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Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and

al Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam)

INTRODUCTION ends and scares means which have 4) Prescriptive : M.E prescribes solutions to income, his taste etc. which are the always keep an ideal quantity of stock. A firm Opportunity cost plays an important role in
ECONOMICS alternative uses”. various business problems. determinants of demand. A study of the always prefer to have an optimum quantity managerial economics. This concept helps in
The term “economics” has been derived from D. Modern Definition: The credit for 5) Uses macroeconomics : it take help of determinants of demand is necessary for of stock. Therefore, managerial economics selecting best possible alternative from
a Greek Word “Oikonomia” which means revolutionizing the study of economics macro economics also. forecasting future demand of the product. will use some methods as ABC analysis, among various alternatives available to solve
„household‟. Economics is a social science. It surely goes to Lord J.M Keynes. He defined 6) Uses theory of firm: M.E is a special 2. Cost analysis: - Estimation of cost is an inventory models etc. a particular problem.
is called „social‟ because it studies mankind economics as the “study of the branch of economics to bridge gap between essential part of managerial problems. The 9. Linear programming and theory of 2.Principle of incremental cost and
of society. It deals with aspects of human administration of scares resources and the economic theory and managerial practice. factors causing variation of cost must be games : linear programming and games revenue : incremental costs are additional
behavior. It is called science since it studies determinants of income and employment”. 7) Management oriented found out and allowed for it management to theory have come to be regarded as part of costs incurred due to a change in the level or
social problems from a scientific point of Prof. Samuelson recently given a definition arrive at cost estimates. This will helps for M.E recently. nature of activity. Incremental revenue
8) Art and science
view. based on growth aspects which is known as more effective planning and sound pricing 10. Business Cycle : business cycle affect means the change in total revenue resulting
Objectives of managerial economics:
Definition of Economics Growth definition. “Economics is the study of practices. business decisions. Business cycle refers to from a decision. Incremental principle can be
how people and society end up choosing, 1. analyze the economic problems faced by 3. Pricing Decisions: - The firms aim to regular fluctuations in economic activities in used in the theories of consumption,
A. Wealth Definition, the business.
with or without the use of money to employ profit which depends upon the correctness the country. production, pricing and distribution.
B. Welfare Definition, 2. To integrate economic theory with
scarce productive resources that could have of pricing decisions. The pricing is an Functions of managerial economist 3. Principle of time perspective : time
C. Scarcity Definition and alternative uses to produce various business practice. important area of managerial economics. plays an important role in economic theory.
1. Sales forecasting.
D. Growth Definition commodities and distribute them for 3. To apply economic concepts and Theories regarding price fixation helps the A decision should be taken only after
2. Market research.
A. Wealth Definition : Really the science of consumption, now or in the future, among principles to solve business problems. firm to solve the price fixation problems. studying the short run and long run effects
economics was born in 1776, when Adam various persons or groups in society. 3. Production scheduling on cost and revenue.
4. To allocate the scares resources in the 4. Profit management: - Business firms
Smith published his famous book “An Economics analyses the costs and the optimal manner. working for profit and it is an important 4. Economic analysis of competing industry. 4. Principle of discounting : time value of
Enquiry into the Nature and Cause of Wealth benefits of improving patterns of resources 5. To make all-round development of a firm. measure of success. But firms working under 5. Investment appraisal. money should be considered while taking
of Nation”. He defined economics as the use”. conditions of uncertainty. Profit planning 6. Security management analysis. related decision.
6. To minimize risk and uncertainty
study of the nature and cause of national Meaning and Definition of Managerial become necessary under the conditions of 7. Advise on foreign exchange management. 5. Equi- marginal principle : according to
wealth. According to him, economics is the 7. To helps in demand and sales forecasting.
Economics. uncertainty. 8. Advice on trade. this principle, an input should be allocated in
study of wealth- How wealth is produced 8. To help in profit maximization.
Managerial economics is first introduced by 5. Capital budgeting: - The business 9. Environmental forecasting. such a manner that the value added by the
and distributed. He is called as “father of Joel Dean. He is considered as the father of 9. To help to achieve the other objectives of managers have to take very important last unit of input is same in all uses. This
economics” and his definition is popularly the firm like industry leadership, expansion 10. Economic analysis of agriculture Sales
managerial economics. Managerial decisions relating to the firm’s capital forecasting principle provides a base for maximum
called “Wealth definition”. economics is concerned with those aspects implementation of policies etc... investment. The manager has to calculate exploitation of all the inputs of firm so as to
B. Welfare Definition : It was Alfred of economics and its tools of analysis which Importance of managerial economics: correctly the profitability of investment and The responsibilities of managerial maximize the profitability.
Marshall who rescued the economics from are used in the process decision making of 1. techniques for managerial decision economists
to properly allocate the capital. Success of 6. Optimization : the objective may be
the above criticisms. By his classic work business enterprise. making. the firm depends upon the proper analysis of 1. To bring reasonable profit to the company.
maximization of profit or minimization of
“Principles of Economics”, published in 1890, Spencer and Siegleman defined managerial 2. It gives answers to the basic problems of capital project and selecting the best one. 2. To make accurate forecast. time or minimization of cost.
he shifted the emphasis from wealth to Economics as “the integration of economic business management. 6. Production and supply analysis: - 3. To establish and maintain contact with Economics Vs Managerial economics.
human welfare. According to him wealth is theory with business practice for the 3. It supplies data for analysis and Production analysis is narrower in scope individual and data sources.
simply a means to an end in all activities, the Economics Managerial
purpose of facilitating decision making and forecasting. than cost analysis. Production analysis is 4. To keep the management informed of all Economics
end being human welfare. He adds, that forward planning of management” proceeds in physical terms while cost the possible economic trends.
4. It provides tools for demand forecasting
economics “is on the one side a study of the analysis proceeds in monitory term.
Dealing both micro Dealing only micro
Characteristics of managerial economics and profit planning. 5. To prepare speeches for business and macro aspects aspects
wealth; and the other and more important Important aspects of supply analysis are;
side, a part of the study of man”. Marshall 1).micro economics : M.E is micro economic 5. It guides the managerial economist. executives.
supply schedule, curves and functions, law of Both positive and Only a normative
gave primary importance to man and in character. It does not study the problems 6. It helps in formulating business policies. 6. To participate in public debates normative science. science.
of the entire economy. supply, elasticity of supply and factors
secondary importance to wealth 7. It assists the management to know 7. To earn full status in the business team.
influencing supply… Deals with Deals with practical
C. Scarcity Definition : After Alfred 2) Normative science : M.E is a normative internal and external factors influence the Fundamental concepts of managerial
7. Study of market: after pricing of product, theoretical aspects aspects
Marshall, Lionel Robbins formulated his own science. It is concerned with what business. economics(techniques)
management should do under particular the manager has to introduce the product in Study both the firm Study the problems
conception of economics in his book “The Scope of Managerial / Business the market. The manager should offer the 1.Principles of opportunity cost: and individual. of firm only
Nature and Significance of Economic circumstances. Economics Opportunity cost refers to the cost of
products only in those market where he will Wide scope Narrow scope
Science” in 1932. According to him, 3) Pragmatic : M.E tries to solve managerial 1. Demand analysis and Forecasting: - The gt maximum sales. foregoing or giving up an opportunity. It is
“Economics is the science which studies problems in their day to day functioning of demands for the firms product would change the cost of the next best alternative.
business enterprise. 8. Inventory management : a firm should
human behavior as a relationship between in response to change in price, consumer’s

Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam)

Managerial economics as a tool for minimized only by making accurate forecast Law of Demand distinction. Exceptions to the Law of Demand. Determinants of individual demand
decision making and forward planning. and forward planning. Managerial economics Law of demand shows the relation between 6) The demand for the commodity should be (Exceptional Demand Curve). Demand of a commodity may change. It may
Decision making: Decision making is an helps manager in forward planning Forward price and quantity demanded of a continuous. The basic feature of demand curve is increase or decrease due to changes in
integral part of modern management. planning means making plans for the future. commodity in the market. In the words of 7) People should not expect any change in negative sloping. But there are some certain factors. These factors are called
Perhaps the most important function of the A manager has to make plan for the future Marshall “the amount demanded increases the price of the commodity. exceptions to this. I.e... In certain determinants of demand. These factors
business manager is decision making. e.g. Expansion of existing plants etc. The with a fall in price and diminishes with a rise circumstances demand curve may slope include;
Why does demand curve slopes
Decision making is the process of selecting knowledge of various economic theories viz, in price”. downward? upward from left to right. 1) Price of a commodity
one action from two or more alternative demands theory, supply theory etc. also can While other things remaining the same an 1) Giffen goods/ Inferior goods: The Giffen
Demand curve slopes downward from left to 2) Nature of commodity
course of actions. Resources such as land, be helpful for future planning of demand and increase in the price of a commodity will goods are inferior goods is an exception to
supply. So managerial economics enables the right (Negative Slope). There are many 3) Income and wealth of consumer
labour and capital are limited and can be decreases the quantity demanded of that the law of demand. When the price of
manager to make plan for the future. causes for downward sloping of demand 4) Taste and preferences of consumer
employed in alternative uses, so the question commodity and decrease in the price will inferior good falls, the poor will buy less and
curve:- 5) Price of related goods (substitutes and
of choice is arises. Manager has to choose MODULE II increase the demand of that commodity. So vice versa. Thus fall in price will result into
best among the alternatives by which 1) Law of Diminishing Marginal utility: As compliment goods)
DEMAND CONCEPTS the relationship described by the law of reduction in quantity. This paradox is first
available resources are most efficiently used the consumer buys more and more of the 6) Consumers‟ expectations.
Meaning of Demand demand is an inverse or negative explained by Sir Robert Giffen.
for achieving the desired aims. commodity, the marginal utility of the
Demand is a common parlance means desire relationship because the variables (price and 2) Prestige goods.: According to Veblen, 7) Advertisement etc...
additional units falls. Therefore the
Decision making process involves the for an object. But in economics demand is demand) move in opposite direction. It rich people buy certain goods because of its Determinants of market demand
consumer is willing to pay only lower prices
following elements; something more than this. In economics shows the cause and effect relationship social distinction or prestige. Diamonds and 1.Price of related product
for additional units. If the price is higher, he
1. recognize the need for a decision „Demand‟ means the quantity of goods and between price and quantity demand. other luxurious article are purchased by rich 2. usefulness
will restrict its consumption
2. analyze and define the problem or services which a person can purchase with a The concept of law of demand may be people due to its high prestige value. Hence 3. change in population
2) Principle of Equi- Marginal Utility:
opportunity.. requisite amount of money. explained with the help of a demand higher the price of these articles, higher will
Consumer will arrange his purchases in such 4. distribution of income and wealth
3. develop alternatives definition schedules. be the demand.
a way that the marginal utility is equal in all 5. change in climate
4. Evaluation and analysis of alternatives. According to Prof.Hidbon, “Demand means Demand schedule: his purchases. If it is not equal, they will alter 3) Ignorance.: Sometimes consumers think
that the product is superior or quality is high 6.Technological progress
5. The selection best alternative the various quantities of goods that would be The price , quantity relation can be their purchases till the marginal utility is
arithmetically represented in the form of a if the price of that product is high. As such 7. Govt. Policy
6. The implementation and purchased per time period at different prices equal.
in a given market”. Thus demand for a table showing different prices and they buy more at high price. 8. Business cycle
7. evaluate the results. 3) Income effect.: When the price of the
commodity is its quantity which consumer is corresponding quantities demanded. This commodity falls, the real income of the 4) Speculative Effect.: When the price of 9. availability of credit
Areas of decision making; able and willing to buy at various prices table is known as demand schedule. It may commodity is increasing, then the consumer Demand Function.
consumer will increase. He will spend this
a) Selection of product. during a given period of time. Simply, be increased income either to buy additional buy more of it because of the fear that it will The functional relationship between demand
b) Selection of suitable product mix. demand is the behavior of potential buyers Individual demand Schedule: An quantity of the same commodity or other increase still further. and its various determinants expressed in
c) Selection of method of production. in a market. individual demand schedule is a list of commodity. 5) Fear of Shortage.: During the time of mathematically is called demand function.
d) Product line decision. Demand Analysis quantities of a commodity purchased by an 4) Substitution effect. :When the price of emergency or war, people may expect Demand function of a commodity can be
e) Determination of price and quantity. Demand analysis means an attempt to individual consumer at different prices. tea falls, it becomes cheaper. Therefore the shortage of commodity and buy more at written as follows:
determine the factors affecting the demand Market demand schedule: Market demand consumer will substitute this commodity for higher price to keep stock for future. D = f (P, Y, T, Ps, U)
f) Decision on promotional strategy.
of a commodity or service and to measure refers to the total demand for a commodity coffee. This leads to an increase in demand 6) Necessaries: In the case of necessaries Where, D= Quantity demanded P= Price of
g) Optimum input combination. by all the consumers. It is the aggregate
such factors and their influences. The for tea. like rice, vegetables etc., People buy more the commodity
h) Allocation of resources. quantity demanded for a commodity by all even at a higher price.
demand analysis includes the study of law of 5) Different uses of a commodity.: Some Y= Income of the consumer T= Taste and
i) Replacement decision. demand, demand schedule, demand curve the consumers in a market. 7) Brand Loyalty: When consumer is brand
commodities have several uses. If the price preference of consumers.
j) Make or buy decision. and demand forecasting. Assumptions of Law of Demand of the commodity is high, its use will be loyal to particular product or psychological
Ps = Price of substitutes U= Consumers
k) Shut down decision. objectives of demand analysis 1) There is no change in consumers’ taste restricted only for important purpose. attachment to particular product, they will
expectations & others
l) Decision on export and import. 1) To determine the factors affecting the and preference 6) Price effect: Psychologically people buy continue to buy such products even at a
higher price. f = Function of (indicates how variables are
m) Location decision. demand. 2) Income should remain constant. more of a commodity when its price falls. In related)
n) Capital budgeting. 2) To measure the elasticity of demand. 3) Prices of other goods should not change. other word it can be termed as price effect. 8) Festival, Marriage etc.: In certain
occasions like festivals, marriage etc. people Different types of demand.
Forward Planning: -Future is uncertain. A 3) To forecast the demand. 4) There should be no substitute for the 7) Tendency of human beings to satisfy
will buy more even at high price. Joint demand: When two or more
firm is operating under the conditions of risk 4) To increase the demand. commodity. unsatisfied wants.
commodities are jointly demanded at the
and uncertainty. Risk and uncertainty can be 5) To allocate the recourses efficiently 5) The commodity should not confer any

Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam)

same time to satisfy a particular want, it is income, price of related goods etc... , it is in price and consequent change in quantity a) Unit income elasticity; Demand changes 2) Perfectly inelastic demand: In this both are equal, ep= 1, the elasticity is said to
called joint or complimentary called shift in demand. Due to changes in demanded. in same proportion to change in income. i.e, case, even a large change in price fails to be unitary.
demand.(demand for milk, sugar, tea for other factors, if the consumers buy more Elasticity of demand can be defined as “the Ey = 1 bring about a change in quantity
making tea). goods, it is called increase in demand or degree of responsiveness in quantity b) Income elasticity greater than unity: An demanded. I.e. the change in price will not
Composite demand: The demand for a upward shift. On the other hand, if the demanded to a change in price”. increase in income brings about a more than affect the quantity demanded and quantity
commodity which can be put for several uses consumers buy fewer goods due to change in Types of elasticity of demand: proportionate increase in quantity remains the same whatever the change in
(demand for electricity) other factors, it is called downward shift or demanded. i.e, Ey =>1 price. Here demand curve will be vertical
1. Price Elasticity of Demand.
Direct and Derived demand: Demand for a decrease in demand. c) Income elasticity less than unity: when line as follows and ep= 0
2. Income Elasticity of Demand. and
commodity which is for a direct income increases quantity demanded is also
3. Cross Elasticity of Demand.
consumption is called direct demand.(food, increases but less than proportionately. I.e., SL Type Numerical Description Shape of
cloth). When the commodity is demanded as Price Elasticity of Demand: Ey = <1 expressions curve
a result of the demand of another Price Elasticity of demand measures the Cross Elasticity of Demand
commodity, it is called derived change in quantity demanded to a change in
Cross elasticity of demand is the
demand.(demand for tyres depends on price. It is the ratio of percentage change in 1 Perfectly α Infinity Horizontal
proportionate change in the quantity elastic
demand of vehicles). quantity demanded to a percentage change
demanded of a commodity in response to 3) Relatively elastic demand: Here a 2 Perfectly 0 Zero Vertical
Industry demand and company demand:: in price. This can be measured by the
change in the price of another related small change in price leads to very big inelastic
Demand for the product of particular following formula.
commodity. Related commodity may either change in quantity demanded. In this case 3 Unitary 1 One Rectangular
company is company demand and total Price Elasticity = substitutes or complements. Examples of elastic hyperbola
Comparison between demand curve will be fatter one and ep=>1 4 Relatively >1 More than Flat
demand for the products of particular substitute commodities are tea and coffee.
extension/contraction and shift in elastic one
industry which includes number of Examples of compliment commodities are
demand 5 Relatively <1 Less than Steep
companies is called industry demand Income Elasticity of Demand: car and petrol. Cross elasticity of demand inelastic one
Extension and Contraction of Demand. Extension/ Shift in Demand Income elasticity of demand shows the can be calculated by the following formula; Importance of Elasticity.
Contraction of change in quantity demanded as a result of a Cross Elasticity =
Demand may change due to various factors. 1. Production- Producers generally decide
Demand change in consumers’ income. Income
The change in demand due to change in price their production level on the basis of demand
only, where other factors remaining Demand is varying Demand is varying elasticity of demand may be stated in the for their product. Hence elasticity of demand
constant, it is called extension and due to changes in due to changes in form of formula: If the cross elasticity is positive, the helps to fix the level of output.
contraction of demand. When the quantity price other factors
Ey = commodities are said to be substitutes and if 2. Price fixation- Each seller under monopoly
demanded of a commodity rises due to a fall Other factors like Price of commodity cross elasticity is negative, the commodities 4) Relatively inelastic demand: Here and imperfect competition has to take into
taste, preferences, remain the same
in price, it is called extension of demand. On Income elasticity of demand mainly of three are compliments. quantity demanded changes less than account the elasticity of demand while fixing
the other hand, when the quantity demanded income etc... types: Degree of elasticity of demand (price proportionate to changes in price. A large their price. If the demand for the product is
falls due to a rise in price, it is called remaining the same.
1.Zero income elasticity – In this case, elasticity of demand.) change in price leads to small change in inelastic, he can fix a higher price.
contraction of demand. Consumer moves Consumer may quantity demanded remain the same, even 1) Perfectly elastic demand (infinitely demand. In this case demand curve will be 3. Distribution- Elasticity helps in the
along the same moves to higher or though money income, changes steeper and ep=<1
elastic): When a small change in price leads determination of rewards for factors of
demand curve lower demand in the income doesn’t influence the quantity to infinite change in quantity demanded, it is production. For example, if the demand for
curve demanded (Eg.salt,sugar etc). Here Ey called perfectly elastic demand. In this case labour is inelastic, trade union can raise
ELASTICITY OF DEMAND (income elasticity) = 0 the demand curve is a horizontal straight wages.
Meaning of Elasticity 2.Negative income elasticity -In this case, line as given below. (Here ep= ∞) 4. International trade- This concept helps in
Law of demand explains the directions of when income increases, quantity demanded finding out the terms of trade between two
changes in demand. A fall in price leads to an falls. Eg, inferior goods. Here Ey = < 0. countries. Terms of trade means rate at which
increase in quantity demanded and vice 3.Positive income Elasticity - In this case, domestic commodities is exchanged for
versa. But it does not tell us the rate at which an increase in income may lead to an foreign commodities.
demand changes to change in price. The increase in the quantity demanded. i.e., when 5.Public finance- This assists the government
Shift in Demand (Increase or Decrease in concept of elasticity of demand was income rises, demand also rises. (Ey =>0) in formulating tax policies. In order to impose
demand) 5) Unit elasticity of demand ( unitary
introduced by Marshall. This concept This can be further classified in to three tax on a commodity, the government should
elastic): Here the change in demand is
When the demand changes due to changes in explains the relationship between a change types: take into consideration the demand elasticity.
exactly equal to the change in price. When
other factors, like taste and preferences,
Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam)

6. Nationalization- Elasticity of demand 7. Durability of commodity- if the formula; 1. Consumer surveys.: consumer survey Types of Demand Forecasting. 1.consumers’ interview method : under
helps the government to decide about commodity is durable or repairable at a involve questioning a sample of consumers Based on the time span and planning this method, consumers are interviewed
nationalization of industries. substantially less amount (eg. Shoes), the ED = to determine their willingness to buy, their directly and asked the quantity they would
requirements of business firms, demand
7. Price discrimination- A manufacture can demand for that is elastic. 4. Arc Method: the point method is future intention etc. forecasting can be classified into short term like to buy. After collecting the data, the total
fix a higher price for the product which have 8. Purchase frequency of a product/time – applicable only when there are minute (very 2. Consumer clinics and focus groups : in demand forecasting and long term demand demand for the product is calculated.
inelastic demand and lower price for product if the frequency of purchase of a product is small) changes in price and demand. Arc this technique, experimental groups of forecasting. 2. collective Opinion method: Under this
which have elastic demand. very high, the demand is likely to be more elasticity measures elasticity between two consumers are given a small amount of Short term Demand forecasting: Short method, the company asks its salesmen to
8. Others- The concept elasticity of demand price elastic. points. It is a measure of the average money with which to buy certain items. The term Demand forecasting is limited to short submit estimate for future sales in their
also helping in taking other vital decision Eg. 9. Range of Prices- if the products at very elasticity According to Watson,” Arc experimenter can observe the impact of periods, usually for one year. Important respective territories. This method is more
Determining the price of joint product, take high price or at very low price having elasticity is the elasticity at the midpoint of price, substitutes etc. objectives of Short term Demand useful and appropriate because the salesmen
over decision etc.. inelastic demand since a slight change in an arc of a demand curve”. formula to 3. Market Experiment : under this, forecasting are given below; are more knowledgeable about their
Determinants of elasticity. price will not affect the quantity demand. measure elasticity is: consumers are given money and told to shop in preparing suitable sales and territory.
Elasticity of demand varies from product to 10. the habit of consumers in a simulated store. The experimenter can production policies 3. Expert Opinion: Apart from salesmen and
x change the price, packaging, and location of consumers, distributors or outside experts
product, time to time and market to market. 11. demand for complimentary goods, 2. help in ensuring a regular supply of raw
This is due to influence of various factors. DEMAND ESTIMATION AND particular products. Then he can see the materials may also be used for forecast. Firms in
12. distribution of income and wealth in
They are; FORECASTING effects. advanced countries like USA, UK etc...make
the society . 3. reduce cost of purchase
4. Statistical techniques : using statistical use of outside experts for estimating future
1. Nature of commodity- Demand for Measurement of Elasticity Demand Estimation 4. to avoid unnecessary purchase
methods. demand. Various public and private agencies
necessary goods (salt, rice,etc,) is inelastic. 1. Proportional or Percentage Method: The current demand should be known for 5. better utilization of machines
Demand Forecasting. sell periodic forecast of short or long term
Demand for comfort and luxury good are Under this method the elasticity of demand determining pricing and promotion policies 6. make arrangements for skilled and business conditions.
elastic. is measured by the ratio between the so that it is able to secure optimum sales or Demand Forecasting refers to an estimate of
unskilled workers 4. consumer clinics : in this method some
2. Availability/range of substitutes – A proportionate or percentage change in maximum profit. Such information about the future demand for the product. It is an
“objective assessment of the future course of 7. help in the determination of suitable selected buyers are given certain amounts of
commodity against which lot of substitutes quantity demanded and proportionate current demand for the firm‟s product is
demand”. It is essential to distinguish pricing policy money and asked to buy the products. Then
are available, the demand for that is elastic. change in price. It is also known as formula known as demand estimation.
between forecast of demand and forecast of 8. determine financial requirements the prices are changed and are asked to
But the goods which have no substitutes, method. It can be computed as follows: Demand Estimation is the process of finding
sales. Sales forecast is important for 9. determine sales targets make fresh purchase. In this way the
demand is inelastic. current values of demand for various values
ED = estimating revenue, cash requirements and 10. avoid over and under production consumers’ responses to price changes are
3. Extent /variety of uses- a commodity of prices and other determining variables. observed. On this base calculate demand for
having a variety of uses has a comparatively expenses. Demand forecast relate to Long term Demand Forecasting: this
2. Expenditure or Outlay Method: This Steps in Demand Estimation the product.
elastic demand. Eg. Demand for steel, production inventory control, timing, forecasting is meant for long period. The
method was developed by Marshall. Under 1. Identification of independent variables reliability of forecast etc... 5. End use method: this method is based on
electricity etc.. this method, the elasticity is measured by such as price, price of substitutes, important objectives of long term
Levels of Demand forecasting forecasting is given below; the fact that a product generally has different
4. Postponement/urgency of demand- if estimating the changes in total expenditure population, percapita income, advertisement uses. In this method, first a list of end
the consumption of a commodity can be post as a result of changes in price and quantity expenditure etc., Demand forecasting may be undertaken at plan long term production
users(final consumers, exporters etc.) is
pond, then it will have elastic demand. demanded. This has three components If the three different levels; 2. to plan plant capacity
2. collection of data on the variables from prepared. Then the future demand for the
Urgent commodity has inelastic demand. price changes, but total expenditure remains past records, publications of various 1. Macro level – Micro level demand 3. estimate long term requirements of product is found by estimating their future
5. Income level- income level also influences constant, unit elasticity exists. If the price agencies etc., forecasting is related to the business workers growth. Then the demand of all end users of
the elasticity. E.g. Rich man will not curtail changes, but total expenditure moves in the conditions prevailing in the economy as a 4. determine appropriate dividend policy the product is added to get the total demand.
3. Development a mathematical model or
the consumption quantity of fruit, milk etc, opposite directions, demand is elastic (>1). If whole.
equation that indicates the relationship 5. help in capital budgeting Statistical Methods
even if their price rises, but a poor man will the price changes and total revenues moves between independent and dependant 2. Industry Level – it is prepared by
6. long term financial requirements It is used for long term forecasting. In this
not follow it. in the same direction, demand is inelastic variables. different trade association in order to
7. forecast future problems. method, statistical and mathematical
6. Amount of money spend on the (<1). estimate the demand for particular
4. Estimation of the parameters of the techniques are used to forecast demand. This
commodity- where an individual spends 3. Geometric or Point method: This also industries products. Industry includes Methods of Demand Forecasting
model. I.e., to estimate the unknown values method is relies on past data. This includes;
only a small portion of his income on the developed by Marshall. This is used as a number of firms. It is useful for inter- Survey Method.
of the parameters of the model. 1. Trent projection method: Under this
commodity, the price change doesn‟t measure of the change in quantity demanded industry comparison. Under this method, information about the
5. Development of estimates based on the method, demand is estimated on the basis of
materially affect the demand for the in response to a very small change in the 3. Firm level – it is more important from desire of the consumers and opinions of
model. analysis of past data. This method makes use
commodity, and the demand is inelastic... price. In this method we can measure the managerial view point as it helps the experts are collected by interviewing them.
Tools and techniques for demand of time series (data over a period of time).
(match box, salt Etc) elasticity at any point on a straight line management in decision making with regard It may be
demand curve by using the following estimation to the firms demand and production.

Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam)

Here we try to ascertain the trend in the time 5. Sales Experience Approach: The demand commodities) is transformed in to a different production. Production function is economic manufacturing production while capital between the variable input and the output in
series. Trend in the time series can be is estimated by supplying the new product in usable commodity. In other words, sense states the maximum output that can be contributes only 25%.The formula is as the short other words, It shows the
estimated by using least square method or a sample market and analyzing the production means transforming inputs( produced during a period with a certain follows:- input-output relationship with one input
free hand method or moving average method immediate response on that product in the labour ,machines ,raw materials etc.) into an quantity of various inputs in the existing O=KLaC (1-a) factor variable while keeping the other input
or semi-average method. market.. output. An „input` is good or service that state of technology. It can be expressed Where O is output. L is the quantity of labour factor constant.
2. Regression and Correlation: These 6. Vicarious Approach: Consumers goes in to the process of production and algebraically as; „C‟ is the quantity of capital employed K and The law of variable proportion states
methods combine economic theory and reactions on the new products are fount out “output is any good or service that comes out Q=f (K,L etc).Where a(a<1)are positive constants. a and 1-a that, if one factor is used more and more
statistical techniques of estimation. in this indirectly with the help of specialized of production process. Q- Is the quantity of output produced during measure percentage response of output to (variable), keeping the other factors
method, the relationship between dependent dealers. inputs are classified as:- a particular period percentage change in labour and capital constant, the total output will increase at an
variables(sales) and independent Factors Affecting Demand Forecasting. 1 . Fixed input or fixed factors. K, L etc are the factors of production respectively. increasing rate in the beginning and then at a
variables(price of related goods, income, 1. Prevailing Business conditions (price 2. Variable input or variable factors The production function shows at One diminishing rate and eventually decreases
f -denotes the function of or depends on.
advertisement etc..) is ascertained. This level change, percapita income, consumption (1%)percentage change in labour, capital absolutely.
In economic sense, a fixed input is one whose Types of production function:-
method is also called the economic model pattern, saving, investments, employment remaining constant, is associated with 0.75% The Law of Diminishing Returns
supply is inelastic in the short run . A (1) Shot run production function
building. etc.., change in output . Similarly One percentage operation at three stages .At the first stage,
variable input is defined as one whose
3. Extrapolation: In this method the future (2) Long run production function total product increases at an increasing rate
2. Condition within the Industry (Price – supply in the short run is elastic, eg:Labour, change in capital, labour remaining constant,
demand can be extrapolated by applying product-competition policy of firms within raw materials etc. Short run and Long run : Shot run refers to is associated with a 25%change in output. .The marginal product at this stage increases
binomial expansion method. This is based on the industry). a period of time in which the supply of Returns to scale are constant. at an increasing rate resulting in a greater
In technical sense ,a fixed input remains
the assumption that the rate of change in certain inputs (E.g. :- plant, building Homogeneous production function: increases in total product .The average
3. Condition within the firm. (Plant fixed (constant) up to a certain level of
demand in the past has been uniform. ,machines, etc) are fixed or inelastic. Thus an product also increases. This stage continues
capacity, quality, important policies of the output whereas a variable input changes In this case all factors are variable and
4. Simultaneous equation method: This increases in production during this period is up to the point where average product is
firm). with change in output . nothing is fixed,. Inputs are increased in the
means the development of a complete possible only by increasing the variable equal to marginal product .the law of
4. Factors affecting Export trade (EXIM Factors of production same proportion in order to expand output.
economic model which will explain the input . In some Industries, short run may be increasing returns is in operation at this
control, EXIM policy, terms of export, export The factors of production refers to the It means factors of production are
behaviour of all variables which the a matter of few weeks or a few months and stage. The Law of increasing Returns
finance etc..,) resources used in production. In other words homogeneous in nature.
company can control. in some others it may extent even up to three operates from the second stage onwards. At
5. Market behaviour the resources required to produce a given or more years. Linear Homogeneous production function the second stage , the total product continues
5. Barometric techniques: Under this,
6. Sociological Conditions (Population product are called factors of production. The long run refers to a period of time a production function is said to be to increase but at a diminishing rate. As the
present events are used to predict directions
details, age group, family lifecycle, education, There are mainly four factors of production. in which “ supply of all the input is elastic ; homogeneous when all inputs are increased marginal product at this stage starts falling
of change in the future
family income, social awareness etc...) They are: but not enough to permit a change in in the same proportion. It implies that if all ,the average product also declines . The
Forecasting Demand for a New Product. the inputs are increased in the same
7. Psychological Conditions (taste, habit, : land means all natural resources technology. In the long run, the availability of second stage comes to an end where total
Joel Dean has suggested six approaches for proportion, the output also increases
attitude, perception, culture, religion etc…) used in production which are not created by even fixed factor increases. Thus in the long product become maximum and marginal
forecasting the demand for new products. man accordingly. In a production function, if the product becomes zero. The marginal product
8. Competitive Condition (competitive run, production of commodity can be
1. Evolutionary Approach: In this method, 2. labour : labour is a living factor of increased by employing more of both degree of homogeneity is equal to one, i.e, becomes negative in the third stage. So the
condition within the industry)
the demand for new product is estimated on production. The term labour means mental ,variable and fixed inputs. r=1, the production function is known as total product also declines. The average
the basis of existing product. E.g. Demand Criteria for Good forecasting Method. linear homogeneous production function.
or physical work done by a person with a Assumptions of production functions product continues to decline in the third
forecasting of colour TV on the basis of 1. Plausibility-It should be believable. The laws of production
view to earn an income. 1. Perfect divisibility of both inputs and stage.
demand for black & white TV. 2. Simplicity- It should be simple and easy. Production function shows the relationship
3. capital: in economics all man made goods output;
2. Substitute Approach: The demand for the 3. Economy – it should be less costly. used in production is called capital. In short, between a given quantity of input and its
2. Limited substitution of one factor for the
new product is analyzed as substitute for the 4. Accuracy – it should be as accurate anything which is used in production is maximum possible output. Given the
existing product. others
5. Availability –Relevant data should be called capital. production function, the relationship
3. Growth curve Approach: On the basis of 3. Constant technology; and between additional quantities of input and
easily available. 4. organization : bringing together various
the growth of an established product, the 4. Inelastic supply of fixed factors in the the additional output can be easily obtained.
6. Flexibility – it should be flexible to adopt factors of production to produce goods and
demand for the new product is estimated. short run The long-run input output relations are
required changes. services is called organization.
4. Opinion Polling Approach: In this Cobb-Douglas Production Function. studied under `Laws of Returns to Scale.
MODULE III( PRODUCTION) Production function
approach, the demand for the new product is The concept was originated in USA. This is Law of Diminishing Returns (Law of
Introduction Production function shows the technological
estimated by inquiring directly from the more peculiar to manufacturing concerns. Variable Proportions)
In Economics the term production means relationship between quantity of output and
consumers by using sample survey. The cob-Douglas formula says that labour The Laws of returns states the relationship
process by which a commodity(or the quantity of various inputs used in
contributes about 75% increases in

Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam)

Assumptions of Law Diminishing Returns External economies economic region or in the relevant range. curves. The production function is During the Market period : In very short monopoly is a market situation in which
1. The production technology remains 1.economies of concentration Economic region means where substitution represented by Isoquant curve and the cost period ,supply is inelastic ,thus the price there is only one seller or producer of a
unchanged 2. economies of information between input is technically possible that function is represented by Isocost curve . depends on changes in demand .The supply product for which no close substitution is
2. The variable factor is homogeneous. keeps same output. MODULE IV curve will be vertical straight line parallel toavailable .As there is only one firm under
3. Economies of dis integration
2 . Isoquants are convex to origin:-Convex MARKET STRUCTURES AND PRICE y-axis. monopoly ,that single firm constitutes the
3. Any one factor is constant Diseconomies of scale
nature of Isoquant shows the substitutability OUTPUT DETERMINATION whole industry .The monopolist can fix price
4. The fixed factor remains constant. Internal diseconomies of his product and can pursue an
of One factor for another and the diminishing Introduction
Law of Returns to scale. 1. managerial diseconomies marginal rate of technical substitution independent price policy .A monopolist can
Increasing Returns to scale: When Market structures are different market forms take the decision about the price of his
2. technical diseconomies 3 . Isoquant cannot Intersect to each other
proportionate increase in all factor of based on the degree of competition product .For ex:- electricity , water supply
3. Financial diseconomies Marginal Rate of Technical substitution prevailing in the market. Broadly the market
production results in a more than companies etc.
4. Risk and survival diseconomies (MRTS) forms are classified into two types:-
proportionate increase in output and this Features
results first stage of production which is external diseconomies MRTS is the rate at which marginal unit of an 1.Perfectly competitive market
1.transportation diseconomies input can be substituted for the marginal 1. One seller and a large number of buyers.
known as increasing returns to scale. 2. Imperfectly competitive market
2. commercial diseconomies units of the other input so that the level of 2. No close substitutes for the product .
Marginal output increases at this stage. Perfect Competition During short period :In this period ,the firm
Higher degree of specialization, falling cost 3. Financial diseconomies output remains the same. In other words it is 3. Monopolist is not the price taker and the
perfect competition means all the buyers and can make slight changes in their supply of
etc will lead higher efficiency which result the ratio of marginal unit of labour price maker.
4. marketing diseconomies sellers in the market are aware of price of goods without changing the capacity of plant.
increased returns in the very first stage of substituted for the marginal units of capital 4. Monopolist can control the supply.
Social diseconomies without affecting the total output. This ratio products. The following are the
production. characteristics 5. No entry of new firm to the market .
Isoquant curve. indicates the slop of Isoquants
Constant Returns to scale: Firms cannot 1. Large number of buyers and sellers in the 6. Firm and industry are the same
maintain increasing returns to scale The terms “ Iso-quant” has been derived Isocost Curve
from the Greek word iso means `equal` and market Price Determination under Monopoly
indefinitely after the first stage , firm enters Isocost curve shows the different
Latin word quantus means `quantity`. The 2. Homogeneous product A monopoly firm has complete control over
a stage when total output tends to increase combination that a firm can buy with a
iso-quant curve is therefore also known as`` 3. Free entry or exit the entire supply .It can sell different
at a rate which is equal to the rate of increase certain an unit of money. An iso-cost line is
equal product curve ``or production quantities at different prices .It can sell more
in inputs. This stage comes in to operation so called because it shows the all 4. All the buyers and sellers in the market
indifference curve . An iso- quant curve is if it cuts down its price . Thus the monopoly
when the economies of large scale combinations of inputs having equal total have perfect knowledge about the market
locus of point representing the various firm faces a downward sloping demand
production are neutralized by the cost. The isocost lines are straight lines conditions.
combination of two inputs –capital and curve or average revenue (AR)curve .
diseconomies of large scale operation. which represents the same cost with 5. Perfect mobility of factor of production
labour –yielding the same output. It shows different input combinations. Short Run Monopoly Equilibrium: The
Diminishing Returns to Scale: In this stage 6. Absence of transportation costs. monopolist will be in short run equilibrium
all possible combination of two inputs,
,a proportionate increase in all the input namely- capital and labour which can Price determination Under perfect where the output having MR equal MC
result only less than proportionate increase produce a particular quantity of output or competition In the long run: In the long run , the firms in
in output . This is because of the different combination of the two inputs that In perfect competition the market price of a the industry are eager to get super normal
diseconomies of large scale production. can give in the same output . An isoquant commodity is determined by its demand and profits . The price determination is explained
When the firm grows further, the problem of curve all along its length represents a fixed supply. The price of a commodity determines through the diagram given below;
management arise which result inefficiency quantity of output. at the point where quantity demanded
and it will affect the position of output. equates quantity supplied. It can be
Economies of Scale explained through the following diagram.
Optimum Combination of inputs
Internal economies
A certain quantity of output can be produced
1.technical economies
with different Input combinations. Optimum
2. managerial economies input combination is that which bears least
3. commercial economies cost. Thus the input combination that results
4. marketing economies in the minimum cost of production is to be Long run Monopoly Equilibrium: The
5. Financial economies found out .This is known as least - cost input monopolist is the single producer and the
Properties of Isoquants combination. This can be found out by new firms cannot cuts the industry which
6. Risk and survival economies Monopoly
1. Isoquants have a negative slope:-An combining Isoquant curves and Isocost enables the monopolist to continue to earn
7. Welfare economies Monopoly means `single `selling . In brief,
isoquant has a negative slope in the super profit in the long run. In the figure the
Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam)

long run equilibrium of the monopolist will products of the firms under monopolist Perfect knowledge Lack of perfect always guesses about his competitors the industry to follow the price. 2. The markets must have different elasticity
be at the output where the long run marginal competition , are mainly close substitutes to of market Condition knowledge of reaction. They assume that if one decides to 4. Effective Price Leadership :- Under this of demand
cost curve MC Intersects the marginal each other . market decrease the price , the others will also condition , there are small number of firms 3. The market should be such that no buyer
revenue curve MR Features /Assumptions of Monopolistic Selling Cost do not Selling cost has an reduce the price . The assumption behind the in the industry . of the market may enter the other market
Competition. play any role important role kinked curve is that each oligopolist will act Price -Output determination Under Price and vice versa
1. There are large numbers of producers or They are price They are price and react in a way that keep condition Leadership Dumping
sellers takers markers tolerable for all the members of the industry
In order to determine the price and output When monopolist works in home market as
. If one firm reduces the price of the product
2. It deals with differentiated products. Demand curve is Demand curve is under- price leadership .we have to make well as foreign market, he is able to
,the others will be compelled to reduce the
3. There are free entry and exit of firms to horizontal downward sloping two assumptions. They are, discriminate the price between these two
price . But sometimes, If one increases the
the markets. AR,.MR curves are Price = demand price, the other will not increase the price. 1. There are two firms –2. Product are markets . If he has monopoly in home market
4. The selling cost determines the demand parallel to x axis =AR=But MR<AR identical , and he faces competition in to foreign
The firms in Oligopoly do not increase the
for the products. and price = demand market , he will be able to charge higher
prices due to the possibility of losing the
= AR=MR prices for his products in home market. This
5. There is no association of firms customers to rivals who do not raise their
practice is known as `Dumping` or `price
6. There is no price competition. Oligopoly prices. The following diagram will give you
dumping `
Difference between perfect competition 7. There is lack of knowledge of the market. Oligopoly is a situation in which there are so the clear idea:
and Monopoly Price and Output decisions under few sellers that each of them is conscious of
the results upon the price of the supply . Introduction
1. Under perfect competition there are many Monopolistic Competition
Which he individually places upon the The term cost simply means cost of
sellers but in the case of monopoly , there is Short run period: In short run ,each existing
market . According to J .Stigler `Oligopoly is production. It is the expenses incurred in the
only one seller firm is a monopolist having a downward
that situation in which a firm bases its production of goods. It is the sum of all
2. Individual seller has no control over the sloping demand curve for its product . In money-expenses incurred by a firm in order
market policy in part on the expected
market supply in the case of perfect order to maximize its profit the firm will Pricing Under Collusive Oligopoly: The to produce a commodity.
behavior of a few close revels`. Further ,they
competition. But in the case of Monopoly produce that level of output at which term Collusion means `to play together`. To
may produce homogeneous or differentiated Types of Cost (or Cost Concepts)
individual seller controls the supply. MC=MR if price is more than MR, there will avoid the competition among the firms,
products. Money Cost : money cost means the total
3. Products are identical in the case of be abnormal profit. monopolistic firms arrive at a formal
Characteristics money expenses incurred by a business firm
perfect competition, but there is only one Long –Run Period: In the long period, agreement called cartel . It is common sales
1. The firms are inter dependent in decision on the various items entered into the
product in the case of Monopoly. normal profits will disappear .New firms will Pricing under Price Leadership agency formed to eliminate competition and
making . production of a particular product. For eg.
4. Under perfect competition, there are free enter the industry and consequent expansion The price leadership means the leading firm fix such a price and output that will
2. Advertising should be effective. Wages.
entry and exit of firms .But the Monopolist of output will decrease the price and only determines the price and others follow it. All maximize profit of member firms. The firms
normal profit are made by the firms. Profit 3. Firms should have group behavior. output and price are determined by this Real Cost : Real cost means the real cost of
blocks the entry . the firms in the industry adjusts , the price
are normal only when Average Cost (AC) cartel . production of a particular product. It is the
5. The Monopolist discriminates the price 4. Indeterminateness of demand curve . fixed by the price leader. The large firm , who
equals the Average Revenue (AR).Then the next best alternative sacrificed in order to
but there is uniform price in perfect 5. The number of firms or producers or fixes the price , is known as the price maker Price Discrimination
equilibrium output will be at AC and MC=MR. obtain that product.
competition. sellers are very small . and the firms, who follow it are known as A monopolist is in a position to fix the price
Opportunity Cost: Opportunity cost refers
6. Firm and Industry is different in the case Difference between Perfect Competition 6. Product are identical or close substitutes price –takers. The price leadership may be of his product .He enjoys the control of
and Monopolistic Competition to the cost of foregoing or giving up an
of perfect competition, they are same in the to each other four types .They are : supply of the product . A monopolist is able
opportunity. It is the cost of the next best
case of Monopoly. Perfect Monopolistic 7. There is an element of Monopoly 1. Dominant price leadership :-In this to charge different price for his products to
alternative. It implies the income of benefit
Monopolistic Competition Competition Competition situation , there exists many small firms and the different customers. This is known as
Price Determination Under Oligopoly foregone because a certain course of action
Products are Products are one large firm and the large firm fixes the price discrimination . According to Mrs. John
In the present World market, it can be seen Pricing may be in condition of independent has been taken.
identical differentiated price and the small firms in the market Robinson „the act of selling the same article ,
that there is no monopoly and there is no pricing ,Pricing under price leadership and Sunk Cost : Sunk costs are those which have
It is not a real It is real concept accept that price . produced under single control at different
real competition. There is a mix up of the pricing under collusion. already been incurred and which cannot be
concept 2. Barometric Price Leadership :- Under prices to different buyers is known as price
two. This situation is generally known as Independent pricing (Kinked Demand changed by any decision made now or in the
this situation one reputed and experienced discrimination. This is also known as
Monopolistic competition. According to Prof Large Number of Buyers and Sellers Model or Price rigidity Model): future. These are past or historical costs
firm fixes the price and others may follow it. differential pricing.
.E. H Chemberlin of America, Monopolistic buyers and sellers are not so large Incremental cost: These are additional
Kinked demand curve was first introduced Conditions of Price Discrimination
Competition means a market situation In 3. Aggressive Price Leadership :–Under costs incurred due to a change in the level or
by prof Paul M Sweezy to explain price 1. There must be more than one separate
which competition is imperfect . The this market condition, one dominating firm nature of activity.
rigidity under oligopoly. An oligopolist market
fixes the price and they compel all others in

Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam)

Differential Cost : It refers to the change in certain level of production. Even if the economics and business. expenses and a reasonable profit. product at a minimum mark up. Objectives of pricing policy.
cost due to change in the level of activity or production is zero, a firm will have to incur Types of revenue 2. Objectives: While fixing the price, the 4. General economic conditions: During 1. Profit maximization: Since the primary
pattern of production or method of fixed costs. 1.Average Revenue (AR); Average revenue firm‟s objectives are to be taken into inflation a firm forced to fix a higher price motive of business is to earn maximum
production. Variable Cost: Variable costs are those is obtained by dividing the total revenue consideration. Objectives may be maximum and in deflation forced to reduce the price. profit, pricing always aim at maximization of
Explicit Cost: Explicit costs are those costs, costs, which change with the quantity of with number of units sold. In other words, sales, targeted rate of return, stability in 5. Government Policy: While taking pricing profit through maximization of sales.
which are actually paid (or paid in cash.). production. When the output increases, AR means the total receipts from sales prices, increase market share, meeting or decision, a firm has to take into 2. Market share: For maximizing market
They are paid out costs. variable cost also increases. When the output divided by the number of unit sold. AR= preventing competition, projecting image consideration the taxation policy, trade share a firm may lower its price in relation to
Implicit Cost: Implicit costs are those costs, decreases , the variable cost also decreases. TR/Q etc. policies etc. of the Government. the competitors‟ product.
which are not paid in cash to anyone. These Business cost: Business cost include all the 2.Total Revenue (TR): Total revenue means 3. Organizational factors: Internal 6. Reaction of consumers: If a firm fixes the 3. Target return in investment: The firm
are not actually incurred, but are computed expenses which are incurred to carry out a the product of price of the commodity to the arrangement of the organization. price of its product unreasonably high, the should fix the price for the product in such a
for decision-making purpose. These are the business. It includes all the payments and total quantity of outputs produced in a Organizational mechanism is to be taken into consumer may boycott the product. way that it will satisfy expected returns for
costs, which the entrepreneur pays to contractual obligations made by the firm current business period . TR means the total consideration while deciding the price. Pricing Policies. the investment.
himself. For example, rent charged on owned together with the book cost of depreciation sales proceeds .it can be ascertained by 4. Marketing Mix: Other element of 4. Meet or prevent competition: In order to
Price must not be too high or too low. Price
premises on plant and equipment. multiplying quantity sold by price. TR =PxQ marketing mix, product, place, promotion, discourage competition a firm may adopt a
setting is a complex problem. The pricing
Accounting cost: Accounting costs Full costs : ,it includes business costs, Incremental Revenue (IR): Incremental pace and politics are influencing factors for decision is critical not only in the beginning low price policy.
represent all such expenditures, which are opportunity costs and normal profits. revenue simply refers to increase in revenue. pricing. Since these are interconnected, but it must be reviewed and reformulated 5. Price stabilization: Another objective of
incurred by a firm on factors of production . Total cost: Total cost means the sum of total It is the difference between the new total change in one element will influence the from time to time. Price policies provide the pricing is to stabilize the product prices over
Thus , accounting costs are explicit costs. In fixed cost and total variable cost. In other revenue and the existing total revenue. IR other. guidelines within which pricing strategy is a considerable period of time.
short, all items of expenses appearing on the words it is the aggregate money cost of measures then differences between the new 5. Product differentiation: One of the formulated and implemented. It represents 6. Resource mobilization: Company may fix
debit side of trading , profit and loss account production of a commodity TR and existing TR IR=R2-R1 =ΔR objectives of product differentiation is to the general frame work within which pricing their prices in such a way that sufficient
of a firm represent the accounting cost. Average cost: Average cost is the cost per Marginal Revenue (MR); It is the additional charge higher prices. decision are taken. Price policies are those resources are made available for the firms
Economic Cost: Economic cost refers total of unit of output. That is total cost divided by revenue which would be earned by selling an 6. Product life cycle: At various stages in the management guidelines that control the day expansion, developmental investment etc.
explicit cost and implicit cost. Thus it number of units produced Average additional unit of a firm‟s products. It shows Product Life Cycle, various strategic pricing to day pricing decision as a means of meeting 7. Speed up cash collection: Some firms try
includes the payment for factors of cost=total average fixed cost +total average the change in TR when one more or one less decisions are to be adopted, eg. In the the objectives of the firm such as to set a price which will enable rapid cash
production(that is rent, wages etc.) and the variable cost unit is sold. MR= R2-R1/Q2-Q1 = ΔR/ΔQ introduction stage. Usually firm charges maximization of profit, maximization of recovery as they may be financially tight or
payments for the self owned factors (interest Marginal cost: Marginal cost is the MODULE V lower price and in growth stage charges sales, targeted rate of return, survival, may regard future is too uncertain to justify
on owned capital, rent on owned premises, additional cost to total cost when an maximum price. stability of prices, meeting or preventing
PRICING POLICY AND PRACTICES. patient cash recovery.
salary to entrepreneur etc.) additional unit is produced. 7. Characteristics of product: Nature of competition etc.
Meaning of price. 8. Survival and growth: An important
Social Cost of Production(or Social Cost): Short run :Short run cost are those costs product, durability, availability of substitute Steps in formulating pricing policies:
Price is the money value of the goods and objective of pricing is survival and achieving
In the production of goods, costs will be which may vary with output while fixed etc. will also influence the pricing. 1. Selecting the target market or market
services. In other words, it is the exchange the expected rate of growth. Profit is less
incurred not only by the owners business factors remain constant. Output may vary by External Factors. segment on which marketer would
value of a product or service in terms of important than survival.
but also by the society. Cost incurred by a changing the variable factors only. concentrate more.
money. To the seller, price is a source of These factors are beyond the control of 9. Prestige and goodwill: Pricing also aims
society in terms of resources used in the
Long run costs: long run is a period which is revenue. To the buyer, price is the sacrifice organization. The following are the main 2. Studying the consumer behavior and at maintaining the prestige and enhancing
production of a commodity is known as
enough to adjust all input factors of purchasing power. external factors. collecting information relating to target the goodwill of the firm.
social cost of production. It is the
Cost function Factors governing prices and pricing 1. Demand: If the demand for a product is market selected. 10. Achieving product –quality leadership:
opportunity cost borne by a whole society or
community. The relationship between cost and output is decision. Inelastic it is better to fix a higher price and 3. Studying the prices, promotion strategies Some Companies aim at establishing product
Private Cost of Production(Private Costs): technically known as cost function where – Factors governing prices may be divided into if demand is elastic, lower price may be fixed. etc.of the competitors and their impact on quality leader through premium price.
TC = f (Q) TC= Total cost, external factors and internal factors. 2. Competition: Number of substitutes the market segment. Methods of pricing.
Private cost are the costs incurred by a firm
in production a commodity or service . All f= function of, Internal Factors: available in the market and the extent of 4. Assigning a role to price in the marketing 1. Cost plus pricing: This is the most
the actual costs incurred by a firm or competition and the price of competition etc. mix. common method used for price. Under this
Q=Quantity produced These are the factors which are within the
producers are private costs. Private costs are to be considered while fixing a firm price. 5. Collecting the cost of manufacturing the method, the price is fixed to cover all costs
Revenue Concept control of the organization. Various internal
include both explicit cost and implicit cost. factors are as follows. 3. Distribution channels: Conflicting product at different levels of demand. and a predetermined percentage of,
Revenue means the current income or interest of manufacturers and middleman is
Fixed Cost: Fixed cost are those costs which 6. Fixing suitable (strategic) price after the price is computed by adding a certain
simply „sales receipts‟. In other words it is 1. Cost: The price must cover the cost of
one of the of the important factor that affect
do not vary with the volume of production. production including materials, labour, determining the price objectives and percentage to the cost of the product per
the money value of output sold in the the pricing decision. Manufacturer would
These costs remain fixed or constant up to a overhead, administrative and selling according to a selected method of pricing. unit. This method is also known as margin
market. Furthur it has great relevance in desire that middleman should sell the

Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam)

pricing or average cost pricing or full cost 1.Skimming price strategy: Kinds of pricing (pricing strategies) relationship. To increase the demand, the and industrial and trade activities. Some Characteristics of a business cycle
pricing or mark up pricing. This is done with a basic idea of gaining a Pricing policy means a policy determined for firm has to reduce the price. Similarly to firms are forced into bankruptcy . The failure 1. The cycle is synchronic .The upward and
2. Target pricing: This is variant of full cost premium from those buyers who always normal conditions of the market. Pricing decrease the demand the firm has to of one firm affects other firm with whom it downward movements tend to occur at all
pricing. Under this method, the cost is added ready to pay a much higher price than strategy is a policy determined to face a increase the price. the elasticity of demand is has business connections. There is a general the same period in all industries .
with the predetermined target rate of return others. Accordingly a product is priced at a specific situation and is of temporary nature. to be considered in determining the price of distress. This phase of the business cycle is 2. A business cycle is a wave-like
on capital invested. very high level due to incurring large Simply pricing policies provide guidelines to the product. known as the Recession .It is the period of movement. The period of prosperity and
3. Marginal cost pricing: Under the promotional expenses in the early stages. carry out pricing strategy. Following are the BUSINESS CYCLE utmost -suffering for a business. depression can be alternately seen in a cycle.
marginal cost pricing, the price is Thus skimming price refers to the high initial important pricing strategies. Introduction Depression : Underemployment of both 3. Cyclical fluctuations are recurring in
determined on the basis of marginal cost or price charged when a new product is 1. Psychological pricing: Here Economic activities faced fluctuations at men and material is the characteristics of nature . The various phases are repeated is
variable cost. In this method, fixed costs are introduced in the market. Reasons for manufacturers fix their prices of a product in more or less regular intervals .There were this phase. General demand falls faster than followed by depression and the depression
totally excluded. charging this price are; the manner that it may create an impression upward swings and downward swings. A production. Producers are compelled to see again in followed by a boom.
4. Differential pricing: Under this method, A. When the demand of new product is in the mind of consumers that the prices are period of prosperity was generally followed their goods at a price which will not even
4. Business cycles are cumulative and self
relatively inelastic. low. E.g. Prices of Bata shoe as Rs.99.99. This cover the full cost. Manufactures of both
the same product is sold at different prices to by a period of depression .These ups and –reinforcing in nature. Each movement feeds
different customers, in different places, and B. When there is no close substitutes is also called odd pricing. downs in the economic activity moving like a producer’s goods and consumers goods are
on itself and keeps up the movement in the
at different periods. This method is called 2. Mark up pricing. This method of pricing wave at regular intervals is known as forced to reduce the volume of production.
C. Elasticity of demand is not known. same direction. Once booms starts it goes on
discriminatory pricing or price is followed by whole salers and retailers. business cycle. Business cycle simply means As a result workers are thrown out. The
D. When the buyers are not able to compare growing till forces accumulate to reverse the
discrimination. When the goods are received, the retailers the whole course of business activity which demand for bank credit is at its lowest which
the value and utility. direction.
add a certain percentage of the whole saler‟s passes through the phases of prosperity and results in idle funds .The interest rates also
5. Going rate pricing: under this method, E. To attract the high income customers. 5. There can be no indefinite depression
price. depression. To be specific, there are four decline .The firms that cannot pay of their
prices are maintained at par with the or eternal boom period .Each phase
F. To recover early the R&D and promotional phase‟s .viz .recovery, boom recession and debts are wound up. Prices of shares and
average level of prices in the industry. I.e., 3. Administered pricing: Here the pricing is contain in itself the seed for other phase. The
expenses. depression. securities fall down.
under this method a firm charges the prices done on the basis of managerial decisions boom, when it reaches its peak, turns to
according to what competitors are charging. G. When the product has distinctive qualities, and not on the basis of cost, demand, Phases of business cycle Recovery: Depression phase does not
luxuries etc.. competition etc. continue indefinitely. Depression contains in
6. Customary pricing: in the case of some Boom: This is also known as prosperity 6. Business cycles are pervasive in their
2. Penetration price strategy itself the gems of recovery. The rule workers
commodities the prices get fixed because 4. Other pricing strategies: Geographical phase. The products in this phase fetch an effects . The cyclical fluctuations affect each
This is the practice of charging a low price now come forward to work at low wages. As
they have prevailed over a long period of pricing, base point pricing, zone pricing, dual above normal price which is above higher and every part of the economy.
right from the beginning to stimulate the the prices are at its lowest the consumers,
time. In short the prices are fixed by custom. pricing, product line pricing etc. are some profit. This attracts more and more 7. Presence of a crisis. The up and down
growth of the market and to capture large who postponed their consumption expecting
The price will change only when the cost other pricing strategies. investors. The existing production capacity is movements are not symmetrical. The
share of it. Since the price is lower, the a still further fall in price , now starts
changes significantly. It is also called Role of Cost in Pricing utilized at its full capacity. The price of the downward movements are not symmetrical
product quickly penetrates the market, and consuming .The banks, with accumulated
conventional pricing. Most of the wholesale and retail factors of production increases. The .The downward movement is more sudden
consumers with low income are able to cash reserves, now come forward to gives
7. Follow up pricing: this is the most organizations add some percentage of profit increasing cost tendency of the factors of and violent than the upward movement.
purchase it. Reasons for adopting this policy loans at easier terms and lower rates. As
popular price policy. Under this, a firm or mark up total cost per unit to arrive at production leads to a continuous increase in
are: demand increases the stock of goods become Types of Business Cycle
determines the price policy according to the selling price. In the short run the firm may product cost. The demand is now more or
A. Product has high price elasticity in the insufficient. The economic activity now Prof .James Arthur classified business cycle
price policies of competitors. If the not cover the fixed cost but it must cover at less stagnant or it even decreases. Thus
initial stage. starts picking up . Investment pick up into 3 parts as follows:
competitors reduce the price of the product, least variable cost. In long run all costs must boom or prosperity reaches its peak.
.Employment and output slowly and steadily 1. Major and Minor Trade Cycles: Major
the firm also reduces the price of its product B. The product is accepted by large number be covered. if the entire cost is not Recession : Once the economy reaches the begins to rise. Increased income increases trade cycles are those the period of which is
and vice versa. of customers. recovered, the firm will incur losses, and the peak- the course changes. A downward demand, resulting in rise in prices, profits very large . Minor trade cycles are those
8. Barometric pricing: this is the method of C. Economies of large scale production firm must stop their production. Thus costs tendency in demand is observed but the investment, employment and incomes.
producers who are not aware of it goes on which occur during the period of a major
leadership pricing. In this type of price available to firm. provide the basis for pricing. If the cost
producing further. The supply now exceeds cycle. Prof. Hanson determines the period of
leadership, there is no leader firm. But one D. Potential market for the product is large. increase price also increases.
demand. Now the producers come to notice a major cycle between8 years and 33 years.
firm among the oligopolistic firms E. Cost of production is low. Role of Demand factor in pricing
that their stock piling up . They are Two or three minor cycles occur during the
announces a price change first. This is F. To introduce product into market. In the case of pricing of a product, demand
compelled to give up the future investment period of a major cycle . Period of a minor
followed by other firms in the industry. plays a significant role. In some cases
G. To discourage new competitors. plans. Bankers insist on repayment . stock cycle is 40 months.
Pricing of a new product. (Methods and demand occupies a vital role than cost. The
H. Most of the prospective consumers are in accumulate and Business failure increase 2. Building Cycle: Building Cycles are those
strategy) demand is the factor which determines the
low income class. investment ceases and unemployment leads trade cycles which are related with
In pricing a new product, generally two types sales and profit. We know as per law of construction industry . period of such cycle
to fall in income ,expenditure ,prices , profits
of strategies are suggested. They are; demand, demand and price have inverse range from 15 to 20 years
Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam) Managerial Economics (Al Jamia Arts and Science College, Poopalam)

3. Long Waves: Period of a long wave is of investment. The central bank purchase Business Forecasting Disadvantages Econometric Methods.: Econometrics is the MUHAMMED RIYAS N
50 years . It was discovered by a Russian government securities which increase the A forecast of sales of depends upon economic a) When the opinions differ it will create combination of “econo” and “metrics” which ASST.PROF.
economist Kondratief. One or two major cash supply in the economy. This helps to forecasts. This is because the sales of almost problem means measurement of economic variables. AL JAMIA ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE
trade cycle occur during the period of a long increase investment . The central bank may every firm is affected by the state of general b)Not useful for long term forecasts This method combines the economic theory,
wave. change the bank rate or rediscount rate. The business. Periods of depression and boom statistical tools and mathematical model
3. Expert opinion method: It is a qualitative PERINTHALMANNA
Schumpeter distinguished 3 types of bank rate is the rate at which commercial have an influence on the sales value .Sales building to analyse economic relations. It
technique. Under this method an expert or PH: 9747799772
trade cycle as follows: banks borrow from central bank. When the may be at an increase during the prosperity predicts the future activity on past economic
informed individual uses personal or
1. Short Kitchin Cycle: The period of this central bank increases the bank rate the but might decline during the depression. The activity by using mathematical and statistical E-mail :
organizational experience as a basis for
cycle is very short, approximately 4 months commercial banks in turn will raise their businessman should take into consideration techniques.
developing future expectations.
duration. discount rates for the public. This the business cycle he is facing so that he can Advantages
discourages public borrowing and it reduces 4.Trend Projection method: Under this
2. Longer juglar cycle: This cycle has an have an effective forecast of sales. a) These methods are more reliable.
investment. During the depression the bank method historical data is used to predict
average 9.5 years duration. Techniques of Economic Forecasting future business activity. Here actual data are b) It is possible to compare forecasts with
rate is lowered which will end up the
3. Very long Kondratief Wave: It takes There are several methods or techniques of presented on a graph paper and forecasts for actual results. The model can modified to
increased investment. The central bank can
more than 50 years to run its course. economic and business forecasting, the future are prepared on the basis of improve future forecasts.
regulate the money supply by changing the
Causes of Business Cycle Important methods may be briefly discussed analysis of trend of this data. c) These methods indicate both direction and

variable reserve ratio. When the central bank
as follows: Advantages magnitude of change in the variables.
1. Expansion of loans and contraction of wants to reduce the credit creation capacity
loans by banks: of commercial banks, it will increase the 1. Naive Method: This method is not based a) Very simple and less expensive d)These methods have the ability to explain
ratio of the deposits to be held by the on any scientific approach. Projection are economic phenomena.
2. Monetary disequilibrium b) More reliable
commercial bank as reserve with the central made purely by guesswork and sometimes Input Output Table Method:: This is
3. Change in the volume of investment or by mechanical interpretation of historical Disadvantages
decrease in the marginal efficiency of capital bank. another approach of economic forecasting .
When sudden fluctuations in data occur, this

data. This method includes such techniques This method enables the forecaster to trace
4. Under consumption or excessive saving Fiscal Policy method will not be suitable. Similarly it
as tossing the coin, simple correlation and the effects of increases in demand for one
5. Lack of adjustment between demand and This implies the variation in taxation and even some other simple mathematical requires considerable technical skill and
public expenditure programme by the product to other industries. An increase in
supply techniques. experience.
government to achieve certain objectives. the demand for automobiles will first lead to
6. Dealings of entrepreneurs Advantages of Naïve Method Smoothing techniques(Exponential an increase in the output of the auto
Taxation helps to withdraw cash from the smoothing): Under this method smoothed
7. Innovation public. An increase in tax results in reduction a) It is simple method. industry. This, in turn, will lead to an
average of several past observations are increase in the demand for steel, glass,
8. Seasonal fluctuations of private disposable income. Taxes should b) It is less costly
considered say, moving average, exponential plastics, rubber and upholstery fabric. In
Control of Business Cycle be reduced during the depression will c) It is suitable small firms smoothing average etc. This method is very
The various steps that can be taken to stimulate private sector. During boom addition, secondary impact will occur as the
Disadvantage of Naïve Method cheap and inexpensive. But it cannot provide
achieve economic stability are (i) monetary periods public expenditure must be curtailed increase in the demand for upholstery fabric.
a) It is not a scientific method . accurate forecasts.
policy and (ii) fiscal policy. ,so that cash flow can be reduced. The fiscal b) It is not always reliable Barometric Techniques: In this method
Monetary Policy policy of the government to regulate present events or developments are used for
2. Survey Techniques:- One of the simplest
Monetary policy refers to the programs purchasing power to control business cycle predicting the future .Further , here we apply
forecasting device is to survey business firms
adopted by the central bank to control the is known as counter the cyclical fiscal policy. certain selected economic and statistical
or individuals and to determine what they
supply of money. The central bank may Counter-cyclical fiscal policy in the boom indicators in time series to predict variables.
believe will occur is survey techniques.
resort to open market operations, changes in period implies a reduction in the public They are leading, lagging and coincident
Under survey techniques ,interviews and
bank rate or changes in the variable reserve expenditure and heavy taxes and a surplus indicators. If changes in one series of data
mailed questionnaires are used for
ratio. The open market implies the purchase budget. The budget surplus can be used to consistently occur prior to changes in
forecasting tools. These are helpful in
and sale of government bonds and securities. eliminate previous deficits .This implies an another series-leading indicators can be
making short-term forecasts.
In the boom period the central bank sells increase in public expenditure, reduction in shown, If changes in one series of data
taxation and deficit budgeting during the Advantages
government bonds and securities to the consistently occur after changes in another
depression. The monetary policy proves a) This method is simple and less costly.
public which helps to withdraw money from series- there is lagging indicators, If two
the public. During periods of depression the more effective to control boom than to b) qualitative information series of data frequently increase or
central bank purchases government depression. A proper mix of fiscal and c) These techniques are usually used to decrease at the same time and one series
securities which increase the cash supply in monetary policy will be more fruitful in the supplement other quantitative forecasting may be regarded as a coincident indicator of
the economy. This helps to increase control of business cycles. methods the other-there is coincidental indicators.

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