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List of projects :

1. Develop a Report Card Related Functions Like

• Displaying Student Record

• Modifying Student Record
• Editing Student Record
• Adding A New Student Record and
• Deleting Student Record

2. Develop a Banking Record System Using The CPP File Handling Mechanism. It Must
Perform Operation Such As
• Add Records
• Display Records
• Edit Records
• Search Records
• Delete Records
• Modify Records

3. Develop Bus Reservation System by Implementing Class and Object with following
• Install The Bus Record
• Reservation
• Show The Bus Details
• Show All Buses Available

4. Develop Students Mark Sheets Using Multiple Inheritances In CPP, Consider The
Following Condition
• Class Marks for Every Student In Five Subjects.
• Generates Mark Sheet By Using The Inherited Class.

5. Develop Library Management System with following modules in the implementation

• Add Books
• Search Books
• Issue Books
• Delete Books Issued
• View Books Issued

6. Develop Salary Management System with following modules in the implementation

• Employee Module
• Salary Module
• Display Module

7. Develop Hospital Management System with following modules in the implementation

 Add Patient Records

 View Available Records
 Search Patient By Name, Disease, Age, Cabin Number
 Edit Records
 Delete Patient’s Record
8. Develop a Simple Tourism Management System with following modules in the
 Sign Up
 Login-Logout
 Book Tour Package
 Check Tickets
 Cancel Tickets
 Change Password

9. Develop Stationary Shop Management System with following modules in the

• List Of Stationary
• Availability Of Stationary
• Edit Stationary

10. Develop Car Rental Management System with following modules in the implementation
• Renting Car
• View Rental Car
• Remove Rental Car
• Search Rental Car
• Edit Rental Car

11. Develop Food Ordering System with following modules in the implementation
• Food Order
• Serve Food ATM
• Show Total Records

12. Develop Movie Ticket Booking System with following modules in the implementation
• Booking Tickets
• Cancel Tickets
• Change Ticket Price
• View All Booking Records

13. Develop ATM Management System with following modules in the implementation
• Check Total Balance
• Deposit Money
• Withdraw Money
• Reset Pin

15. Develop a Quiz Game with following modules in the implementation

• User registration
• High Score
• Entrance Assessment
• Begin quiz
16. Develop Medical Store Management with following modules in the implementation
• Log-In System.
• Validations.
• Bill Generation.
• Categories Such As Suppliers, Medicine, Customer
• Add, Edit, And Delete, View & Search Records.
17. Develop Contact Management System with following modules in the implementation
• Add Contact
• List Contact
• Search Contact
• Delete Contact

18. Develop Departmental Store Management with following modules in the implementation
• Add Goods
• View Goods
• Delete Goods
• Edit Goods
• Calculate Total
• Calculate GST

19. Develop School Fee Management System with following modules in the implementation
• Log In System.
• Validations.
• Calculates Fees
• Calculates Salary
• Search, Modify & Delete Records.

20. Develop Staff Management System with following modules in the implementation
• Staff Table Creation
• List Staff Table
• Adding New Staff
• Editing Existing Staff
• Deleting Existing Staff
21. Develop transport management system with following modules in the implementation
• Register – Login System
• Staff Account
• Student Account
• Publish/View Notice
• Complaint Box
• Allotment Form
22. Develop car parking reservation system with following modules in the implementation
• Car Arrival
• Total number of cars arrived
• Total parking charges
• Car Departure
• VIP Discount

23. Develop personal diary management system with following modules in the
• Login System
• Edit Password
• Add story
• View story
• Edit story
• Remove Story
24. Develop file manipulation system with following modules in the implementation
• Save to a file
• View file content
• Obtain file size
• File Detail
• Clear the file
• Delete the file
25. Develop complaint management system with following modules in the implementation
• Customer/Admin Login
• Create and Manage complaints
• Update complaint status
• Print complaint
• Cancel complaints
26. Implement Project for the Student GUI:
Create a GUI with title STUDENT which has labels roll no., name, course, gender,
class, address with textboxes for taking input from the user (without any
functionality) and checkboxes for selecting the course, radio buttons for selecting
gender with appropriate background colour.
27. Banking System
This project on the banking system will be a simple one in which there will be
some options like :

Create account
Close the account
Balance enquiry
To create this project, you need to know C + + topics like File handling
operations, switch-case statements, etc. This project will contain a menu from
which the user or the customer will select whether he/she wants to create an
account, deposit or withdraw the money, close the account, or the balance

28. Car Rental System

Car Rental SystemThis is a trendy project and very useful for learning about
keyboard events, date-time functions, and implementing a C++ login system.
The program has separate menus for admin and other users. There are also
methods to calculate fare based on time and distance, including displaying car
details, availability, etc.

29. Bookshop inventory system

Bookshop inventory system. This is a simple project where the system maintains
the inventory of books in a bookshop. If a customer purchases a book, the book's
count will decrease; if a book is added, the same is updated. Notice the use of
pointers. You can modify the code to add a book ID and make the search based
on book ID or make the search using just one parameter giving multiple results,
and so on.

Customers have the choice of buying the item in the interim. If the
customer chooses yes, they will be given the option to input the price
for each item and, at the conclusion of the procedure, print invoices
for the items they have bought as well as backup their purchased
items from the pickup center.

Develop student mark sheets using multiple inheritances.

Considering the following conditions:

· Class Mark for every student in 5 subjects.

· Generate mark sheet by using inherited class.

1. Login and Registration System

This is one of the simplest projects to start with to learn about file systems in C++.
The project involves a user registration process by asking username and password.
Upon successful registration, a user file is created with the credentials. If the user
does not exist, upon login, an error will be shown. You will also learn how to use
Visual Studio to create a simple project.
2. Car Rental System

This is a trendy project and very useful for learning about keyboard events, date-time
functions, and implementing a C++ login system. The program has separate menus
for admin and other users. There are also methods to calculate fare based on time
and distance, including displaying car details, availability, etc.
You can try other projects like music store management, bus reservation, or railway
reservation system on the same lines as above.

3. Bookshop inventory system

This is a simple project where the system maintains the inventory of books in a
bookshop. If a customer purchases a book, the book's count will decrease; if a book
is added, the same is updated. Notice the use of pointers. You can modify the code
to add a book ID and make the search based on book ID or make the search using
just one parameter giving multiple results, and so on.
4. Student Report Management System

Through this project, we can learn a lot about input/output streams and the file
management system of C++. Our program collects student details like name, roll
number, marks in each subject, and calculates their grade. This is a simple console
app. Note that we focus only on the correct inputs in this project, and you can
enhance it to handle wrong inputs.

5. Casino Number Guessing Game

This is an exciting project, where we will learn about the library used for random
numbers: cstdlib. The program asks for a betting amount and then asks the user to
guess a number on rolling. If the random number generated matches the user input,
he wins, else money is deducted. The user can keep playing until he loses all the
amount he put in initially.
6. Sudoku Game

We all know about the popular Sudoku game, wherein we need to arrange numbers
from 1-9 such that they appear only once in a row and column of a 9x9 grid. The
program uses the concept of backtracking. In this program, we have hard-coded the
initial values, but you can also get the same input from the user (though that will be
cumbersome for this program). The main thing to understand is the backtracking to
find rows and columns that are not assigned any values (are zero).

7. Credit Card Validator

This is a simple project that uses Luhn’s algorithm to validate a user's credit card.
The program works for all popular cards like Visa, Amex, MasterCard, etc. Luhn’s
algorithm checks for basic validations; for example, a Visa card should start with 4
and then moves on to complex digit-wise calculations. It is a good program to learn
because most e-commerce transactions require credit card validation.
8. Helicopter Game

For all the 90s kids, this was one of the most favorite games and very easy to
implement! In this project, we will use SDL graphics. The game is to move the
helicopter forward without touching the obstacles. The player should control the
game through keys, and holding the key moves the helicopter, and releasing it will
bring the helicopter down.

9. Using Graphics to Draw and Move Shapes

In this graphics program, you will learn to make a car and then make it move using
graphics. This is a simple program written using Turbo C++; however, the same
program will work on other IDEs like Dev C++. Code:: Blocks and Visual Studios.
You have to get the graphics.h file for the program to work.
10. Simple Animation to Race a Drunk Man from Start to

This is an interactive console animation app, where your choice of character (any
letter from a to z) will appear to move funnily from start to finish line. If he finishes the
race within the specified counter (in our case, 1000000), then we print a particular
message, else another message.

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