Cytogenetics Exercise 1

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Mikaela Louise D.



Cytogenetics Exercise 1

1. Create a concept map that will link the following words. Use connecting words to
complete concepts.

2. Present a brief description of the following terms. Take note of the concept surrounding each
of them rather than having a rigid definition.

Genotype - refers to the genetic makeup of an organism; in other words, it describes an

organism's complete set of genes. In a more narrow sense, the term can be used to refer to the
alleles, or variant forms of a gene, that are carried by an organism.
Phenotype - Phenotype refers to an individual's observable traits, such as height, eye color and
blood type. A person's phenotype is determined by both their genomic makeup (genotype) and
environmental factors.

Phenotypic ratio - a quantitative relation between phenotypes showing the number of times the
frequency of one phenotype correlates with another.

Genotypic ratio - shows the number of times a characteristic of an organism will be seen in the
offspring when genes for certain traits are crossed.

Homozygote - Homozygous for a particular gene means you inherited two identical versions. It's
the opposite of a heterozygous genotype, where the alleles are different. People who have
recessive traits, like blue eyes or red hair, are always homozygous for that gene.

Heterozygote - the dominant allele overrules the recessive one. Therefore, the dominant trait will
be expressed. The recessive trait won’t show, but you’re still a carrier. This means you can pass
it on to your children.

Locus - a spot or “address” on a chromosome at which a gene for a particular trait is located in
all members of a species. It can also refer to the location of a mutation or other genetic marker. A
given locus can be found on any pair of homologous chromosomes

Allele - one of two or more versions of DNA sequence (a single base or a segment of bases) at a
given genomic location. An individual inherits two alleles, one from each parent, for any given
genomic location where such variation exists. If the two alleles are the same, the individual is
homozygous for that allele.

Elementen - Mendel called this material "elementen," and he proposed that during sexual
reproduction, each parent contributed a form of elementen to the resulting offspring. This
combination of parental elementen then determined which form of a trait was visible in the

Chromosome - the readlike structures made of protein and a single molecule of DNA that serve
to carry the genomic information from cell to cell.

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