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Azərbaycan Təhsil nazirliyi Memarlıq və İnşaat

Universiteti nəzdində İnşaat Kolleci

Sərbəst İş

Tələbə : İsmayılov Təbriz

Qrup : 162a2
İxtisas : İstilik təchizatı və avadanlıqları
Kurs : II
Fənn : Texniki işgüzar ingilis dili
Mövzu : Kharabagh is Azerbaijan
Kharabagh is Azerbaijan

Karabakh is one of the historical regions located in the

west of Azerbaijan. According to some information, the
concept of "Karabakh" began to be developed from the
7th century and became widespread from the 12th
century. "Karabagh" is formed from the combination of
the Turkish-Azerbaijani words "black" and "bag" (the
word "black" is used in Turkic languages, including
Azerbaijani, to denote color, as well as "big", "thick",

Nagorno-Karabakh, one of the ancient residential and

cultural centers of Azerbaijan, is a part of Karabakh in
general. During the Soviet rule, in 1923, the Nagorno-
Karabakh Autonomous Province was established in the
mountainous part of Karabakh on an area of 4.4
thousand square kilometers. With this, the foundation of
separatist tendencies was laid in this area. In fact, the
root of the problem lies in the claim of the Armenians,
who were moved to Karabakh from the 18th century, to
acquire the lands of Azerbaijan.
Despite all the peace-loving efforts of Azerbaijan,
Armenia is engaged in solving the problem of
destructive politics, trying to disrupt political processes
and maintain the current status quo based on the
occupation of Azerbaijani territories. International
borders and territorial settlement of the Armenia-
Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Currently, the
world community unequivocally recognizes and
demands the sovereignty and territory. The President of
the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, announced
that "Azerbaijan's territory is not subject to any
administration and there will be no time... Azerbaijan
will not take a single step back from this position.
management, there will be no changes in the territorial
issue of Azerbaijan".
According to the document signed by the President of
the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the President
of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the Prime
Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan
on November 10, 2020, after the fighting that has been
going on since September 27, until November 9, 2020,
Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding regions, including
7 occupied villages of Gazakh region, were freed from
Azərbaycan Təhsil nazirliyi Memarlıq və İnşaat
Universiteti nəzdində İnşaat Kolleci
Sərbəst İş

Tələbə İsmayılov Təbriz

Qrup : 162a2
İxtisas : İstilik təchizatı və avadanlıqları
Kurs : II
Fənn: Texniki işgüzar ingilis dili
Mövzu: Novruz is our National Holiday
Novruz is our National Holiday
Nowruz holiday is celebrated on the equinox (from
March 20 or 21 to 25), the beginning of astronomical
summer in the Northern Hemisphere. A number of
nations associated the arrival of spring with the revival
of nature, held festivities on this occasion, and
celebrated it as the beginning of the new year. Since
ancient times, in Azerbaijan, Iran, Afghanistan,
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and many eastern countries, the
arrival of spring and the new year have been celebrated
with festivities. March 21 is the first day of the official
calendar in Iran and Afghanistan.

On September 30, 2009, the Nowruz holiday was

included in the list of intangible cultural heritage by
UNESCO, and on February 23, 2010, at the meeting of
the 64th session of the UN General Assembly, March 21
was declared "International Nowruz Day". Since
Nowruz holiday is widely celebrated in Azerbaijan,
non-working days are declared on the eve of the
holiday. The origin of Nowruz holiday is ancient. After
the spread of Islam in the countries of the Middle East
and Central Asia, the Arab caliphate began to follow the
traditions and holidays of the peoples of these countries.
Most peoples have kept a number of traditions and
games born from the true nature of the spring holiday
until now.
The following rituals are performed on Nowruz holiday.

Throw in a bag. Later, the bag was replaced by a hat.

However, throwing the hat of honor and zeal at the door
for a share is not accepted and controlled in Azerbaijan.
They will not return the bag thrown at the door empty.
Towards divination. If a pleasant conversation is heard
from the hidden house, this is a sign that the wish will
come true.
Jumping from the bonfire.
See the divination of the ring. Girls tie the ring to a
strand of hair and hold it over a glass filled with water.
How many times the ring hits the glass is a sign that the
girl will get married at that age. Cultivating the malt.
This is a sign of the arrival of spring and the awakening
of plants. Egg fight. One side of the game fulfills the
requirements of the other.
Azərbaycan Təhsil nazirliyi Memarlıq və İnşaat
Universiteti nəzdində İnşaat Kolleci
Sərbəst İş

Tələbə İsmayılov Təbriz

Qrup : 162a2
İxtisas : İstilik təchizatı və avadanlıqları
Kurs : II
Fənn: Texniki işgüzar ingilis dili
Mövzu: Healthy and unhealthy food
Healthy and unhealthy food
Healthy diets are made up mainly of nutrient-rich
foods, such as legumes, fruits and vegetables,
whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean protein
and nuts and seeds. Unhealthy diets are high in
fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium and added
sugars. These diets often contain a lot of processed
or fast foods that are high in calories but don't
contain many nutrients. People following a healthy
diet watch their portion sizes so they maintain a
healthy weight, since both the quantity and the
quality of the food you eat is important for a
healthy diet.
If you eat healthy, you are more likely to get
enough of the nutrients, like fiber, calcium,
vitamin D and potassium, which many Americans
don't consume in sufficient amounts. Whole
grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits and nuts
provide fiber; low-fat diary products and green
leafy vegetables provide calcium; fruits and
vegetables like bananas, apricots, strawberries,
avocado and cucumber are good sources of
potassium; and fish, eggs and fortified milk and
orange juice contain vitamin D.
Disease Risk
Up to 40 percent of cancers may be due, in part, to
following an unhealthy diet, according to
BreastCancer.org. Unhealthy diets also increase
your risk for Type 2 diabetes, obesity and heart
disease. The World Health Organization estimates
that approximately 2.6 million deaths each year
are due to obesity-related illnesses.

Planning your meals ahead of time and allowing
yourself a small portion of a less-than-healthy
treat once in a while can help you stick to a healthy
diet. Following a healthy diet isn’t the only thing
that matters – you also need to make healthy
lifestyle changes to minimize your disease risk.
Exercise regularly, stop smoking and drink only in
moderation, if at all.
Azərbaycan Təhsil nazirliyi Memarlıq və İnşaat
Universiteti nəzdində İnşaat Kolleci
Sərbəst İş

Tələbə İsmayılov Təbriz

Qrup : 162a2
İxtisas : İstilik təchizatı və avadanlıqları
Kurs : II
Fənn: Texniki işgüzar ingilis dili
Mövzu: The English language
The English language
English is a West Germanic language in the Indo-
European language family, with its earliest forms
spoken by the inhabitants of early medieval England. It
is named after the Angles, one of the ancient Germanic
peoples that migrated to the island of Great Britain.
Existing on a dialect continuum with Scots and then
most closely related to the Low German and Frisian
languages, English is genealogically Germanic.
However, its vocabulary also shows major influences
from French (about 28% of Modern English words)
and Latin (also about 28%), plus some grammar and a
small amount of core vocabulary influenced by Old
Norse (a North Germanic language). Speakers of
English are called Anglophones.
Modern English grammar is the result of a gradual
change from a typical Indo-European dependent-
marking pattern with a rich inflectional morphology and
relatively free word order to a mostly analytic pattern
with little inflection and a fairly fixed subject–verb–
object word order. Modern English relies more on
auxiliary verbs and word order for the expression of
complex tenses, aspects and moods, as well as passive
constructions, interrogatives, and some negation
The earliest forms of English, collectively known as
“Old English”, evolved from a group of North Sea
Germanic dialects brought to Great Britain by Anglo-
Saxon settlers in the 5th century and further mutated by
Norse-speaking Viking settlers starting in the 8th and
9th centuries. Middle English began in the late 11th
century after the Norman Conquest of England, when
considerable Old French (especially Old Norman
French) and Latin-derived vocabulary was incorporated
into English over some three hundred years. Early
Modern English began in the late 15th century with the
start of the Great Vowel Shift and the Renaissance trend
of borrowing further Latin and Greek words and roots
into English, concurrent with the introduction of the
printing press to London. This era notably culminated in
the King James Bible and the works of William
Azərbaycan Təhsil nazirliyi Memarlıq və İnşaat
Universiteti nəzdində İnşaat Kolleci
Sərbəst İş

Tələbə İsmayılov Təbriz

Qrup : 162a2
İxtisas : İstilik təchizatı və avadanlıqları
Kurs : II
Fənn: Texniki işgüzar ingilis dili
Mövzu: Table manners
Table manners
Table manners are the rules of etiquette used while
eating, which may also include the use of utensils.
Different cultures observe different rules for table
manners. Each family or group sets its own standards
for how strictly these rules are to be followed.

Traditionally in Western Europe, the host or hostess

takes the first bite[citation needed][1][2] unless he or
she instructs otherwise. The host begins after all food
for that course has been served and everyone is seated.
In religious households, a family meal may commence
with saying grace, or at dinner parties the guests might
begin the meal by offering some favorable comments on
the food and thanks to the host. In a group dining
situation it is considered impolite to begin eating before
all the group have been served their food and are ready
to start.

Napkins should be placed on the lap and not tucked into

clothing. They should not be used for anything other
than wiping one’s mouth and should be placed unfolded
on the seat of one’s chair should one need to leave the
table during the meal, or placed unfolded on the table
when the meal is finished.
The fork is held with the left hand and the knife held
with the right. The fork is held generally with the tines
down, using the knife to cut food or help guide food on
to the fork. When no knife is being used, the fork can be
held with the tines up. With the tines up, the fork
balances on the side of the index finger, held in place
with the thumb and index finger. Under no
circumstances should the fork be held like a shovel,
with all fingers wrapped around the base. A single
mouthful of food should be lifted on the fork and one
should not chew or bite food from the fork. The knife
should be held with the base into the palm of the hand,
not like a pen with the base resting between the thumb
and forefinger. The knife must never enter the mouth or
be licked When eating soup, the spoon is held in the
right hand and the bowl tipped away from the diner,
scooping the soup in outward movements. The soup
spoon should never be put into the mouth, and soup
should be sipped from the side of the spoon, not the
end Food should always be chewed with the mouth

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