Technical Assessment

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Technical Assessment

This assessment needs to be performed in the FreedomCare lightning app.

1. Create caller/patient records from “Call Wizard Page”.

2. Create SR (Service Record) by updating the patient (contact object with record type as Patient)
status to 'Service Record Created’.
Note – Service Record refers to the Account object.

3. Create new picklist value for the patient status field, update this field to “patient passed away”
when the discontinued reason of the SR is set to “patient passed away”
“We’d like your help in creating an email alert when there is a patient who passes away. If that email
can go to Ronak Jain. He will then write a condolence card to the family of the patient, and ideally
he’d log that in Salesforce so we know who has received a card.

4. Create a ‘Insurance Plan’ Account and update it on the health plan field on the Account (SR)
b) Create a Case manager Screen Flow on the SR to create ‘insurance plan’ Contact

The first screen should prompt for just first name, last name.
With the text "Press next to search"
Pressing next triggers a search, based on first name, last name, and health plan.
If a match is found, display the results as radio buttons.
Each result should have

 Full name
 Phone
 Ext
 Mobile
 email
Once they select a match, give them the option to edit the fields on the contact selected. This pathway
also fills the case manager field on the SR with the selection, ends the flow.
If no match is found
Allow the user to enter first, last name Phone, Ext, Mobile, and Email to create the ‘Insurance
Plan’ Contact on the ‘health Plan’ Account and update the case manager field on the SR with the
newly created ‘Insurance Plan’ Contact

5. Consolidate all the active contact triggers into one as per best practices. Also identify if there are any
gaps/issues with the current structure of triggers/classes.
6. a) Create an Enrollment record by clicking on the ‘New Enrollment’ button on the SR (as shown in the

b) User has reported an issue that the 'Pay Choice' dropdown is not getting populated on the enrollment
when they update the related patient region field to ‘WLI’ on the contact record (patient). Can you debug
and make sure the pay choice correct value gets automatically populated?
Note – Assume information (values for fields) as needed.

7. a) Create a new picklist field ‘Coordinator Change Reason’ on the SR with the following values.

 CC is over the caseload cap

 PT/CG Request
b) Please make sure a Coordinator Change Reason is selected before saving the new Coordination
owner on the Account (SR). Also make sure the new coordination owner is an active user.
Note – this rule applies to only those records where there is an existing ‘coordination owner’ on the SR
8. Create a custom lightning component on the home page so that a user can enter a click Phone/Mobile
Number/email and on tab the system will look for duplicate contacts based on either the Phone Number
or/and Mobile Number or/and email field. If there are any duplicates then show those options below (with
columns First Name, Last Name, Address, Email). The user should be able to select the appropriate
contact and fill in the description field which will get updated on the contact record.
9. I would like to call the Do Not Call National Registry (DNC) database when a new Contact Record is
created and store in the Contact Record if they are on the database or not. So that we can determine if we
are allowed to make phone calls to them or not.
Technical Requirements -

 Create a new field 'In Do not call Database' on the Contact object
 Make a GET request to the endpoint mentioned in the start guide passing the phone field of the
newly created contact from trigger- [ use this token for authenticating as value -
 The newly created 'In Do not call Database' field needs to be marked true if the API returns a
record for the passed phone number with a ResultCode == 'D'
Note - Use the attached pdf of the DNC API to understand the API call parameters, the endpoint and
output JSON

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