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Student Name & ID: B1905005 Module Name/Code: UGB361 Developing the
SHONAZAROV DAVRONBEK Reflexive Practitioner

Center / College: Mdist Due Date: Hand in Date:

Assessment Title:

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

Learning Feedback relating learning outcomes assessed and assessment criteria given to
Outcome students:

Areas for Commendation:

Areas for Improvement:

General Comments:

Assessors Signature: Overall Mark (subject to Moderators Signature:

ratification by the assessment

Students Signature: (you must sign this declaring that it is all your own work and all sources of
information have been referenced)
ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET / FEEDBACK FORM...............................................................1
PART A........................................................................................................................................................3
The Research's Purpose...........................................................................................................................3
Reviewing the relevant literature is an important first step....................................................................3
How to Approach the Problem's Research..............................................................................................4
Information about a person's identity.....................................................................................................4
The Big Five personality test results........................................................................................................5
Measuring Emotional Intelligence...........................................................................................................5
Data limitations and the ensuing controversy.........................................................................................6
PART B.........................................................................................................................................................6
PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION................................................................................................................7
CRITICISM OF A STORYBOARD.................................................................................................................7

The Research's Purpose

The roles we play in our families, communities, and the world at large shape who we are and how we
perceive ourselves. To understand ourselves and our role in the world, we need to go through this
process of self-reflection. There is a reference to Cou17 'VI 1033 in this passage. He or she will confess
that this is a lie if they are really honest in their belief. Self-awareness may help us construct the life we
want by helping us better understand our own feelings and actions. He says that being conscious of your
own identity and what you desire may encourage you to take on challenges in your life, empowering
you with the confidence to conquer them. To counter this, psychologists Shelley Duval and Robert
Wicklund (1972) claimed that awareness of one's own thoughts and feelings is a key strategy for
maintaining one's ability to regulate one's behavior. (CITATION Has15 1033 J.) ) According to this theory,
self-aware people have a good outlook on life, act purposefully rather than react passively, and are in
great mental health. These traits allow them to have a richer life experience and better empathize with
others. Researchers have shown that leaders who are self-aware are more likely to succeed in the
workplace. Jes18 1033 is the reference.

Whether or not we succeed or fail in the job depends on how effectively we use our position as workers.
Even if we don't enjoy it, our employment gives us the opportunity to define who we are. Since I'm a
strategist working on this project, I want to employ Alvesson's framework of seven identity work sense
making strategies to help me better understand myself.

In all, this artwork consists of three separate components. Studies on critical reflective practice are
reviewed in Part A. My ideas and feelings about who I am and how others see me are included in Part B.
Thompson's concept of systematic practice, on the other hand, consists of three important components:

 What were my goals going into this?

 How did I manage to do it?
 Who Is to Blame for Me Believing I'd Reached the Peak?

Everything has been completed. The results, limitations, and conclusions of the study are discussed in

Reviewing the relevant literature is an important first step.

Using Bolton's (2010) "through the mirror" method, which I believe may help people become more
aware of the problem of border issues, I have utilized it in this research to express my own ideas in a
way that is both concise and introspective. As an alternative, I'll reflect on what I've learnt. Beginning
with a big piece of writing is the greatest approach to generate fresh ideas for critical thought, according
to Bolton. Self-reflection and self-evaluation may aid LIS professionals in better communicating with one
another, identifying their own learning needs, and making better decisions [CITATION]. initially appeared
in Diali as number 1110331.

Since the beginning of time, there has been an increasing interest in reflective practice as a means of
learning and understanding from experience. Since many discourses of reflection are increasingly being
incorporated and expanded upon, it is difficult to define "reflective practice." The reflective practice
strategy was useful in the study done by FOOk and Gardner (2007). The word "theoretical framework"
encompasses both theory and practice. By using critical reflection, workers are better equipped to deal
with moral dilemmas and find or rediscover what is most important to them in their work. Since critical
reflection facilitates an in-depth investigation of professional practice experiences, it may be utilized for
both teaching and research. Using this method, people may better comprehend their own emotions
both in the workplace and in social circumstances. To have a deeper understanding of one's spirituality
or religious views, Trelfa (2005) recommends thinking on one's underlying values. Even more
importantly, as stated by Bolton, pauses in your workday may help you better understand your own
strengths and weaknesses and increase your potential for professional growth.

How to Approach the Problem's Research

Reflective research will be utilized to assist me better understand myself and where I'm headed.
Changing the way you look at yourself might help you learn new things about yourself, as mentioned by
Bolton (2010). Self-reflexivity will help me uncover my strengths and weaknesses, and how much self-
awareness I have. Many methods and tests exist for determining one's self-worth. Because I'm certain
that I am, I've decided to carry out this research project.

The predicament of individuality Successful and efficient use is required of the JOHARI Window, self-
identity and emotional intelligence exams online. Self-identity may be classified into four broad
categories: recognized, obscured, obscured, and obscured. Citation ByS18 1033 1 'The Big Five
Personality Test' identifies six facets for each of the five basic components of personality. Factor ratings
help me gain a sense of my entire personality. Aspect scores, on the other hand, provide a more
comprehensive picture of my personality. [CITATION Han17 1033 1.] Our emotional intelligence may be
developed throughout our lives, making it a valuable tool for any management. A reference to Jes18
1033.1. That's why I've decided to take an Emotional Intelligence test to see if it may help me improve
my chances of getting a job in business.

Information about a person's identity

The JOHARI Window is a priceless tool for everyone interested in seeking, finding, and putting truth into
action in their daily lives. Conscious and unconscious parts of our existence may be separated by the LIS
in this way. It is possible to observe every facet of our life from the most obvious to the most obscure
because of this window's grid-like layout (Figure I) 1033 by S18 ByS 1. I'M GOING TO TALK ABOUT

After performing significant research and collecting data from numerous personality tests as well as
input from close friends, I've come up with the following qualities of character that I've collated and
inserted into the JOHARI window (Table I) (Table I). According to my friends, I'm kind and easy to get
along with since I'm calm and even-tempered. Workers say I'm always cool under pressure and ready to
say just the right thing. During our university's "Open Days," for example, we organized a volunteer day
for students. We were hired to be tour guides for the day, and despite the long hours, I was able to
make everyone I met smile. Their concern for me was heightened by the fact that I suffer from a
profound phobia of public speaking, which they saw as a weakness. My self-identity tests also revealed
that I am less open to new experiences, which surprised me. Sarcastic, sensitive and self-doubting are
just few of the characteristics that you'll recognize if you've known me for some time. The most of the
time, I'd like to keep my hidden skills from the public eye. It is visible in my interests and behaviors
despite my best attempts. This is confirmed by my self-identity assessment, which gave me a high score
in Extraversion. It's possible that my self-doubt and hostility stem from my work as a teacher.
Throughout the last six years, I've worked as a part-time teacher, which has enabled me to consistently

My blind and unknown sides diminish in contrast to those who are well-known by the general public and
by me personally, I should also stress this out. Instead of being a risk-taker, it turns out that I am far
more cautious and open-minded than I had previously imagined myself to be. According to JOHARI
Window and testing, my sensitivity to the natural world has decreased.
The Big Five personality test results

Five major aspects of my personality were assessed by the Big Five Personality Test: receptivity to new
experiences, awareness, extraversion, agreementability, and natural reactions. Many people use the Big
Five Personality Test to figure out their own inner quirks. According to Figure 2 (which shows my
Extraversion score, my ability to network, and my openness to new experiences), I am a less
adventurous and open-minded person than the person shown in Figure 2.

It turned out that in the thick of everything else, there were other, seemingly regular and correct

Measuring Emotional Intelligence

Due to a better grasp of my self-awareness, the Emotional Intelligence Test was also used to measure
the degree of my emotional intelligence. Due to the fact that we are capable of leading in conflict
because of our self-awareness, talent and flexibility, it is thought vital that we assess.. to scrutinize. This
The exam results show that I am an emotionally intelligent persona, and the appendix has a list of my
responses in case you're curious about them. Your emotional intelligence should be celebrated!
Appendix C
Data limitations and the ensuing controversy
Aside from a couple, the findings above are generally close to my own perceptions of myself. JOHARI
Window helped me arrange my abilities and earn an additional $100,000. A visual self-identity test also
confirmed my suspicions that I am, in fact, a strategic thinker. The findings of the 'Big Five Personality'
exam suggested that I am less open-minded than other individuals, even though I have always felt that I
am an open-minded person who enjoys trying new things. A high score on the Emotional Intelligence
test enhanced my self-confidence and allowed me to express myself more freely.


Learning via reflection is a terrific approach to discover new things and get first-hand experience that
you wouldn't otherwise be able to obtain. 'Reflecting on action' and 'Reflecting in action', which refers
to thinking while doing so, were explored in this study. With the goal of becoming a better self-aware, I
employed both sorts of self-reflection. If you're interested in learning more about your own self-
awareness and how you might better reflect on your actions, self-identity evaluations are an excellent
place to start. Bolton's reflection paradigm helped me narrow my attention and assess my actions from
a variety of angles and in a variety of real-world situations. The JOHARI Window, self-identity, and
emotional intelligence ratings were utilized to reflect and strengthen the validity of my study. I could use
C.I.A. to reflect on the strengths and flaws I had uncovered based on the reflection models developed by
academics such as Bolton (2010), Gardner (2009), and others in my storyboard.

Following Thompson (2002)'s technique, which involves three basic stages, I used the JOHARI Window
to compile all of my personality tests and data. With the help of people closest to me, I've been able to
learn about my "blind side" in JOHARI Window. My life's journey may be divided into three parts:
discovery, development, and culmination. As the saying goes, "You never know what you can do unless
you attempt it." To highlight how my IOW openness experience has grown, I've created a storyboard
that includes the data collected.

First and foremost, I am a third-year student in the Faculty of Business and Marketing Management in
Toronto, Canada. Although I like my current position, I have no prior employment experience. Because
of this, my self-worth went down significantly, which made me worry about my future in the workplace.
Recent developments have prompted me to accept an internship offer from a service company that
reviewed my resume and scheduled an interview with me. This is an exciting chance for me. To achieve
my objectives, I had to keep pushing forward thanks to my lecturer, who taught us about this topic. My
inexperienced and creative sides were apparent to me during his talks. My self-identity test results
confirmed this with the lowest percentage of 17%. I leaped at the opportunity to get my first official
internship with Service Company after learning the necessity of putting theory into practice.

For the first two weeks of my internship, I was employed as a Marketing Manager Assistant after a
successful interview. The fact that it occurred while I was meant to be studying didn't stop me from
making an attempt to maintain a healthy work-school balance. First week on the job was spent learning
about the company and becoming acquainted with my co-workers. This company specializes in repairing
electronic equipment, including computers, laptops, and cellphones of various kinds. Due to their
partnership with Samsung, they are the first service provider in China to provide guaranteed repairs. I
was able to put my abilities to the test since this business was just getting off the ground. In my previous
position as a marketing assistant, I was responsible for promoting a firm that guarantees 100% customer
satisfaction. This is why we began with social media, outside advertising (such as fliers with auctions),
and inside advertising. This is what other firms have done. With my social media marketing talents, I
created our website and posted updates about our service on many social media platforms as a result of
my efforts. As a marketing manager's assistant, my primary responsibilities were doing market research
on outdoor advertising firms, creating social media posts, and responding to customer inquiries and
complaints. In this position, I was able to put all of my classroom learning to use. They hired me as a full-
time Marketing Manager after they saw how well I performed during a two-week internship.

My self-esteem was poor before to working here, and I was unsure whether I could manage this role.
Working at an office helped me have a better understanding of myself since it exposed me to different
people and situations. As a result of my internship, I've learnt a lot about networking, how to react
swiftly, and how to adapt to new situations. In the process of self-reflection, I was able to draw on the
perspectives and intents of others in order to uncover and enhance elements of myself that I had
already identified. This was a life-changing event for me, and I'm grateful for the lessons I took away
from it. In my view, I would not have been able to reach my full professional potential if I had not been
in this position because of my inexperience. Because you never know what you can accomplish unless
you try it, I realized that in order to expand my openness to experience, I needed to practice more and
avoid uncertainty.

As a student employee, I've been able to discover my place in the world and see my potential. Without
risk, we acquire nothing, as the adage goes: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." In the absence of my
professional experience, I would not have known what my talents were. Without it, I would not have
been able to identify them. Because if I didn't push myself to learn and grow, I wouldn't be able to do
anything as a human being. Because we all learn from our mistakes, I stopped constantly second-
guessing myself and began thinking like a strategist, ready to respond to any situation that arose. My
experience in the industry taught me how to be confident, self-reliant, and adaptive. The problem is that
I also have an overly sensitive nature, which makes it difficult for me to function in the real world. To be
honest, I found that this was seen as a weakness and vulnerability in the workplace, which may have a
negative impact on your well-being. To understand others, you must first understand yourself.
Participate in a range of activities and pursue your objectives if you want to discover more about

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