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A Relationship of Traffic Congestion and Class Attendance Motivation

among College Students in Davao City

The purpose of this study is to provide information about the degree of relationship of traffic
congestion and class attendance motivation among college students in Davao City. This study aims to
determine whether the level of traffic congestion would have a connection to the attendance motivation of
the students. In addition, this study aims to describe the level of traffic congestion of the participants, as well
as, to describe the level of class attendance motivation to assess if the participant experiences traffic
congestion and to know how high or low these two variables are on the individuals.

Part I: Demographic Profile of the Participant

Name : _______________________
Age :_________________________

Part 2: Secondary Student Attendance Survey (SSAS)

The Des Moines Public School (DMPS) is committed to providing quality educational
experiences and supporting life journey aspirations. They provide a Secondary School Attendance
survey questionnaires which seeks to measure three aspects of the participant’s view of attendance
motivation: (1) classroom learning, (2) student social and emotional support, (3) student-teacher and
teacher-family relationships. This survey’s questions are organized in three sections based on the
District areas of priority related to student attendance.

Instructions: Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements
using the scale below.
Rating scale :
1=Strongly Disagree
3= Neutral
4= Agree
5= Strongly Agree
SECTION I: Classroom Learning

Item 1 2 3 4 5

SECTION I: Classroom Learning

1. I attend class more frequently when

teachers use resources that reflect
students’ backgrounds.

2. I attend class more frequently when

learning includes students’ input about
what and how topics will be discussed
in class.
3. I attend class more frequently when
teachers make learning more relevant
to their daily life.

4. I attend class more frequently when

teachers provide ways for students to
express their opinions.

5. I attend class more frequently when

teachers provide opportunities for
students to debate.

6. I attend class more frequently when

teachers care about their students’
7. I attend class more frequently when I
feel comfortable asking teachers some
questions about what we have learn.

8. I attend class more frequently when

we are challenged in our learning.

9. I attend class more frequently when

we see the benefits of learning.

10. I attend class more frequently when

the teaching supports hands-on
11. I attend class more frequently when
the culture of the school encourages
students to succeed academically.
12. I attend class more frequently when
students feel connected to the teacher
in class.

13. I attend class more frequently when I

feel I belong in the school.
14. I believe some students come to school,
but choose to not attend class(es).
15. The main reason why I want to come to
school, but choose to not attend class
that there is a lack of positive
relationships with teachers.
16. The main reason why I want to come to
school, but choose to not attend class is
that the learning is not relevant to real-
life situations (outside world)
17. The main reasons why I come to
school, but choose to not attend class is
that some teacher doesn’t believe
students can learn from their lessons.
18. The main reason why I come to school,
but choose to not attend class is that
some teachers have low expectations
for their students.

SECTION II: Student Social and Emotional Support

Item 1 2 3 4 5

19. I believe that students attend school more

frequently when the school provides
therapy/trauma-related support services.

20. I believe that students go to the nurse when

class is overwhelming.
21. I believe that students go to the nurse when
teachers don’t seem to care about them.
22. I believe that students are provided with
opportunities throughout the school day to
identify and express their feelings.
23. I believe that students have at least one
teacher who knows and cares about them.

24. I believe that having an adult at school

who cares about students positively
impacts student attendance.
SECTION III: Student-Teacher and Teacher-Family Relationships

Item 1 2 3 4 5

25. I am more likely to attend school when

students believe teachers are interested
in them.

26. I am more likely to attend school when

teachers show respect for students.

27. I am more likely to attend school when

teachers understand students’ needs.

28. I am more likely to attend school when

teachers encourage students to
participate in school activities.

29. I am more likely to attend school when

teachers attend community events to show
support for student’s development.

30. I am more likely to attend school when

families and teachers work together.

31. I am more likely to attend school when

teachers use parents and family members
as resources in the classroom. (For
example, a parent is invited to join the
classroom and to share cultural
experiences; teach a skill in which a parent
is known in his/her ability.)

32. I believed Student families’ connection

to school impacts students’ attendance


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