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InfoWorks ICM

Real Time Controls (RTC) Tips and Tricks

• Main Elements in RTC
• General Tips and Tricks
• Variable Speed Pumps
• Controllers: INC vs PID
• Variable example
• RTC Help Examples
Main Elements in RTC
• Real Time Control
• Changes model parameters based on simulated values
• The 3 R’s: Regulator, Range, Rule
• Others: Logic, Controllers, Variables, Tables
The physical structure that is being controlled
To define a regulator you must select the Variable option
from the Link Type drop down list
• Measurement devices (e.g. depth, flow,
• Tell the Regulator when to operate
• Can specify Minimum and Maximum
• Returns a value or TRUE/FALSE
• Control the Regulator
• Use a Range
• If Range is TRUE then Rule happens
RTC Editor
Simple Example

• Regulator is the pump K.1

• Ranges are
CUTIN – Water above 79.5 m
CUTOUT – Water below 77.5 m
• Rules
CUTIN – Pump On
CUTOUT – Pump Off
In InfoWorks ICM

Common mistake: Min and Max values

• Provide a further level of refinement and
complexity to the way in which regulators
• INC: Moves a regulator by a defined amount
• PID: instructs the regulator to maintain a set
Controllers: INC

Use a positive value for increment and a negative

value for decrement
Controllers: PID

The P, I, and D coefficients define how far the

regulator moves as in response to the error signal

If the setpoint is d/s of the regulator –P

If the setpoint is u/s of the regulator +P
Variable Example
Table Example
RTC – Help Examples
General Tips and Tricks
• RTC Description
• Rule priority
• Regulator Parameters
• Controllers:
• Rule vs Rates of change (INC)
• Measurement interval and timestep
• Catchment data (regulator properties)
• Results
• Run dialog
RTC Scenario
Regulator Parameters

If left blank it
would default to
values in
catchment data
Regulator Parameters
• Initial value needs to be estimated
• If Override box is checked rates of change must be entered
Regulator Parameters
CTR (INC): Rule vs Rate of Change
• Rule: how much it wants to move
• Rate of change how much it can move
CTR: Measurement interval and timestep

• Defines the time interval at which the regulator can

• 300s: slow response
• 1s: fast response
• It must be a multiple of the simulation time step
Catchment data

• Some catchment parameters could provide

limitations too:
Main advice

Be very clear in your mind about what you expect to happen then use the graph
tools to ensure it does happen.
It is recommended that the position of the regulator
and the condition which it is trying to maintain are
always graphed.
RTC Details in the Simulation log
Variable Speed Pumps

• Only intended to use with RTC

• Three elements required to control a VSP
• Range: defines when the pump should increase or decrease in speed
• Controller: defines how often a range should be measured
• Rule: defines the speed or the rate of change of speed in pump
VSP – RTC Scenario
VSP – RTC Scenario
VSP – RTC Scenario
VSP – Catchment data
• In RTC only one rule can be true for a Regulator at any one time. The
exception to this is a VSP
• Small reaction
• Increasing Rates of Change, Decreasing
Measurement Interval
• Large reaction
INC vs PID Controllers
INC vs PID Controllers
• In most cases the use of an INC controller
should be ruled out before the additional
and often unnecessary complexity of a PID
control is introduced
PID - Results
• Tip: use incremental controllers if possible,
because they are more simple. However if
an increment cannot be found then PID
must be used.

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