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Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11/12 • Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II

Process Analysis
Table of Contents
Introduction 1

Objectives 2

DepEd Competency 2

Warm-Up 2

Learn about It 3
Process Analysis Writing 3

Key Points 5

Check Your Understanding 5

Let’s Step Up! 6

Bibliography 6
Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11 /12• Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II

Lesson 5.4
Process Analysis

Fig. 1. The analysis of a process leads to better understanding.

For your readers to understand how something works, there must be a clear and detailed
explanation about its procedure. It is necessary that the writer vividly shows the different
steps to be undertaken so that it is easily understood. This greatly helps the readers
thoroughly grasp what they are reading about.

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11 /12• Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II

In this lesson, you should be able to:
● Distinguish between patterns of development in writing, namely process
● Differentiate the uses of those patterns in writing across disciplines.
● Create short paragraphs/essays for each of the patterns of development
in writing.

DepEd Competency
This lesson serves as an enrichment for the following DepEd competency:
● Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines

1. Enumerate at least three reading materials you have read that detailed steps or
instructions that you have to follow in order to achieve a goal.
2. Explain how knowing the steps helped you and how it made your task easier to do.
3. Pinpoint which among the reading materials was the most helpful and
reader-friendly for you.
4. Share your thoughts with a partner.

Learn about It!

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11 /12• Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II

As a pattern of development in writing, a process analysis discusses the steps taken in a

given process. The term process refers to a series of actions or steps toward a specific end,
while the term analysis refers to a detailed examination. Often, the steps in a process
happen over time and are presented in a chronological manner. Process analysis texts make
use of transitional words, such as first, second, then, lastly, and finally.

easily affected or influenced

mortgage an agreement that allows a person to borrow money

(noun) by offering something of value

mediator (noun) acting as a middleman between two sides

Essential Question
What is the most important feature of the process analysis pattern that
makes it beneficial to use in writing?

Process Analysis Writing

Some process analysis texts are instructional or directive. They teach the readers steps
that lead to a particular result.

Before you transplant, you need to make the new location ready to receive
your roses. You would not want to transfer the plant where the root ball

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11 /12• Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II

becomes susceptible to sun exposure or loss of moisture. If you are moving

the rose plant to its new location using a vehicle, you have to ensure that
the roots are fully covered by a wet piece of cloth or burlap. One tip for
you is to keep watering the plant the day before you unearth it. Lots of
water will prevent the dryness of roots and wilting of the roses. If the
roots have been watered enough, the rose plant will survive the transplant
since it will have enough nourishment to last the time it is being moved.
When you are digging out your roses, it is very likely that you will not be
able to get all the roots. Since rose plant roots grow very deep into the soil,
you will probably not be able to get all of them. However, if you have
watered your roses in advance, then there is a greater chance that the
plants will still flourish after the transfer.

The sample text gives instructions or directions on how to transplant roses. The
second-person point of view is consistently used in the text to address the readers.

Other process analysis texts are informative. They explain how a certain process works.

How does one get the best possible loan? There are two basic ways to go
about it: getting a loan from mortgage brokers or acquiring it from a direct
lender. A mortgage broker acts as an intermediary between the loaner and
the lender. On the other hand, a direct lender allows the loaner to borrow
if his or her application is acceptable. Brokers can seek different kinds of
mortgages depending on a loaner’s requirements, but direct lenders have
limited loan types. Nonetheless, a loaner should consider many factors,
such as interest rates, loan application fees, broker fees, prepayment
penalties, and credit report fee, among others.

The sample text above gives information on ways on how to get a loan. It is written from a
third person point of view.

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11 /12• Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II

Let’s Check In
Categorize the reading materials you mentioned in the Warm-up Section
into instructional and informative texts. Explains why you labeled them
that way.

Key Points

● Process analysis writing pattern discusses the steps required in a process.

● Process analysis texts can be instructional or informative.

Check Your Understanding

Answer the following questions. Use the blank space provided.

1. What is the purpose of the process analysis pattern of development?

2. In cooking pasta, you have to boil the water first. Then, when it boils, add a tablespoon of oil
and a pinch of salt. Stir it. Put the pasta in the boiling water. Check it every few minutes until
it is cooked.
What type of process analysis pattern is exemplified in the
3. First, turn on the AVR. Second, click the power button in the CPU. Wait until the lock screen
appears. Then, encode your pin code or password. Finally, wait for your desktop to set up.
What type of process analysis pattern is exemplified in the text?

Reading and Writing Skills

Grade 11 /12• Unit 5: Patterns of Development in Writing II

4. It is a type of process analysis pattern that explains how a certain process works.
5. How could one distinguish an instructional process analysis pattern from an informative
one? ____________________________

Let’s Step Up!

Choose a topic in which the process analysis pattern can be used. Identify if the text
is instructional or informative, then employ it in your essay.


Nordquist, Richard. 2015. “Process Analysis (Composition).” Accessed September 27, 2018.

Purdue Online Writing Lab. “Writing Essays for Exams.” Accessed September 27, 2018.

SRJC English Department. 2007. “Patterns of Development Lesson.” Accessed September 27,

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