Standard Reasons List

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List of Standard Reasons for Idle Site

Item Standard Reasons Remarks

1 Awaiting completion of concrete curing

2 Awaiting completion of cables / pipes* testing 1. Cables / pipes should be properly connected and found
等候完成電纜 / 喉管* 測試 inside the trench when this reason is used. But, cables /
pipes testing may be carried out on existing services only
without new connection.

3 Awaiting completion of cables/pipes* connection [by UU’s name] 1. Cables / pipes should be laid and found inside the trench
等候[公用事業公司名稱]完成電纜 / 喉管* 接駁 when this reason is used. But, cables / pipes connection
may be in-between existing cables / pipes.
4 Awaiting completion of underground utilities detection 1. Usually, the site is fenced off and excavation has not yet
等候完成偵測地下電纜 / 喉管 commenced, but there are also cases that excavation is
required to facilitate the detection work.
5 Underground pipeworks / cabling works* in progress for trenchless work 1. The display board is usually erected at the inlet shafts.
無開掘喉管 / 電纜* 工程在地底進行中 2. Works are carried out underground which is not easily seen
by public.
6 Awaiting completion of leakage detection works 1. This reason is commonly used by WSD and HKCG.
等候完成管道測漏工程 2. Pipes should be properly connected and found inside the
trench when this reason is used.
7 Awaiting soil compaction test result before subsequent backfilling and 1. Usually, soil sample will be taken for testing after
reinstatement works completion of soil compaction. A compacted and relative
等候泥土壓實測試報告方可回塡及修復路面 even soil formation should be found inside the trench when
this reason is used.
8 Awaiting completion of water main sterilization and water quality test 1. Completed water main should be found inside the trench
等候完成水管消毒工程及水質測試 when this reason is used.
9 Awaiting completion of dewatering of water main 1. Water pump / drainage system should be found inside the
等候完成排走水管内的積水 trench and / or the soil inside the trench is too wet for
works when this reason is used.
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Version 4 (15.11.2020)
Item Standard Reasons Remarks
10 Awaiting completion of tailor-made pipe fittings at workshop to 1. Tailor-made fittings are used at connection point of water
accommodate site obstructions main.
因迴避障礙物,現正在工場趕製特別喉管配件 2. Usually, sections of water main should be laid inside the
trench when this reason is used.
3. Tailor-made fittings are used in the presence of
obstructions during gas pipe installation and sections of
associated gas pipes might not be laid inside the trench.
11 Amid advance notification period to customers for temporary suspension of 1. Usually, UUs would serve advance notification to the
water/power supply* before pipes/cables* connection affected customers to facilitate their subsequent works.
為接駁喉管/電線,現正在預告客户暫停供水/電*期中 2. Cables / pipes should be laid and found inside the trench
for subsequent connection when this reason is used. But,
cables / pipes connection may be in-between existing
cables / pipes.
12 Amid advance notification period to customers for temporary suspension of
gas supply before pipes connection
13 Awaiting completion of underground utilities/ obstruction / [description of 1. Other UU’s utilities would be exposed or readily
works]* diversion by [UU’s name] observable and would be in conflict with or required to be
等待[公用事業公司名稱] 完成遷移地下公用設施/障礙物/[工序簡述]* relocated for the proposed work.

14 Awaiting finalization of temporary traffic diversion for next stage of works 1. Usually, the reinstatement of trench has been completed
等候完成下一階段的臨時交通改道安排 and TTM of next stage of works will be set up for HKPF’s

15 Temporary traffic diversion on trial 1. Usually, excavation for that stage of work has not
臨時交通改道測試進行中 commenced.

16 Affected by inclement weather


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Item Standard Reasons Remarks
17 Pending completion of other sections for cables/pipes/[description of 1. Usually, the installation of utilities inside the trench by the
works]* installation by [UU’s name] Permittee should be suspended when this reason is used.
等待其他路段由[公用事業公司名稱]進行的鋪設電纜/喉管/[工序簡述] Besides, other’s work should be found at the interface of
完工* different permits or at other sections of the same permit.

18 Works at night time only 1. Agreed with UUs as per UTLC Paper No. 2/2009.
工程只在夜間進行 Normally, majority of the excavated trench/pit will be
covered up or decked during daytime to facilitate daily
public activities and the idling site is mainly for fencing off
the construction materials/plant with display board for the
road works at night.

19 Works on Saturday, Sunday or General Holiday only 1. Agreed with UUs as per UTLC Paper No. 2/2009.
工程只在星期六、日或公眾假期進行 Normally, majority of the excavated trench/pit will be
covered up or decked during weekdays to facilitate daily
public activities and the idling site is mainly for fencing off
the construction materials/plant with display board for the
road works on Saturday, Sunday or General Holiday.

20 No works within traffic rush hours 1. Works are carried out at non rush hours. The site should
交通繁忙時段停工 virtually be active on that day.

21 Suspension of Works due to occasional activities / events* nearby 1. Handwriting is allowed for urgent cases.
工程暫停因鄰近有臨時的活動 / 事故*
[UU should state the description of activities / events on the display board.]
22 Suspension of Works 工程暫停
* Accident investigation in progress 意外調查進行中
* Suspended by [Government Department] due to [reason]
[UU should state the name of government department and the reason.]

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Item Standard Reasons Remarks
23 No works on Saturdays 1. This standard reason was implemented on 1.7.2010. UUs
工程不在星期六進行 expressed that works were unlikely to be carried out at
night, Sundays and Public Holidays, and they suggested
reviewing the original wordings.
2. This reason is mainly used by Home Affairs Department to
suit their contract requirement.

24 Awaiting Engineer’s Instruction for Further Ground Investigation Works 1. This standard reason is commonly used by ground
等候工程師增補勘探工序指示 investigation works.

25 Awaiting completion of curing of coloured dressing / anti-skid surface 1. This standard reason is commonly used in rehabilitating
dressing* cycle track and improving the skid resistance of public
等候完成護養顏色塗層 / 防滑鋼砂* roads.
26 Awaiting completion of bituminous course curing
* delete as appropriate

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