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PHYSICAL EDUCATION • Warm-up area this area is located in both of the

bench side corners, outside the free zone with a size

• The game volleyball was created on February 9,
of 3x3m.
• This area is for the player who is given penalty.
•This is the first equipment required to play
Penalty Area
volleyball? Volleyball Court
• 3 is the maximum hits per side.
•What is the main line color of volleyball court?
White • 25points need in the volleyball game per set.
• How many cm does the volleyball line should be? • 2points gap are needed to win the game.
5 cm
• Serving skills that initiates play.
• How many lines are used in volleyball court? 4
• Passing is a method of receiving an opponent's
•Line were the server may serve the volleyball.
• Block is an attempt to halt an opponent's attack by
Service line
jumping with the hands overhead.
• Line that marked at the center of the court
• Hitting usually takes place on a team's third and
dividing it equally into 30 feet squares. Attack line
final attack.
• Line drawn 3m back from the axis of the center
• Frequency refers to how often you involved
line, marks the front zone. Attack line
yourself in regular physical activity or exercise.
• How many sidelines are used in volleyball court?
• Intensity Refers to how hard you should exercise
2 lines
or the difficulty of your physical activity.
• The ball used in volleyball should be spherical
• Type refers to how long you should engage in a
• The ball used in volleyball should be Flexible specific physical activity.
leader or Synthetic leader
• Time refers to the kind of exercise or physical
• The ball circumference used in volleyball 20-27 activity you should engage in.
• Maximum Heart Rate The purpose of this heart
• The required weight used in volleyball is 9 to rate is to set the base standards for evaluation
10oz purposes.
• How many feet does the net posts position apart? • Target Heart Rate The purpose of this heart rate
36ft is to determine the highest rate your heart can attain.
• 2.43cm is the standard net height for men. • Minimum Heart Rate The purpose of this heart
rate computation is to determine the aerobic
• 2.24cm is the standard net height for women.
• 1m is the standard width of net used volleyball.
• 41-42. 160BPM
• The posts should place outside the sideline with
• 43-44. 70BPM
the distance of 0.50m or 1.00m
• 45-46. 121.2 or 121.20BPM
• Zone that is limited by the axis of the center line
and the rear edge of the attack Service zone • 47-48. 180.9 or 180.90BPM
• Front zone it is limited by the extension of the • 49-50. 141BPM
attack line up to the end line.
• 9m wide area behind each line. Service zone
• Service zone laterally limited by two short lines.
• Service zone extend to the end of the free zone.
• Substitution limited by the extension of both
attack lines up to the scorer's table.
implications for self-employed individuals would
b. Sole proprietorship has lower start-up costs.
Business Ethics
c. Handling money for the business is easier.
d. Sole proprietorships have the least government
- A business is an active process which is an
rules and regulations that affect them.
integral part of human society. It is an
organization where economic resources or e. The sole proprietor can own the business for as
inputs, such as materials and services, are long as he/she wants, and when he/she wants to
brought together and distributed to deliver or to move out, he/she can cash in and sell the business.
give consumers goods, products, or outputs. It
f. Even in common practice, the sole proprietor can
involves significant operations such as buying,
pass the business down to
assembling, distributing, advertising, selling,
and accounting. Disadvantages
Profit a. The sole proprietor is personally liable for all
debts and actions of the enterprise.
- Refers to the difference between the amount
received and the amount spent on something b. There is lack of financial control because of
purchased, produced, or manufactured. looser structure of sole proprietorship.
c. There could be difficulty in raising capital.
2. Partnership - It is business relationship between
two or more people. It refers to an arrangement
1. Service businesses where individuals share a business venture’s profits
and liabilities. The partners give feedback on how
- Provide services to customers rather than products
to use the capital and other critical strategic
Example: computer repair, laundry services, decisions that may provide different perspectives.
tutoring, delivery services, wellness (such as gym or
spa), etc.
a. Partnership business lacks formality as compared
2. Merchandising services
with managing a limited company or corporation.
- Sell to customers products they buy other
b. It is easy to start. The partnership may be created
either verbally or in writing.
Example: Sari-sari store, Bookstores, department
c. You share the burden. You have companion and
stores, groceries, supermarkets, etc.
3. Manufacturing businesses
d. Every partner would add his/her own expertise,
- Turn basic inputs into products which are sold to skills, experience, and connections to the business,
consumers thus giving it a greater chance of success.
Examples: shoe manufacturing, baked goods, e. There is better decision-making. Two heads are
candle manufacturing, wine production, etc. better than one.
f. There is privacy. The business deals may be kept
confidential by the partners.
g. The partners own and control the business.
1. Sole proprietorship - It is a one-person business.
The owner has full control over the finances and h. The more partners there are, the more funds are
operations and decides alone. available in the company, which can be used for
possible expansion. Its borrowing capacity is also
likely to be higher.
a. Tax preparation is faster. Simply file an
i. There is an easy access to profits in a business
individual income tax return including losses and
partnership. The partners just have to divide the
profits to your business. Your personal and business
income is considered the same and the tax
a. The business does not have any independent legal - These responsibilities include avoiding risks
status. and promoting public health, protecting the
environment, and developing the quality of
b. The business has no separate legal personality, so
service to the employees. Business organization
the partners are personally liable for the debts and
should support charities, aid to humanity
losses incurred.
programs or any community services through
c. The partnership business often seems to lack the their Corporate Social Responsibility.
sense of prestige more closely associated with a
Responsibilities to customers
- Businesses are obligated to protect the
d. A partnership will often find it more difficult to
consumers’ right to be safe, to be informed, to
raise money than a corporation.
choose, and to be heard.
e. There is a potential of differences and conflicts.
Responsibilities to employees
f. Decision-making can be slower because there is a
- In addition to pay, employees today expect a
need for consultation among partners
safe working environment, greater benefits
3. Corporation - It is an entry created by law that is such as bonuses, incentives, allowances and as
independent and distinct from its owners and relies much possible could compensate all the
on the corporate laws of the state in which it is workloads. The workplace should also be free
incorporated to continue its existence. Corporations of bullying, age discrimination and sexual
have an advantage in generating money for the harassment.
company. It can raise funds by selling shares of
Responsibilities to investors and the financial
stocks. It files taxes separately from its owners.
- Businesses must be honest in reporting their
a. The liability of the shareholders of a corporation profits and financial performance to avoid
is limited up to the amount of their investments. misleading investors. When firms fail in
meeting these responsibilities thousands of
b. A publicly held corporation may sell shares or investors, employees and customers can suffer.
issue Therefore, government agencies exist to ensure
c. Bonds to raise substantial amounts. that businesses follow proper accounting
practices and to investigate alleged fraud and
d. It is easy for a shareholder to sell shares in a other financial misdeeds.
e. A corporation's life has no limit, ownership can CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FAIRNESS,
pass through many generations. TRANSPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY AND
Disadvantages STEWARDSHIP

a. The corporation pays taxes on its income Accountability

depending on its type and the shareholders pay - The obligation to demonstrate that work has
dividend taxes, so income gets taxed twice. been conducted in compliance with agreed
b. The management team of a corporation can rules and standard. To be accountable is to be
operate the business without any real oversight from liable to explain or justify one’s actions and
the owners. decisions. Accountability implies
responsibility: it is reasonable only to hold
Social Responsibility people to account for those things for which
- This means individuals and companies’ they are responsible
obligation in the best interests of their Stewardship
environment and to the society. In business, it
applies through corporate social responsibility - In Biblical terms, stewardship is defined as
wherein a certain company will have a CSR utilizing and managing all resources God
programs, volunteer efforts and charitable provides for the glory of God and the
contributions as the organizations give back to betterment of His creation. That definition
the society. plays a critical role in today’s business
landscape. In the context of business
Responsibilities to the General Public organization, stewardship refers to taking
responsibility for the business and the effects it
has on the world around it. This involves promote consistency in behavior across all levels of
considering more than just the bottom line and employment. It is concerned in an individual’s
looking at elements such as values, ethics, and moral judgements about right and wrong. Ethical
morals. behavior and corporate social responsibility can
bring significant benefits to the business.
- Ethical values guide us along a pathway to deal
- It is the quality of being easily seen through. In
more effectively with ethical dilemmas by
business context, transparency is honesty and
eliminating those behaviors that do not conform to
openness. Corporate transparency such as the
our sense of right and wrong and our best rational
ethical justification for information disclosure
interests without sacrificing others.
and the management – employee relationship
(participative management). The management COMMON PRACTICE IN BUSINESS
should be honest and open to its employees ORGANIZATIONS
about the operation of the business for them to
easily participate in attaining the organizational
goals and suggest great ideas to solve problems. - Defined as an appropriate, polite behavior in a
In Nongovernment offices, appropriate particular society. Office decorum is about the
information disclosure is necessary to inform Do’s and Don’ts to be observed in a workplace.
donors about how their money used by a certain It considers a simple list of a guidelines which
organization. help in making the office environment a better
place to work.
- The quality of making judgements that are free
from discrimination. However, in the context of - Generally, means an official set of procedures
business organization, it involves balancing the for what actions to take in a certain situation. It
interests involved in all decision-making is the proper procedure of conduct and a
including any hiring, firing (of employees), standard set of rules that allow employees to
compensation and reward system. communicate with each other. The business
protocol is an important aspect for the
Notions of Competence, Professionalism and
formation of relationships within a company
and between companies. It also helps ensure
The minimum competences expected of that all employees understand their role in the
professionals: company, their task, and challenges on how to
act on it accurately and quickly. The purpose of
1. Technical Skills – encompass the ability to apply
business protocol is to encourage employees to
specialized knowledge or expertise. act in a uniform manner.

2. Human Skills – is the ability to understand, Policies and Procedures

communicate with, motivate, and support other
- It provides employees a clear understanding of
people, both individually and in groups.
what is being expected to them and it also
3. Conceptual Skills – are the skills and the mental provide a fair, predictable, and consistent
ability that managers must have to analyze and approach in managing a workplace and its
diagnose complex situations. issues. Company policies and procedures are
being implement to protect the rights of the
- Referred to as an “ethical code,” that may employees as well as the business interest of
encompass areas such as business ethics, a code of the employers. It establishes the rules of
professional practice and an employee code of conduct within the organization and outlining
conduct. It can also be a guide for principles the responsibilities of both employees and
designed to help professional conduct business employers.
honestly and with integrity. A code of ethics
document may outline the mission and values of the Marketing
business, how professionals are supposed to
- This refers to the activities of a company
approach problems, and the ethical principles are
undertakes to promote the buying and selling of
based on the organization’s core values and the
its product and services. It includes promotion,
standards to which the professional is held.
doing research, advertising, selling, and
- The purpose of a code of ethics is to provide distribution of the services and its goods.
guidance and set common ethical standards to
Seven Elements of Marketing:
1. Product “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates
pointed out that human choice was motivated by the
2. Price
desire for happiness.
3. Promotion
Socrates thought of the Entrepreneurs. The
4. Place Socratic Method is a way of thinking that allows
individuals to define their own purpose of learning
5. Packaging and exploring its purpose through open-minded
6. Positioning questioning of what they hold to be true. Socrates
insisted on a right to think of ourselves by
7. People introducing the philosophical concept, “Dare to
Bookkeeping disagree”.

- A system of maintaining records and data of a 2. Plato – “The Philosopher-King” is one of the
particular business with centralized book of world’s best known and most widely read and
records to balance daily sales and cash receipts studied philosophers. He was the student of
as well as to reconcile bank accounts. It is Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle. He wrote in
considered as the organization of financial the middle of the 4th Century BCE in ancient
information in which you are keeping your Greece.
records organized and make it easier to locate This is Plato’s philosophical idea:
and provide to appropriate parties. It is
important because it helps with business “Good people do not need laws to tell them to act
analysis, a tool used by management to analyze responsibly, while bad people will find a way
business performance. around the laws.”

Features of Bookkeeping: Plato maintains a virtue-based eudemonistic

conception of ethics. That is to say, happiness or
a) Recording financial transactions. well-being (eudaimonia) is the highest aim of moral
b) Posting debits and credits thought and conduct, and the virtues (aretê:
excellence) are the requisite skills and dispositions
c) Producing Invoices needed to attain it.
d) Maintaining and balancing subsidiaries, general 3. Aristotle – “All or Nothing” (384-322 BCE) is a
ledger, and historical accounts towering figure in ancient Greek philosophy,
e) Completing payroll contributing to logic, metaphysics, mathematics,
physics, biology, ethics, politics, agriculture,
Reportorial requirements medicine, dance, and theater.
- Stricter for companies that sell securities to the These are some of Aristotle’s philosophical ideas:
public, are listed in the stock exchange, or are
classified as public companies. It is stipulated “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life,
by laws such as the Securities Regulation Code the whole aim, and end of human existence.”
and the Corporation Code of the Philippines. “Let people seek fulfillment.”
Documentation The word happiness in ethics is a translation of the
- All books, records, files, business records and Greek term “eudaimonia” which connotes success
plans, reports, correspondence, documentation and fulfillment. For Aristotle, this happiness is our
in respect of agreement and other financial and highest goal. In relation to business, Aristotle
customer data. It helps to tell the narrative for concludes that the role of the leader is to create an
decision made and how the client responded to environment in which all members of an
different situations. organization can realize their potential

1. Socrates (469-399 BCE) - “The Gad-fly at the 4. Immanuel Kant (1724–1804). “Duty based
Marketplace” is one of the few individuals whom Ethics”. He is one of the most influential
one could say have shaped the cultural and philosophers in the history of Western Philosophy.
intellectual development of the world for without He was not concerned with the consequences of
him, history would be profoundly different. one’s actions or the harm caused to one’s individual
interests. Instead, he is focused on motives and the
This is Socrates’s philosophical idea: willingness of individuals to act for the good of
others, even if the action might result to personal
loss. Doing something for the right reason was more  Servant Leadership
important to Kant than any particular outcome.  Trust
 Justice
 Diligence
For example, business ethics is littered with cases of  Generosity
companies that have suffered damaging crises due
to their leaders’ lack of commitment to act based on C. Islam: Ethics from Qur’an
goodwill and about what benefits others.  Both business and ethics are interrelated.
5. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill-  There is a reference to this point in the
“Utilitarianism” revolves around the concept of “the Quran: For you in the Messenger of Allah is
end justifies the means”. It believes that outcomes, a fine example to follow (Al-Ahzab 33:21)
as a result of an action have a greater value  Contracts should be fair to all parties.
compared to the latter. Partnership is preferred over hierarchical
Utilitarianism is a philosophy or belief suggesting
 Speculation is prohibited
that an action is morally right when the majority of
 Interest is prohibited
people benefit from it. Also, the doctrine that an
 Compassion is required when a business is
action is right as it promotes happiness, and that the
in trouble.
greatest happiness of the greatest number should be
the guiding principle of conduct. Utilitarianism is a  Names are very important for doing deals
moral theory that advocates actions that promote  Relationship and family connections are
overall happiness or pleasure and reject actions that vital in business
cause unhappiness or harm. A utilitarian philosophy, D. Hinduism: Non- Violence
when directed to making social, economic, or
political decisions, aims for the betterment of Ethical Principles of Hinduism
society.  Ahimsa (non - violence)
A. Judaism - relies on the Torah for its written law,  Detachment (abandonement of the fruits of
and the Talmud, the source of Jewish oral law, the action)
elaborate and expands Torah law.  Truthfulness
 Not to Steal
 Honesty in the Marketplace - “Were you
 Self-Control
honest in your business dealings?’
 Discipline
 Importance of keeping clear records and
 Appropriate words and thoughts
behaving in a way that does not cause the
 Motivation to achieve the goal
public to suspect one’s veracity.
 Judaism sees nothing wrong with wealth as Yamas (restraints or abstentions)
long as it is obtained honestly and used to
1. Non - Violence (Ahimsa)
help the poor.
 Fair Pricing 2. Truthfulness (satya)
 Employers are required to pay employees
3. Not to steal (asteya)
on time
 An organization should try to achieve its 4. Non - possession (aparigraha)
goal (e.g., profit) but most also care for
Niyamas (Observance of Rules)
 Responsibility for the environment 1. Purity (shauca)
B. Christianity: Crucial Principles 2. Satisfaction (santosa)
1. The Golden Rule - “Therefore all things 3. Austerity/ Self-discipline (tapas)
whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do
4. Self-knowledge (svadhayaya)
you even so to them: for this is the law and the
prophets. 5. Surrendering to God (Ishvarapranidhana)
2. The Theory of the Real Economy - “there is Integrity
narrower point of view from the Christianity faith
towards the relationship between ethics and - To conduct business fairly, with honesty and
religious traditions. transparency such that everything done stands
the test of public scrutiny.
 Environmental Stewardship
Understanding a. “You will always be getting praise and blame, but
do not let either affect the poise of the mind: follow
- To be caring, show respect, compassion and
the calmness, the absence of pride”
humanity for colleagues and customers around
the world and always work for the benefit of Follow the Eightfold Path
1. Prajña Ditthi - seeing reality unfiltered and as it
Excellence actually exists
- To constantly strive to achieve the highest 2. Prajña Sankappa - the purifying wisdom and
possible standards in their day-to-day work and intention of harmlessness
in the quality of goods and services they
3. Sila Vaca - saying the truth, practicing non-harm
in your speech pattern
4. Sila Kammanta - non-harmful action (this
- To work cohesively with colleagues across the applies to self and others)
group with customers and partners around the
5. Sila Ajiva - commitment to a non-harming life
world, building strong relationships based on
tolerance, understanding, and mutual 6. Samadhi Vayama - seeking the mindful
cooperation. disicipline to improve oneself constantly and over
7. Samadhi Sati - awareness of reality and freedom
- To continue to be responsible, sensitive to the
from temptations, cravings, and distractions
countries, communities and environments in
which they work, always ensuring that what 8. Samadhi Samadhi - proper concentration and
comes from the people goes back to the people meditation
many times over.
F. Confucianism: The Golden Rule
E. Buddhism: Maxims for Business
- “Do not impose on others what you do not wish
- Buddhist business practices and maxims can be for yourself” – Confucius
beneficial to the decision-making process in the
workplace, - Romar (2002) states that Confucianism could
- No single person can do all jobs. indeed provide an applicable guideline for
- Business managers must discern the skills and organizational behavior, because it is context-
abilities of each worker and assign that worker oriented regarding the assignment of
to a job the worker can handle responsibilities.
- Workers so assigned must work with a good - Responsibilities come together with roles, and
attitude roles in turn are defined by the constituted hierarchy
Managers and workers must practice the seven Management should lead by example:
duties of:
1. Leaders should not act selfishly, but in the
 forgiveness interest of their subordinates.
 self-control
2. Right
 non-stealing
 steadiness 3. Integrity
 truthfulness
4. Loyalty
 wisdom
 learning 5. Filial Piety

1. Work Hard, No Excuses 6. Respect

a. “Too cold, to hot, too late” 7. Small Profit is not Loss

2. Work Hard but Rest Well G. Taoism: Purpose- Driven Leadership

a. “None can live without toil” - Direct leaders to hold on to a basic blueprint of not
only doing good, but also being good
3. Be Mindful
- It is important for business leaders to maintain
philosophical principles in the corporate
environment at all levels of business from daily the values and beliefs in managing and operating
operations to executive decisions. their business.
1. Purpose must be authentic and cannot be viewed 4. Joy and Humor
as another short-term business strategy or way to
Business operates and growth not only by means of
garner customer attention;
profit and management. An entrepreneur operates
2. Shift the dialogue from profit to purpose business to find joy and happiness in his life.
Helping people by promoting employment and
3. Align you brand’s core competencies with your
providing quality product and services to their
social platform by making a clear, authentic purpose
clients create a joyful feeling. Filipino values
always find reason to feel joy and has a sense of
4. Be willing to update your purpose and vision humor to established camaraderie to others. It sheds
with the changing times, keeping in mind the light on the optimism and positivity of Filipinos in
expectations of tomorrow’s generation as well as whatever situation they are in. It serves as a coping
today’s. technique to remain determined in every struggles
or challenges in life and in business.
The most popular Filipino values that influence
business practices are the following: 5. Ability to Survive

1. Pakikisama (Fellowship) A Filipino has a sense of resourcefulness or the

ability to survive with whatever situation or
The word “pakikisama” (fellowship) comes from challenges they have. They have an extraordinary
the word “sama” and prefix “paki”, and literally ability to create something out of almost nothing. If
means to accompany someone. Fellowship is used a Filipino is trap in an uninhabited island, he would
to maintain good relations with others, and the still be able to find a safe area to stay, provide
fellowship is associated with adaptation, dealings materials to build a house, find foods to eat and
and harmony. In business practices, the proprietor create different tools to survive. In business, if it is
must establish “pakikisama” to their employees, needed to promote and increase the volume of sales,
suppliers and customers because it implies a Filipino has always the ability to find different
closeness to the others that would create a techniques, marketing strategy and idea to perform
sustainable growth relationship. and create a productive in order the business to
2. Hospitality survive.

Is the relationship between a guest and a host, 6. Hard work and Industriousness
wherein the host receives the guest with goodwill, Filipinos are determined and persistence to
including the reception and entertainment of guests, accomplish whatever they have set in their minds.
visitors, or strangers. Entrepreneurs should master In business, hard work and industriousness play a
on how to treat and provide excellent services on vital role to establish and develop business progress.
welcoming their suppliers and customers to create a They need employees who are willing to work
good reputation and relationship since hospitality overtime, with minimal supervision and
plays the fundamental role to increase or decrease resourcefulness comes with a hard work to serve the
the volume of sales, popularity, and production business.
growth in a business.
7. Flexibility, Adaptability and Creativity
3. Family Orientation
Filipino has an ability to adapt, adopt and adept in
It refers to the family in which a person is raised. It any changes and challenges in life either in
includes one’s parents and siblings. It may also spiritual, social, emotional and physical aspect. In
include grandparents or other relatives. It is a business, unplanned, and anticipated events in
primary platform for which one encounters early market would not disturb the flexibility and
socialization experiences. Values and beliefs can be adaptability values of Filipino entrepreneurs. They
learned from the family that will inculcate to a child could easily produce creative strategy, technique
as he/she matures into an adult. The Filipino valued and style to adjust challenges and compete with
their family and being closed to one another until others.
the last of their generation. Most of the successful
entrepreneurs acquired and gained this ample 8. Utang na Loob (Debt of Gratitude)
knowledge in dealing with their business from their
It shows duties and responsibility to pay the debts
family. Consequently, they became well trained to
(utang) and return it with inner-self-free will (na-
manage their family business. Others inherit the
loob) the unsolicited gift or good treatment received
skills not only from their family business but also
from other people. An obligation to appropriately Is a Spanish word which means “self – love”, a
repay the good deeds which value is impossible to sense of self-esteem or self-respect that prevents a
quantify or if there is a quantifiable value it may person from swallowing his pride and concerned for
involve deeply personal internal dimension that will one’s reputation. It includes sensitivity to personal
usually starts from one generation and continue to insult or affront.
another generation. In business, plenty of reasons
that it may influence the business practices either
positive or negative outcome that may vary with
ethical issues.
9. Filial Piety
To show respect, love, care and support to their
elders, parents, relatives and ancestors. It upholds
the affection and display courtesy to the family that
most cases are likely working together in one
company; living together in one house; paying the
house bills of their parents. It also to take good care
to one’s parents and engage in good conduct not
just towards parents but also outside the home so as
to bring a good name to one’s parents and ancestors.
10. Padrino (Whom you know system)
It supports with the strong relationship of people.
Most of the job seekers automatically hired
regardless with their qualifications and educational
background through endorsements, political
connections, family affiliations (nepotism) or
friendships (cronyism).
11. Suki
It shows loyalty and trust relationship between a
customer and supplier. It usually establishes at the
market or business. If a buyer finds a trusted seller
that offers a quality product they need, the loyalty
and commercial connection of a buyer will be
established to the seller and made several business
transactions with their so called “suki”.
12. Bahala Na
The Bahala Na Filipino value shows letting things
happen beyond their control. It shows an attitude of
a person that is willing to submit everything to God
or leaving things to happen by fate. Some of
investors operate business beyond their control,
they will only believe that the market will accept it
if they will “do their best and let God do the rest.”
13. Mañana
It comes from the Spanish word “Mañana” which
literally means “tomorrow” or “unspecified future
time”. In business, the attitude that tends to delay
the task, putting off tomorrow what they can do for
today or postpone on the things that should be done
right now may reduce volume of sales, loss
customer trust and satisfaction, waste opportunities
and interrupt the work flow.
14. Amor Propio

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