Enquiry Question

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Part two of the question enquiry approach project

1. Google noble park Victoria (google about noble park in case you need some more information)
which a multicultural suburb, people residing here are from different backgrounds. Speak many
dialects, different cultural activities, and different beliefs. That’s why I came up with this question
for the enquiry

2. how children can learn best cultural practice (how we (teachers/educators) implement different
cultural practice (consulted with my mentor and she was okay with question). Just google how well
children learn about their culture for others example listening to music of different languages. Just
write because the suburb is occupied by people with different cultural and belief background, that’s
why I came up with the enquiry to come up with strategies to assist various ways to support children
or learn how to accommodate, respect everyone’s cultural and belief………….

The activities for the three weeks are

3. just after consulting my mentor for professional advice on the enquiry question……. I came
up with three activities for the three weeks which support child’s learning and encourage to
appreciate and respect everyone’s cultural and beliefs……. This are the experiences to
extend their knowledge of culture and belief and its importance (map of the world, cultural
celebrations in the centre (children wear cultural attires) and third Pokot’s culture

week one- children will learn about the world map- how is people different cultures in the world,
what they believe in, how they celebrate, and we should appreciate and respect other cultures

week two (cultural celebrations) aboriginal culture- children can wear different cultural attires
( available in the centre are for Indian, Pakistan, aboriginal and Chinese and, they can share what
they know about the culture) with all this children can learn to appreciate and respect others

week three (Pokot’s culture) talking about their belief example they believe in their God known as
ASIS, their cultural attires example neck threading’s and cultural dance ( I will dance this one with
children, children can be follow the rhythm and movement https://youtu.be/6fZXnMkMnn4 .
Google more on how to implement and its importance to preschool. (My placement this time is
dealing with preschool 3-5 years old, preparing to year one or class one in Kenya)

just say the action planned went well children…. Example enjoyed, engaged in lots of conversation
through asking open ended question, intentional teaching and they expressed their concern to
appreciate and respect everyone culture and beliefs

4. implementation – all the three-action planned/experiences implemented well

5. write positive on how children engaged, and you can expand on section 3 last part
most follow the enquiry approach project question
1500-1600 words
Use this for these readings for the assessment remember the pages and will do the links

You can add two and if possible, with the links brother

Part 3
Section 1. Kindly do part section for each standard (refer to section 4)
I’m doing bachelor’s in early childhood education at Victoria university Melbourne, and this
is my last study time then graduation
Will send example through your WhatsApp. I’ll create the columns and arrows,
my degree units if you want to refer to any standard while explaining the progress in
achieving this different standard
. Equity, social justice, and diversity in early childhood education
. Thinking with young children: science, maths, and technology
. Music, movement, and dramatic arts
. Critical and contemporary issues in early childhood education etc

Dot 2 and 3 or section two

I’ll sharing the artefacts then you can fix where you think it can fix as instructed on the
question. I will share with you the artefacts but I will fix them myself the pictures (kindly
write at the end with experience/artefacts did you use, so that I can easily find and fix the
picture ) I think each standard two artefacts. You can one artefact more than once.
Only two artefacts and two indicators not three as it appears

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