Evaluation Exam 17: Kippap Education

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Evaluation Exam 17

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for
each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.

Situation I. From the figure shows a cross – section of a one way slab. Compute the following;

S-1 S-2 S-3

1.5m 4.2m 3.6m

1. The minimum thickness of Slab S-2.

A. 150 mm C. 140 mm
B. 100 mm D. 145 mm

2. Recompute the thickness of slabs S-2 of the solid one-way slab assuming that wc = 2000 kg/m3 and
Fy = 345 MPa.

A. 150 mm C. 140 mm
B. 100 mm D. 145 mm

Situation II. A cantilever beam with a clear length of 2.5m is 300 mm wide with a total depth of 600 mm
and an effective depth of 540 mm, f'c= 21 MPa and, fy= 275 MPa. Unit weight of concrete 23.5 kN/m3.
Use 2015 NSCP.
w kN/m

2.5 m

3. It the total factored load on the beam is 58 kN/m, which of the following most nearly gives the length
of the beam in which stirrups are required.

A. 900 mm C. 1,600 mm
B. 1,250 mm D. 2,500 mm

4. If the factored shear at section 300mm from face of support is 470 kN, determine the required
spacing of 12 mm Ø vertical stirrups at a length "d" starting from face of support.

A. 50 mm C. 75 mm
B. 65 mm D. 85 mm

5. If the beam is reinforced with 3 legs of 10mm Ø diameter stirrups spaced at 100 mm on center,
determine the shear strength, Vu (kN), of the beam?

A. 476 C. 269
B. 357 D. 349

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 kippapeducation@gmail.com CE Board Exam Review

Evaluation Exam 17

Situation III. Using NSCP 2015, find the effective flange width of the following T-sections if the beams are
supported by 300 x 300 mm columns on both ends 8m apart, center to center.

Beam A Beam B

250 4000 300 5000 250

6. Beam A:

A. 2225 C. 4800
B. 1900 D. 1400

7. Beam B:

A. 2250 C. 850
B. 900 D. 2750

Situation IV. A 6m long simply supported beam is carrying a factored concentrated load of 500 kN acting
at midspan, factored axial compression load of 250 kN, and a factored uniformly distributed load of
6.921kN/m. The beam is 300mm wide and has a total of 700mm. It is reinforced at the bottom, side with
3-32 bars. The effective depth is 630mm, and f'c is 27.6 MPa, Fy= 276 MPa. Steel covering up to tensile
reinforcement is 70mm. Using detailed analysis use provided code below.
500 kN

6.921 kN/m

250 kN 250 kN

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 kippapeducation@gmail.com CE Board Exam Review

Evaluation Exam 17

8. Modified moment (Mm) at critical section

A. 99.8 C. 92.3
B. 110.8 D. 101.4

9. Shear strength provided by the concrete

A. 419.7 kN C. 226.7 kN
B. 333.9 kN D. 157.6 kN

10. Spacing of stirrups if the diameter of the rebars is 10mm

A. 150 mm C. 210 mm
B. 600 mm D. 315 mm

SITUATION V. The T-beam shown in figure below resulted from monolithic construction of the beam and
slab. The effective flange width is 1250mm and the uniform slab thickness is 120mm.

Properties of the T-beam:

f’c = 21 MPa
fy = 415 MPa
Centroid of steel from compression fiber, d’ = 70mm
For positive reinforcement: 5-25mmØ
For negative reinforcement: 3-25mmØ




11. Calculate the nominal strength of the beam for positive moment neglect the top reinforcement.

A. 503.3 kN-m C. 260.9 kN-m

B. 455.6 kN-m D. 289.9 kN-m

12. Calculate the nominal strength of the beam for negative moment.

A. 452.1 kN-m C. 260.9 kN-m

B. 502.3 kN-m D. 258.3 kN-m

SITUATION VI. The isolated T-beam is composed of a flange 700mm wide and 150mm deep cast
monolithically with a web of 250mm width that extends 600mm below the bottom surface of the flange
to produce a beam of 750mm total depth. The tensile reinforcement area is 4914 mm2 consists of six bars
placed in two horizontal rows separated by 25mm clear spacing. The centroid of the bar group is 650mm

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 kippapeducation@gmail.com CE Board Exam Review

Evaluation Exam 17

from the top of the beam and depth from the top of the beam to the lowest bar is 685mm. The concrete
has a strength of 21MPa, and the yield strength of the steel is 420 MPa.

13. What is the design moment capacity of the beam?

A. 692.9 kN-m C. 1168 kN-m

B. 475.6 kN-m D. 1052 kN-m

14. What is the maximum steel ratio of the section?

A. 0.34223 C. 0.0303
B. 0.2231 D. 0.031202

15. What is the balance area (mm2) of the section?

A. 2045 C. 5423
B. 4356 D. 6694

SITUATION VII. Refer to the given frame system below.

S1 = S2 = S3 = 2.8m
L1 = L2 = L3 = 6.0m
ts, thickness of slab = 100mm

Wu (Total ultimate load) = 12 kN/m

f’c = 20.7 MPa
fy = 275 MPa
Concrete cover in slab reinforcement = 20mm

Structural Members Dimensions

Beams 300x400
Columns 300x300
L1 L2 L3





Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 kippapeducation@gmail.com CE Board Exam Review

Evaluation Exam 17



16. What is the design positive moment at the interior span bounded by F-G-K-J?

A. 6.25 kN-m C. 5.36 kN-m

B. 4.69 kN-m D. 6.82 kN-m

17. What is the required spacing (mm) of 10mmØ bars for the negative moment at the interior beam
support at FG?

A. 200 mm C. 150mm
B. 210mm D. 300mm

18. What is the maximum spacing (mm) of 10mmØ bars at panel F-G-K-J based on NSCP 2015?

A. 200 mm C. 150mm
B. 210mm D. 300mm

SITUATION VIII. Refer to column section figure as shown below. Use simplified calculation for shear.
Section Properties:
h= 600mm
Concrete cover = 40mm
f’c = 28 MPa
fy = 415 MPa
Ø = 0.75
Due to lateral force (WL) acting at the column the design axial load due to combined effect of DL, LL, and
WL at the (+)X direction are as follows:

(Moment) Mu = -420 kN-m

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 kippapeducation@gmail.com CE Board Exam Review

Evaluation Exam 17

(Shear) Vu = +370 kN-m

(Axial) Nu = +1320 kN

19. Determine the concrete nominal shear strength (kN) for the +X Direction of WL using simplified
calculation for shear.

A. 315 kN C. 267 kN
B. 175 kN D. 220 kN

20. Determine the required spacing of the shear reinforcements.

A. 266 mm C. 150mm
B. 210mm D. 300mm

21. If the spacing of the lateral reinforcement is 150mm, determine the value of the factored shear
strength capacity if the section is subjected to a significant axial tensile load Nu = 450 kN.

A. 441 kN C. 375 kN
B. 588 kN D. 499 kN

SITUATION IX. A rectangular beam has b=310mm and d=460mm. The beam will be designed to carry a
service load of 230 kN-m and service load of 160 kN-m. Compression Reinforcement if necessary will
have its centroid 70mm from extreme compression fiber. Use f’c = 30 MPa and fy = 415 MPa.

22. Determine the tension steel area.

A. 4135 mm2 C. 1056 mm2

B. 3138 mm2 D. 3332 mm2

23. Determine the compression steel area.

A. 997 mm2 C. 0 mm2

B. 1069 mm2 D. 4135 mm2

SITUATION X. A column 800mm in diameter is reinforced with 12-25mmØ is reinforced with 12mm
spaced 72mm on centers. Use the following criteria:

Ø = 0.75
f’c = 30 MPa

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 kippapeducation@gmail.com CE Board Exam Review

Evaluation Exam 17

fy = 413 MPa
fyh = 275 MPa
Fv = 0.90 MPa

24. What is the nominal shear strength?

A. 476.7 kN C. 512.3 kN
B. 460.8 kN D. 435.2 kN

25. What is the nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement?

A. 276 kN C. 338 kN
B. 552 kN D. 435 kN

SITUATION XI. A cantilever beam 2.4m long is subjected to a uniform load w throughout its length. The
trapezoid beam cross section has a 100mm diameter hole positioned as shown below.

120 mm
w kN/m
150 mm

A 2.4 m B

Concrete Properties:

f’c = 28 MPa

ft = 2.8 MPa
𝛾𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 = 23.5 3

200 mm

26. What is the bending moment that will cause the beam to crack?

A. 2.76 kN-m C. 3.38 kN-m

B. 3.85 kN-m D. 4.35 kN-m

27. Determine the bending stress in the extreme fiber in compression due to cracking moment.

A. 2.92 MPa C. 9.02 MPa

B. 3.36 MPa D. 2.58 MPa

28. In addition to its own weight, what additional concentrated load at the end can the beam safely carry
before it cracks?

A. 672 kN C. 742 kN
B. 552 kN D. 435 kN

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 kippapeducation@gmail.com CE Board Exam Review

Evaluation Exam 17

29. If the beam are reinforced with 3-25mmØ with their centroid located at 170 from the bottom,
determine the cracking moment. The ratio of the modulus of elasticity of steel to concrete, n=8. Neglect
the hole for the computation.

A. 5 kN-m C. 12 kN-m
B. 4 kN-m D. 4.35 kN-m

30. What is the stress in tension steel?

A. 2.92 MPa C. 9.02 MPa

B. 3.36 MPa D. 2.58 MPa

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 kippapeducation@gmail.com CE Board Exam Review

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