GPS Tracking Synopsys

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Android Phone Theft Security with GPS Tracking System



Under the guidance of

Prof. Prachi Sankhe
B.SC. In Information Technology


The University of Mumbai

Examination seat. No.




This is to certify that, Mr. ROHAN VILAS POL
Of T.Y.B.Sc. Information Technology class bearing examination Seat Number
has satisfactorily carried out project on “Android Phone Theft Security with
GPS Tracking System” as laid down by the University of Mumbai of the year 2022-2023 his
bonafied work was completed under the guidance of Prof. Prachi Sankhe.


Internal Project Guide Head of Department

External Examiner Principal



The Head,

Respected Sir,
I undersigned, hereby declare that the project on
“Android Phone Theft Security with GPS Tracking System” is
developed by me, under the guidance of our lecturer Prof. Prachi Sankhe.
The conclusion in this report is based on the data,
which is collected by me. I am declaring that this is my original work. I
have not copied any materials, which are useful to my work, or other
reports that are submitted to the Shri Yashwant rao chavan college of arts,
commerce and science, this year.
I do undersign that if my work is found to be
copied, then I am liable to punishment as per the university rule.

Place: Navi Mumbai


It is my prime duty to offer my gratitude to University of Mumbai to
include the project work in the syllabus of Third Year Bachelor’s Degree so as to
develop interest about research work among the students like us.
I wish to express my sincere thanks to Head of Department Prof. Triveni
Kaul. For giving me the opportunity to complete the project.
I also grateful to principal Dr. Laxman Talnikar, for providing all necessary
facilities of laboratory at Yashwant rao chavan college of arts, commerce and
I can’t forget to offer my sincere thanks to parent and also to my classmates
who helped me to carry out this project work successfully and for valuable advice
and support, which I receive from them time to time.


Sr No. Contents Page No.

1. Introduction 01
2. Objective 03
3 Preliminary Investigation 05
3.1 Purpose Scope Applicability 06
3.2 Language Used 06
3.3 Project Technical Details 07
3.4 Gantt Chart 07
4 System Analysis 08
4.1 Fact finding technique 09
4.2 Open Close Questions 09
5 System Design 11
5.1 Block Diagram 12
5.2 Use-Case Diagram 13
5.3 Sequence Diagram 14
5.4 Class Diagram 15
5.5 ER Diagram 16
6 Models 17
6.1 Water Fall Model 18
6.2 Spiral Model 19
6.3 V-Model 20


In recent years the mobile has become the valuable part of the human beings. It
is necessary for human begins to have a powerful device which will provide all
the facilities other than basic facility available in mobile phones. Android provide
such functionality which enables the developers to design such applications
which will make a simple mobile to smart one. The proposed system is going to
provide the facilities to the users when user is newer to any place through the
application named places directory. Another application of proposed system is
shortest path is going to provide the service to user by mining the shortest distance
between source and destination. The system is to enhance stolen or lost android-
based cell phones by utilizing diverse services like SMS and email. As the use of
android mobile phone is expanding there are chances that someone might stole
our personal information for purpose of misuse. The application will store unique
user ID, phone no and email id. When phone is stolen user will get SMS and a of
current location with help of these, we can easily find out the phone.


Objective of my project is to make the current tracking system more
advance and effective to use.
The Project Objectives are:
• To provide a safe environment for mobile users by providing the location
status of their family.
• Eliminates the risk of losing smart device.
Problem Definition:
A silent phone can be extremely tricky to find. If you're in the habit of
losing a silent cell phone, you may wish to invest in a phone sensor, also known
as a phone detector. The user has to follow tedious procedures to find his theft
phone and ultimately user may not find his phone. This Procedure is time
consuming too.
The objective of this project is to provide location tracking functionalities
to Android devices using SMS. This application locates device by making device
ring and get latitude and longitude of an Android device.
If an android user wants to know the location of Android device, then user
has to send SMS to designated device. So that he can locate device either by it
making ring or gets actual location of device using GPS or network provider.
This project supports only the Android OS and makes communication with
the tracker through SMS messages only. The Architecture, Security and the
accuracy of tracking unit itself are the scope of this project. This single
application consists of modules like device.

Preliminary Investigation

3.1 Purpose & Scope:
If an android user wants to know the location of Android device, then user
has to send SMS to designated device. So that he can locate device either by it
making ring or gets actual location of device using GPS or network provider.
This project supports only the Android OS and makes communication with
the tracker through SMS messages only. The Architecture, Security and the
accuracy of tracking unit itself are the scope of this project. This single
application consists of modules like device.

3.2 Language Used:

1.Java: Java is a programming language created by James Gosling from Sun
Microsystems (Sun) in 1994. The first publicly available version of Java (Java
1.0) was released in 1995. Sun Microsystems was acquired by the Oracle
Corporation in 2010.
Over time new enhanced versions of Java have been released. The current
version of Java is Java 1.7 which is also known as Java 7. From the Java
programming language, the Java platform evolved. The Java platform allows
software developers to write program code in other languages than the Java
programming language and still runs on the Java virtual machine.

2.Android API: Android Runtime layer includes Dalvik Virtual Machine

(DVM) and a set of core java libraries. Every Android app gets its own instance
of DVM. Dalvik has been written so that a device can run multiple virtual
machines efficiently and it executes files with dex (Dalvin Executable Format)
extension optimized for minimum memory.

3.GPS (Global Positioning System): The Global Positioning System (GPS) uses
a constellation of 24 satellites orbiting the earth. GPS finds the user position by
calculating differences in the times the signals, from different satellites, take to
reach the receiver. GPS signals are decoded, so the smart phone must have in-

built GPS receiver. To get access to GPS hardware of android we request using
following statement Location Manager.

3.3 Project Technical Details:

1 Hardware Requirements
• Internet Connection
• Color Monitor
• Key-Board
• Mouse
• Intel i5 Processor / AMD Ryzen 5 Processor
• 1 TB HDD / SSD
• 8 Gb RAM
2 Software Requirement

• Windows 10 or Above
• Android Studio Arctic Fox Edition
• Eclipse IDE 2022-06 (V.209)
• Google API Stater Pack (V.5.5 And above)
• Google GPS Pack (V.12)
3.4 Gantt Chart:

System Analysis

4.1 Fact finding technique:
To study the system, require facts. Fact is also termed as data or
information. A specific method is used for collection data is called Fact Finding
4.2 Open Close Questions:
1. Interview:
It is used to collect information from individuals or from group. The
interviewer must plan in advance and should know the problem under
There are two types of interviews.
1) Structured Interview:
In this type of technique fixed type of question are asked and that
questions covered in specific area. In this type of technique
interview period may be short.

2) Unstructured Interview:
In this nothing different type of question are asked and there is
specific area. In this of fact-finding technique extra information may
be collected.
2. Questioners:
Questioners are nothing but a question which asks to Admin or to manager
of organization. Questionnaires may be used supplements to interview. There
are two types of questions which are considered in questionnaires.
1) Open ended questions:
Open ended questions are used to learn about options feelings and
general experience about the problem

2) Close ended questions:

Closed ended questions contain specific Questionnaires responses
from which respondent as to choose the best one.

• When was the system established?
• Who is admin of the system?
• How many departments are present in your system?
• How many reports are generated?
• Are all the transactions performed manually?
• Do you have software?

System Design

5.1 Block Diagram:
A block diagram is a graphical representation of a system-it provides a functional
view of a system. Block diagrams give us a better understanding of a system’s
functions and help create interconnections within it. Block diagrams derive their
name from the rectangular elements found in this type of diagram. They are used
to describe hardware and software systems as well also represent processes Block
diagrams are described and defined according to their relationship with other

Fig. 5.1

5.2 Use-Case Diagram:
Use-case diagrams describe the high-level functions and scope of a system. These
diagrams also identify the interactions between the system and its actors. The use
cases and actors in use-case diagrams describe what the system does and how the
actors use it, but not how the system operates internally.

Fig. 5.2

5.3 Sequence Diagram:
A sequence diagram is a Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram that
illustrates the sequence of messages between objects in an interaction. A
sequence diagram consists of a group of objects that are represented by lifelines,
and the messages that they exchange over time during the interaction.

Fig. 5.3

5.4 Class Diagram:
In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modelling Language
(UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system
by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the
relationships among objects.

Fig. 5.4

5.4 ER (Entity Relationship) Diagram:
An entity relationship diagram (ERD), also known as an entity relationship
model, is a graphical representation that depicts relationships among people,
objects, places, concepts or events within an information technology (IT) system.

Fig. 5.5


6.1 Water Fall Model:
The waterfall model is a classical model used in system development life cycle
to create a system with a linear and sequential approach. It is termed as waterfall
because the model develops systematically from one phase to another in a
downward fashion.

Fig. 6.1

6.2 Spiral Model:
Spiral model is one of the most important Software Development Life Cycle
models, which provides support for Risk Handling. In its diagrammatic
representation, it looks like a spiral with many loops. The exact number of loops
of the spiral is unknown and can vary from project to project. Each loop of the
spiral is called a Phase of the software development process.

Fig. 6.2

6.2 V-Model:
The V-model represents a software development process (also applicable to
hardware development) which may be considered an extension of the waterfall
model. Instead of moving down in a linear way, the process steps are bent
upwards after the coding phase, to form the typical VO shape. The V-Model
demonstrates the relationships between each phase of the development life cycle
and its associated phase of testing. The horizontal and vertical axes represent time
or project completeness (left-to-right) and level of abstraction (coarsest-grain
abstraction uppermost), respectively.

Fig. 6.3


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