisy telling
aversion to society the sun why she
and social institutions, loves him. The book
frustration for an is illustrated with
impossible love due to classic paintings.
the limits imposed by
society or death,
rebellion, exile, dark
past, self-destructive
behavior. The poet
expresses himself
with a fiery and
vehement style that
demonstrates his
contempt for society
and norms, his
weariness of life and
his vital skepticism.
Percy The main theme of Prometheus The giant
Shelley this poet is: either Unbound Prometheus created
individual love with clay and water
becomes love for the first human
humanity, or love for being to whom he
humanity is later bestowed fire.
concentrated and He was chained
transferred to because of his
individual love. rebelliousness by
Jupiter to a rock in
the Caucasus,
where a vulture
devoured his liver
that regenerated
during the night.
Only with the loss of
Jupiter’s power
could Prometheus,
who serenely suffers
the terrible torture,
be released.
Finally, Demogorgon
dethrones Jupiter
and Hercules frees

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