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Kyle Isabelle P.


SCI 11-E


1. Chain 4: Algae > Krill > Crabeater seal > Killer whale
2. Chain 1: Small animals and protists > Krill > Adelie penguin > Killer Whale
3. Chain 3: Algae > Krill > Adelie Penguin > Leopard Seal > Killer Whale
4. Chain 2: Small animals and protists > Krill > Cod > Leopard Seal > Killer whale
5. What organisms do Cod feed on?
- According to the food web, Cod feed on Small animals and protists, Algae, and
6. List all the organisms that feed on Squid.
- Elephant seal
- Leopard seal
- Killer whale
7. How many producers are in the food web? Name them.
- There are two producers in the food web namely, algae, and small animals and
_A_8. Number of individual organisms

_C_9. Measurement of productivity

_B_10. Measurement of Biomass

11. Which pyramid is the most accurate indicator of the amount of energy available at each
tropic level? Explain.

-Pyramid B has the most accurate indicator of the amount of energy available at each tropic
level. Because the amount of energy available to higher tropic levels is limited by the
amount stored by the level below, there is successively less total energy as you move up. In
the sense that only an average value of 10% of the energy available at one trophic level is
transferred to the next trophic level, pyramid B accurately visualizes the huge difference of
the amounts of energy each level.

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