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Eastern Bank Limited

Performance Assessment Form 2020

Employee ID Employee Name

Grade (Select from the list) Designation

Unit Department

Division Branch/Location

Defination of Rating
Rating 1 (Outstanding): A role model, exceeds goal, exceed expectation – leads by example, motivates others, clean service record
Rating 2 (Very Good): Excellent performer, exceeds all goals significantly, “can do” attitude, very positive, clean service record
Rating 3 (Good): Meets target, meets expectations, good team player, clean service record
Rating 4 (Average): Meets some target, missed few marginally, but has potential for growth
Rating 5 (Improvement needed): Missed targets, couldn’t meet expectation, clear areas of improvement
Rating 6 (Exit): Poor performance, unacceptable attitude to work and learning

Sl Objectives Types
Business Objectives Job weightage
SL KPI Achievement (Highest 1 &
(60%) (Percentage)
Lowest 6)

Total Grading point achived against Business Objectives

Page 1
Personal Development
Action Plan Achievement
Sl Objectives (10%) Rating

Number of Personal Development Objectives

Total Grading point achived against Personal Objectives
Average Grading Point
Management Objectives (15%)
Sl KPI Achievement Rating

People Management objective

No of Staff Manage
1 By:
(Please Do Not Write anything if not

Qualilty Management Objective

(Number of Audit observation):

Service Quality Objective

(Observation on service
quality/Mystery shoppers
Number of Objectives
Total Grading point achived against Management Objectives
Average Grading Point
Sl Behavioral Competency (15%) Rating
1 #N/A
2 #N/A
3 #N/A
4 #N/A
5 #N/A
Total Grading point achived against Behavioral Competency
Average Grading Point

Overall Rating #DIV/0!

Disciplinary Action during the appraisal period (Please select Yes/No)

Jobholder’s overall assessment Comments

Line Manager’s comments on overall assessment

Counter signing Officer’s overall Assessment

Page 2
Jobholder’s Line Manager’s Counter signing Officer’s
Signature With Official Seal Signature With Official Seal Signature with Official Seal

Page 3

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