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. I Peaturpation [HEORY: DUFFING EQuAtION® Dubfiry eprakion models anclaste oseillater whic cloer met exaclty obey Heoke’s law. ( Fee -%) The pimpleat rodel of sudk an oscillate ~ Can be obtained Pam dhe 29% Ax De ‘ St We Binx =O and keeping Re oa Ls Wp "d the cenin bition of dtheterm x? in additiont ARat of eH Sy dix me oe z ae [=- = | =e Losin Tn the presence of damping Cprepartional to 4) and a poncdic Poreing i, Cot ot, tre total eq Cau be Written ar, S* 4 onde + ohm 4 Px? = Q fe swt dae de ‘Gaz Dufring egraiion b therefore Qa psumd-arder, el aed fate dune to 4Re Forcing term. Were bb no general metbed to solve TRE 29m. q ComalyHeally) eal THewever omala teal Sotitlon Uaing Perturbation mitted can be dene if toe Cea races Re Sch 7 term to be ~mall Compared to the other term of em Ciily, Far He rake of Aimplidty, we fvst Seid +o Sofve la Caity co the ok fring and discipatimiier °P (0) +6 (u+eu4-- a=)? = 0 (wy Te edficale 4 & givn[ aw =a CH = %= ACsL + Bink > % = -Amt 4 B cost Now, inthal endition saqs, x(e=o) = 4 = a aA ee ee ee anes a ond, x (t=0) =o D> B=A0 Dl x%= cost - Coa(vity Neo, co-efticieats «f €! give, ya m+ aP=o — #4 me, SS ek =-ftase—2 Cost Aa pe sl eee A amumed +0 be tere fevelrg Pern « Now, we have to vecall +Re me trod of fin dirg Particnl ow integrals fee undamped foreed vibration. Cper okie). ** x0 (0) + € (0) =| 2 XO) = 1, (0) =0 and Kr 6 ae 8) Se Gina. ite eo | aria if we hwe the eqnation mw, Mat = Ads o,b + Bosw,t Vil G@-4) (3) 6%) CD | PT= Acswt Pia Btamo,t ane Cresenating) and. Wy = natural Fregnency of the oseillaters thon ; ol : 5 is B= Lp ceset -— St sint Io Re PL. Pay Hee cohebe egnation (vit) . Go, %, = Ay Crt + B, Bint +b cast Ze Aint & X= — Ar Bint +B, tat + 3 CAimat) — Zine Tnital Conditions give, A= — & & foc C—O. ° So, the Pinal expression Aer HM b p a) = <3 Lee t + 4, Cosat -2 t dint [# Re-de imbredncing co? #47] ice & AED = Hy + Cy F Righter order term X= Cet + e[-4 test + 4, t33t “Zeaint] at tr7aG xX) 00 ‘g Crest Ghia ao due to the — Zt Sint term. Tsit OW © Bounded non of solution Lor unferecd Dubbing ae (When We came acim a racenlarterm as a resonance solution ofan um damped freak Oscillater, We sere mot surprised, Why . The a laden ee ee ae ee eet thong lh te pewiodic forcing term. Buk, We also Rave aucountered. a secular term (Une an c)) in She perturbative solution of on un -Peree d- Dutfing oscillate. The b not possible, on there bb no source of enmegy « We cam verity tt amare divectly ¢ 4 X+ e+ ex? =O ( Doffing = and,ode 44 D> xX xR 4+ EXP X=AO Cx 0) =1 x (0) =0) > $(4%*) +4 (be) + & A(24) =0 s eae es x*|=0 : 2 fun) eee ou shed => LA x + x ex ) = Const. ee Hur oa He +o tal mechs enory | Pn Tuital Cond® => Const. = b+ = = van is 4s 1+ & =7 Ho + xP abe x al a Bo, eridon jwe cansay, 2 eS ’ 4 K+ §& Ges Kb) < pire < Jz rite: oN Aimilarly, toe can shor thot 2 Ct) < +e Qo, bot 2 CL) & % le) ave beunded. T+ means the perturb abe Setution, Con taining the aveulorn tern, cannot be a wealishe setulion. + Ragular parterbation Heory ty not wodking U we Lot wa search for an altexrnahve. method of perturb abion —> Feinearé - Lindstedt matted if we Aron for a periodic Reobition. a Can you show the foe 0 Aamped Dofting ei C Euren eacier): Poincare - Lindstedt methed far Bobbing Cg nations Ta. Hin pork, We by +o addres tke problem of reenlor tern (orwirg Uirtarely Ovi Hee Hue by armp lileds) emesuntemed in the Yesomnance (= 49 Soliton of Defting egnction witte avert small Duh hing term? OTe start by taking tHe og Bude + efar=o Ti _5 Dathing term > ane + woe +ep x2 = 0 o tT=0t. Henne, oe de edb Ace MCs to 5 ee x t & Te = New, we wale pe hurbatve onpansion both fer 2 (B) and WD ao Peles % lie ee (x) = Hol) +6u(t) + Riz how order term & OW = 0,+ €%,+ Rat. Substituting both in 29% (xii), We gee (+ E+: a oi coe (x + 6a) + EB (z+ ext ~ 2 2 rf ods | A % i. 3 oe 4 [== + % | =0 5 Ty mao obi ie tenia Cee Can ten ony luv) [Tawny Td cei thors ar, 2&0) = A. & x, (0) =O, we evaluate Cy Cy» [Oil do it later after He Urmpleke solution io obbained:| Conay be Confuaing , Tmemt du op at a Ys SB iieimnets) Agatns codfictents of e! giver, 2 L 2 Wd, Ww, A % + cor FH 4 092 2, dtr Chee + Pz =0 oe os % 2 Tee + MH] 4200.01 + Bx =0 Jdt® Ls» (Kv) * @ Newfx,(0) =A =)%(o)=A & New, coe have tRe ated eqnakion Ls evi Cx) O99" on % 20900 dma ae =0 Cal aoe + 0 T+ B = 2 = =p 9." | le Glee MEET ce 2. ey Ce +m | A [pero 8 ] A Cost At> a 4 oe —Be Ces OT P a eee eS ea De 2a) = AZ | A Cos T a ee an Oo 4 woe” _— PA cos BU A coy Fellmoing The Wenal ametred of findig +e par teular integral, Wwe qk in tas ease (ar P CoS T bs veamahrg Crp oment) + ati % Fc sine + a co 3 > evil and Re complementary function ee Xe = D,SinT 4 Dz Ost — ix) ", YS Di Aint + Di Cost + Q cosse + Pe sine wn) Cxp.4+%e) But, we tant Lesinc & Qo, first We cheost P=O, SO that He Aruler tex megs Pov alt > FinaLry No Seeutar and, (Xx) D, ZinT + D2 ese + B cosa ot ee ea pag Taitial conckition given, Da =-@ = —H EX & DPp=O and So the egu’s Soluken bb ’ 3 Hat XyE= Acs T+ @ [eos cos 3] fa"

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