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Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Management Information Systems Andrei Martin Diamante, IMIM

Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Defined Free and Open Source Software refers to software which can be modified and distributed without restriction, having terms complying with the Open Source Initiative. The most important clauses of this initiative are the transparency of source codes and redistribution, inclusive of licenses. Simply put, it is software that has properties of both Free Software and Open Source Software. Free Software is not to be confused with Freeware, which simply means software without costs attached during use or acquisition. The advent of the use of FOSS has been popular among developers and software engineers, with the premise that restriction in software can hamper system efficiency and creativity. In the enterprise market however, FOSS has yet to prove its strength as multinational companies still prefer proprietary systems. In terms of operating systems and office software for consumers, a big chunk of the market still goes to branded software. Big players in the industry recently have created platforms catering to open source advocates. Oracle now has MS SQL after acquiring Sun Microsystems (though this is a competitor of its own line of database systems, causing setbacks at least for the European Union); Apple and Google sharing SDK to their mobile platforms; and even software leader Microsoft is engaging with open source technology in some of its tools. Business models that revolve in FOSS can vary, as the purposes of developers also vary along the gray lines of growth strategy and development sharing. Enterprise Market The debate of security between proprietary and open source systems is a primary concern especially for enterprise systems. And for most CIO, proprietary systems such as SAP and Oracle are deemed the safer choice. System update in this case also falls in the hands of the software provider, and companies utilizing the system only worry about functional alignment to the business. As systems become more complicated however, the process of updates and version upgrades is not as easy as it used to be, with multinationals spending millions for implementation and testing of new versions of proprietary software. So in terms of spending on developers and consultants, the gap between FOSS and proprietary systems is becoming negligible, especially in the case of huge companies. For SMEs however, the case can be different, as FOSS can pose a simpler and less expensive alternative, which oftentimes suit the needs of the business. Operating Systems and SDK Opening platforms for developers is a recent trend for software manufacturers, aiming for sustainability and growth of platform. Software Developer Kits (SDK) for iPhone and Android for example, are available for everyones use. Such activity leads to opening of standards and flexibility. For mobile platforms, flexibility is vital for purposes of customization, connectivity, and for most users and developers, enabling creativity. In the personal computer business, systems built on FOSS are still lagging behind the proprietary Windows and Mac OS, but for mobiles open platforms have strongly invaded the market during the past years.

Free and Open Source Software, Diamante A.M.

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Office Applications and other software Like all other products, functionality and price are two important factors users try to balance for every purchase decision. For software applications, this balancing act is dependent to the perception of buyers, which can only be fulfilled by creating good software (with good bug-less codes). This is no longer a question of platform, but of quality. Its the same argument why millions still pay for Microsoft Office, despite the emergence of free office software. Summary For companies, bottom-line for choosing FOSS would be costs and complexity, which may or may not involve risks in security. Depending on the size of the company, the use of FOSS can pose significant cost savings. For developers, FOSS has the advantage in terms of standardization and flexibility, which promotes sharing and growth for platforms and systems. For applications, developers can insist on the advantages FOSS offers, though at the end of the day, its still the consumers who decide whether the price or lack thereof is worth the functionality and use the software is providing.

References 1. Wallen, J. (2009, July 21). 10 reasons open source smartphones will win. ZDNet Asia [] 2. James, J. (2006, May 1). Open Source Does Not Make Better Code. Better Programmers Make Better Code. [] 3. McCullagh, D. (2003, July 14). Perspective: The politics of open-source software. CNET News [] 4. Perens, B. Open Source Initiative []

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