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As a student one of the most challenges experience, I faced is poor study

habits, there are many disadvantages to engage in these habits. Although, one of
the ways to get you distract of reaching your goals, aren’t studying well in exams,
aren't prepared to the class before start, test anxiety that leads to poor
performance on exams, by using the self-phone wisely and spending the time
with friends in social media. However, there are many advantages which can help
you become actively prepared for any challenges well face you, reading the
course materials and putting the time effort before the exams or class start. Such
as communicating with friends in the classroom, getting groups, taking extra time
after class to meet your instructor, joining reading and writing center at the
school to work on your assignment if you have any difficulty. Look forward, having
a positive mindset it's great way to progress any goals, learn from failure, and be
focus on your tracking experiences it well builds your own character in life. The
resources that help me overcome challenges are University library, student
resources, writing center and citation generator.

The most leading to a successful life is setting goals to determine the plan
for long term goal to lead with commitment and patience, and require more work
ethic, like for example getting a college degree is a dream goal but, you need to
put yourself on track to achieve what you really want, and apply all your effort to
a make it feels you are in the right path. In short term goals such as paying bills
like tuition, rent, car insurance, and loan like credit card payments. Moreover,
settling to find a better future for your life as achieving things you are passionate
about requires a goal-setting plan. When it comes to goal setting, there are things
involved in developing an action plan designed to motivate and guide a person or
group toward a goal. Goals are more deliberate than desires and momentary
intentions. Therefore, setting goals means that a person has committed thought,
emotion, and behavior towards attaining the goal.

One of the things to ensure success in the future is a better-using strategy

moving forward in any situations can cause you self-esteem for learning and
develop my own skills experiences such as time to evaluating the time is
important to everyone but, unfortunate outcomes destruction is knocking in the
door, and it is my responsibility to handle by way of directions. However, it comes
to your own self to create strategies can help you become a better person of
using the time consciously, such as time planner and setting the term goals
planning to achieve in my daily life and play small exercise to release stress,
getting up and go for a walk or drink some water. to improve my work experience
is a great strength to get to self-esteem and confidence In addition, be more
consciously valuable to the time in every moment you are spending with does
really make the difference on farther noticing the result that comes out on the
process on the end.

The better ways to prepare for a good writing essay it is good to manage your
time before the time is running by writing the main idea, these statements, take
the outline and the topic, this way you break it down into pieces. In addition to
that, you get to follow up on all 5 steps of the writing process, it will help you
write better and faster. By breaking down the essay task into manageable steps,
you can do away with the struggling and procrastinating, since you will be
following individual steps, you can focus on each better, which in turn will be
reflected in good ways of the final copy also, practice makes perfect. The more
you follow the process, the more it will improve your writing skills, the jump right
into writing without taking the time to plan and organize your thoughts, you will
end up with low quality is written paper. The critical part as you reread your draft,
you will detect areas that need to be improved to rewrite your argument better
way, it may do little more thinking, and even in some cases more researching, to
find the information you need to logically prove your point. In editing it give you
overlook to fix your grammar mistakes, spelling, punctuation marks and errors.
Then the final part comes sharing your written paper and submitting

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