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2017-620 HowTo SQL Plan Management in Oracle 1ig(OBMS_SPM) - Managed Hosting Internal - Confluence Production HowTo - SQL Plan Management in Oracle 11g (BBMS= SPM) mites by Sreedhara Chidambaram on Jul 01, 2013 Introduction When a SQL statement is hard parsed, the cost based optimizer produces several execution plans and selects the one with the lowest cost, If a SQL plan baseline is present, the optimizer compares the plan it just produced with the plans in the SQL plan baseline. If a matching plan is found that is flagged as accepted the plan is used. If the SQL plan baseline doesn't contain an accepted plan matching the one it just created, the optimizer evaluates the accepted plans in the SQL plan baseline and uses the one with the lowest cost. If the execution plan originally produced by the optimizer has a lower cost than those present in the SQL plan baseline, it is added to the baseline as a not-accepted plan, so it is not used until it is verified not to cause a reduction in performance. If a system change affects all ex'sting accepted plans, so they are considered non-reproducible, the optimizer will use the plan with the lowest cost. ‘The use of SQL plan baselines is controlled by the OPTIMIZER_USE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES parameter, which is set to TRUE by default. Automatic Plan Capture ‘The value of the OPTIMIZER_CAPTURE_SQL,PLAN_BASELINES parameter, whose defauit value is FALSE, determines if the system should automatically capture SQL plan baselines. When set to TRUE, the system records a plan history for SQL statements. The first plan for a specific statement is automatically flagged as accepted, Alternative plans generated after this point are not used until tis verified they do not cause performance degradations, Plans with acceptable performance are added to the SQL plan baseline during the evolution phase. SQL> SHOW PARAMETER OPTINIZER_CAPTURE_SQL_PLAN BASELINES NAME TYPE VALUE optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines boolean FALSE SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET OPTIMIZER_CAPTURE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES=TRUE; system altered. SQL> I would advise doing considerable testing before using automatic plan capture in a production environment. Manual Plan Loading ‘Another way to create SQL plan baselines is by manually loading existing plans for a set of SQL statements as SQL plan baselines. The manually loaded plans are not verified for performance, but are added as accepted plans to existing or new SQL plan baselines. You can use manual plan loading in conjunction with or as an altemative to automatic plan capture, Manual plan loading can be performed by: Loading Plans from SQL Tuning Sets and AWR Snapshots Loading Plans from the Cursor Cache Loading Plans from SQL Tuning Sets and AWR Snapshots To load plans from a SQL Tuning Set, use the LOAD_PLANS_FROM_SQLSET function of the DBMS_SPM package: DECLARE ny_plans pls_integer; BEGIN hip ieouence hops 0 8443fpaqesviewpage.actionpageld=21258815 16 worse HowTo SOL Pan Managemertin rset (OBMS_SPM)- Manage Hosta ral = Conuene Praicion ny_plans = DBMS_S°M, LOAD_PLANS_FROM_SQLSET( Sqlset_nane => *tset1")} ENDS J ‘To load plans from Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), load the plans stored in AWR snapshots into a SQL Tuning Set before using the LOAD_PLANS_FROM_SQLSET function as described in this section, Loading Plans from the Cursor Cache To load plans from the cursor cache, use the LOAD_PLANS_FROM_CURSOR_CACHE function of the OBMS_SPM package: SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE Lplans_loaded PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN 1_plans_loaded := DBMS_SPM.load_plans_from_cursor_cache( sql_id => '€&1'); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line("Plans Loaded: ' || 1_plans_loaded); END; / To check the baselines created: set linesize 200; SELECT sql_handle, plan_name, enabled, accepted, fixed, created, last_executed FROM dba_sql_plan_ba Evolving SQL Plan Baselines Evolving a SQL plan baseline is the process by wi should be accepted. ‘As mentioned previously, manually loaded plans are automatically marked as accepled, so manual loading forces the evolving process. When plans are loaded automatically, the baselines are evolved using the EVOLVE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE function, which returns a CLOB reporting its results. the optimizer determines if non-accepted plans in the baseline SET LONG 10000 SELECT DBMS_SPM.evolve_sql_plan_baseline(sql_handle "SYS_SQL_7676323ad90440b9') FROM dual; Altering Plan Baselines ‘The ALTER_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE function allows the following attributes of a specific plan, or all plans within a baseline to be altered: ‘enabled (YES/NO) : If YES, the plan is available for the optimizer if it is also marked as accepted. fixed (YES/NO) : IT YES, the SQL plan baseline will not evolve over time. Fixed plans are used in preference to non-fixed plans. autopurge (YES/NO) : If YES, the SQL plan baseline is purged automatically if itis not used for a period of time. plan_name : Used to amend the SQL plan name, up to a maximum of 30 character. description : Used to amend the SQL plan description, up to a maximum of 30 character. To fix a specific plan for a sql_id: hip ieouence hippo 8443pagesviewpage.acion?pageld=21258815 26 2017-5620 HowTo SQL Plan Management in Oracle 1ig(DBMS_SPM) - Managed Hosting Internal - Confluence Production SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE 1 _plans_altered PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN 1 _plans_altered := DBMS_SPM,alter_sql_plan_baseline( sql_handle > BRL", plan_name *ag2", attribute_name => ‘fixed’, attribute_value => 'YES'); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(‘Plans Altered: ' || 1_plans_altered); END; / ‘Sql_handle and plan_nane can be obtained from the below query set linesize 200; SELECT sql_handle, plan_name, enabled, accepted, fixed, created, last_executed FROM dba_sql_plan_ba Displaying SQL Plan Baselines In addition to querying the DBA_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES view, information about SQL plan baselines is available via the DBMS_XPLAN package. ‘The DISPLAY_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE table function displays formatted information about a specific plan, or all plans in the SQL plan Baseline in one of three formats (BASIC, TYPICAL or ALL). SET SERVEROUTPUT ON select * from table(doms_xplan.display_sql_plan_baseline(sql_handle=>'&&1' ,format=>'basic')); SQL Management Base ‘The SQL management base resides in the SYSAUX tablespace and stores SQL plan baselines, as well as statement logs, plan histories and SQL profiles. Space usage is controlled by altering two name-value attributes using the CONFIGURE procedure of the DBMS_SPM package. space_budget_porcent (default 10) : Maximum size as a percentage of SYSAUX space, Allowable values 1-50, plan_retention_weeks (default 53) : Number of weeks unused plans are retained before being purged. Allowable values 5- 523 weeks. ‘The current settings are visible using the DBA_SQL_MANAGEMENT_CONFIG view. ‘SQL> SELECT parameter_name, parameter_value FROM cba_sql_managenent_config; PARAMETER_NAME PARAMETER_VALUE SPACE_BUDGET_PERCENT 10 PLAN_RETENTION_WEEKS 53 2 rows selected. ‘To modify the above values: ‘The following exanple shows both values being reset. BEGIN DBMS_SPM. configure("space_budget_percent’, 11); hip ieouence hops 0 8443fpaqesviewpage.actionpageld=21258815 36 2017-5620 HowTo SQL Plan Management in Oracle 1ig(OBMS_SPM) - Managed Hosting Internal - Confluence Production DBMS_SPM. configure(‘plan_retention_weeks’, 54); END; / SQL> SELECT parameter_name, parameter_value FROM dba_sql_management_config; PARAMETER_NAME PARAMETER_VALUE ‘SPACE_BUDGET_PERCENT a PLAN_RETENTION_WEEKS 54 2 rows selected. Transferring SQL Plan Baselines The DBMS_SPM package provides functionality for transferring SQL. plan baselines between databases. First, a staging table must be created in the source database using the CREATE_STGTAB_BASELINE procedure BEGIN DBMS_SPM.CREATE_STGTAB_BASELINE( ‘table_nane “Spm_stageing tab", table_owner ‘Test’, tablespace_name => ‘USERS'); END; / SQL> ‘The PACK_STGTAB_BASELINE function exports the SQL plan baselines to the staging table, There are several parameters allowing you to limit amount and type of data you export. The following example exports all SQL plan baselines. SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE L_plans_packed PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN L_plans_packed : ‘table_nane ‘table_owner DBMS_SPM. pack_stgtab_baseline( "spm_stageing tab", “TEST'); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( ‘Plans Packed: END; / Plans Packed: 11 I] 1_plans_packed); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> The staging table is then transferred to the destination database using data pump or the original export/import utilities. Once in the destination database, the SQL plan baselines are imported into the dictionary using the UNPACK_STGTAB_BASELINE function, Once again, there are several parameters allowing you to limit amount and type of data you import. The following example imports all SQL plan baselines owned by the user "TEST" SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE 1_plans_unpacked PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN 1_plans_unpacked DBMS_SPM.unpack_stgtab_baseline( hip ieouence hops 0 8443fpaqesviewpage.actionpageld=21258815 46 2017-590 HowTo- SOL Plan Managemertin Oracle 11g (DBMS_SPM) - Managed Hosting Ileral - Confluence Production ‘table_nane => ‘spm_stageing_ tab’, ‘table_owner ‘TEST’, creator ‘TEST')5 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( ‘Plans Unpacke; END; / Plans Unpacked: 11 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> Dropping Plans and Baselines ‘The DROP_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE func! specified. SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE Lplans_dropped PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN 1 plans_dropped := DBMS_SPM.drop_sql_plan_baseline ( sql_handle => ‘88a", plan_name => NULL); DBMS_OUTPUT. put. END; / ine(1_plans_dropped) ; NB: have attached the ppt slides and sample scripts used for explaining the DBMS_SPM during our presentation, Also, the recordings of the presentation can be found here https: //sas-elluminate. com/p. jnlp?psid=2013-03-13.0757.M.CFBS@B248DEC482C4B85D8D397418A..vcr&sii ‘You can use below SQL script to lock a good plan for a SQL: lock_good_plan_using_spm.sql + Introduction + Automatic Plan Capture + Manual Plan Loading + Loading Plans ‘rom SQL Tuning Sets and AWR Snapshots + Loading Plans ‘rom the Cursor Cache Evolving SQL Plan Baselines Altering Plan Baselines Displaying SQL Plan Baselines SQL Management Base Transferring SQL Plan Baselines Dropping Plans and Baselines 1 Comment hips ileonuence hps.o 8444paqes\vlewpage.action?pageld=213258816 "IL ALptans_unpacked) ; ccan drop a specific plan from a baseline, or all plans if the plan name is not No labels 56 2017-620 HowTo- SQL Plan Management in Oracle 1ig(DBMS_SPM) - Managed Hosting Internal - Confluence Production Senthil Jayaraman For lock or to Fix the Plan we can consider the OPTIMIZER_COST to choose the PLAN_NAME. so that we can avoid the confusion. | have used this method in Indiana Wesleyan University SQL> SELECT sql_handle,plan_name, enabled, accepted, fixed, EXECUTIONS, OPTIMIZER_COST, ROWS SQL_HANDLE PLAN_NAME ENA ACC FIX EXECUTIONS OPT SQL_90dd42710763475¢ SQL_PLAN_91raaf7mq6juz5e527ed9 YES YES NO 2 SQL_90dd42710763475¢ SQL_PLAN_91raaf7mq6juz971#27a9 YES YES YES 167931 SQL> hip ieouence hippo 8443pagesviewpage.acion?pageld=21258815 66

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