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Andaya, Kyle Hanz P.



Module 2 Coursework: Certification Essay

Multilevel Secure (MLS) is a security model that ensures data confidentiality and integrity by defining
different security levels and restricting access based on clearance levels. MLS is used in environments
where multiple security levels are required, such as in military and government organizations. An
example of MLS is the Bell-LaPadula model, which restricts the access of lower clearance users to higher
clearance data.

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) is a measure of the reliability and safety of a system or process. SIL is used in
industries where safety is critical, such as in chemical processing and nuclear power plants. The SIL rating
is determined based on the level of risk associated with a particular system or process, with higher SIL
ratings indicating a lower probability of failure. An example of SIL is SIL 3, which is required for safety-
critical systems in the railway industry.

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) are a set of standards and guidelines for information
technology developed by the U.S. federal government. FIPS cover a wide range of topics, including
security, encryption, and computer systems. These standards are mandatory for use in federal
government systems and are also used in industries that require compliance with government
regulations, such as healthcare and finance. An example of FIPS is FIPS 140-2, which specifies the
requirements for cryptographic modules used in protecting sensitive government data.

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