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BSc - QSC M - PT - 21.



Submitted by:
P.D.A.D. Wickramasinghe
Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying

National Institute of Business Management


I am are overwhelmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge my depth to all those
who have helped me to put these ideas, well above the level of simplicity and into something
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Mrs. H.G.P. Indira
(Quantity Surveying Practice, Lecturer) as well as Mr. Ashoka De Silva (Late Course Co-
Ordinator) and Current course coordinator Mr. Rukshan Manchanayake for who gave me the
golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic.
Moragolla Hydropower Project which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to
know about so many new things I am really thankful to them.
Any attempt at any level can’t be satisfactorily completed without the support and guidance of
my parents and friends.
I would like to thank my parents who helped me a lot in gathering different information,
collecting data and guiding me from time to time in making this project, despite of their busy
schedules, they gave me different ideas in making this project unique.

Table of Content


1. Executive Summary..............................................................................................................4

2. Objectives of the Project.......................................................................................................5

3. Introduction about the construction site...............................................................................6

4. Overview of the Construction Site.......................................................................................7

5. Pre-Contract Activities.........................................................................................................8

6. Bidding Documents and Contract Documents.....................................................................9

7. Post Contract Activities......................................................................................................12

8. Occupational Health and Safety concerns and Measures...................................................13

9. National Benefits................................................................................................................14

10. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................15

11. Recommendations...............................................................................................................16

12. References...........................................................................................................................17

Executive Summary

This report's goal is to thoroughly investigate the Moragolla Hydropower Plant project and
examine how the subject of quantity surveying relates to it. To gain a better understanding, pre-
contractual activities, bid and procurement documentation, and a brief description of the
construction site and project objectives are reviewed in-depth. Additionally, this thesis is related
to Post Contract Activities, Occupational Health Concerns, and Occupational Health and Safety
Measures, as well as Natural Benefits. The report's final conclusion will be driven by the facts
and data.

Objectives of the Project

• To provide students the chance to encounter the working conditions on a construction

• To comprehend the fundamentals of the building process.
• To comprehend the practical application of building techniques in contrast to the theory
presented in the literature and its implementation on the job site.
• To investigate and catalog the different architectural materials and technological
components present.

• Recognize the importance of site safety and understand safety issues and site conditions.

• On-site construction team Improves communication skills with his members and
recognizes the importance of teamwork within the construction team.

• Give students a clearer picture of what the structure actually looks like.

Overview of the Construction Site

Moragolla Dam is a proposed hydroelectric power station in Moragolla Sri Lanka. The dam will
be 35 m (115 ft) high and will create a 1,980,000 m3 (70,000,000 cubic ft) Moragolla Reservoir
with a maximum supply level of 548 m (1,798 ft) MSL. Upon completion, Moragolla Power
Station will have a total installed capacity of 30 megawatts from two Francis turbines and will be
able to generate approximately 85 GWh per year.
A preliminary evaluation and feasibility study of the hydroelectric dam and power station started
on September 24, 2012, with commissioning scheduled for 2021. The dam is designed to dam
the Mahaweli River at Weliganga,[1] and the power station is located approximately 500 m
(1,600 ft) from the outlet of the Kotmale power station.

Pre-Contract Activities

A pre-contract activity entails inspection, checking for anomalies in tender drawings and papers,
as well as planning and arranging the procurement of any necessary materials.
In layman's terms, a quantity surveyor is a professional who works in the construction sector and
supervises and controls expenses for construction projects. To accomplish the objective, this may
entail using a variety of managerial techniques and technical instruments.

Let’s focus on a Consultant Quantity Surveyor’s pre-contract activity, A consultant quantity

surveyor's job include, in large part, cost control for building projects. However, the techniques
used may be used for a variety of tasks, such as cost planning, value engineering, feasibility
studies, cost benefit analyses, life cycle costing, valuation, and cost estimating.

Taking off refers to the methods used to calculate amounts from drawings, sketches, and
specifications created by designers, principle architects, and engineers for the purpose of creating
tender/contract agreements. According to the agreement between the quantity surveying expert
and representatives of the building industry, the amounts of work taken off are often utilized to
generate bills of quantities. Most bills of quantities issued now are in a shortened format from
that required by the SMM, and many bigger quantity surveying organizations have their own
internal techniques of measurement.

In general, a skilled surveyor would enable all of the talents accessible to reduce extra
expenditures to a project and maintain first-rate service for clients.

 Consultant Quantity Surveyor’s pre-contract activities towards Moragolla Hydropower


The Ceylon Electricity Board will receive assistance from the consulting quantity surveyors
during the tendering process.
The consultant quantity surveyor will compare quotes from a variety of suppliers, subcontractors,

and specialty subcontractors.
The Ceylon Electricity Board may also make suggestions here on the products, brands, or
services they want.
The main duties of a Consultant Quantity Surveyor during the pre-contract phase are those listed
After receiving the bills of quantities, the consultant quantity surveyor will evaluate, discuss, and
settle on the best pricing before awarding the contract.
We were informed on-site that the bill of quantities for the brickwork would include around
10,000 items due to the construction of a dam, tunnel, power plant, other buildings, and roads.

Let’s focus on Contractor Quantity Surveyor’s pre-contract activities, A contractor's quantity

surveyor is in charge of carrying out tasks that are similar to those of the owner's quantity

The daily management of construction projects is just one aspect of a contractor quantity
surveyor's duty; additional responsibilities include subcontractor formation, project cost and
value predictions, cash flow forecasts, and compiling operation and maintenance manuals. The
capacity of the surveying industry has grown, which has raised need for competent workers.

 Contractor Quantity Surveyor’s pre-contract activities towards Moragolla Hydropower


Contractor quantity surveyors do a rate analysis, enter their rates, and calculate their final project
Value engineering is essentially what quantity surveyors for contractors do; they recommend
products, designs, and services that might be profitable.

Bidding Documents and Contract Documents

Bid Documents means the documents provided by the Procurement Authority to the Bidder that
describe the form in which the Bid is to be submitted and the information to be included in the

A "construction contract" is a document that defines roles, responsibilities, and "construction" in

a construction contract, and is legally binding on the parties (clients/contractors).

Client; CEB


• Civil work-Nippon koes CO. LTD. In a joint venture with fichner company
• Mechanical and electrical - Ceylon Electricity Board

Funding Agency; Asian Development Bank

Financial Allocation :

• Foreign Fund; USD 113.86 million

• Local fund(CEB) LKR 3958 million

 Lot A1- Preliminary works
 Name and Address of the contractor: V V Karunaratne & Company No 579, Bulugaha
Junction, Kandy Road Kelaniya
 Contract No: CEB/PD/MOGL-LA1
 Date of award April 24,2018
 Date of Contract Sign May 21,2018
 Lot A2- Main civil works
 China China Gezhouba Group Co. Ltd., Tower F, Ocean International Centre, 208,
Ciyunsi Beili, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
 Contract No: CEB/PD/MOGL-LA2
 Date of award October o4,2019

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 Date of Contract Sign November 07,2019
 Lot B- mechanical & electrical facilities
 Name and Address of the contractor: Dongfang Electric International Corporation
 Contract No: CEB/PD/MOCL-L2
 Date of award May 13,2020
 Date of Contract Sign June 30,2020

Start Date; Dec 2019

Expected date of completion; Nov 2023

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Post Contract Activities

Post-contract activity means the contract should have been created, authorized, and distributed at
this point. Additionally, at this point, payment conditions and appraisals are prepared and

When considering consultant Quantity Surveyor’s post-contract activities the consultant quantity
surveyor will keep tabs on the overall project cost, review the reports for interim payments, and
visit job sites to verify the claimed interim payment works.They always keep an eye out for

Contractors will turn over the project to the Ceylon Electricity Board once it has been completed.
The consultant quantity surveyor will then compare the final bill with it, identify any faults, and
finalize so that the Ceylon Electricity Board may proceed with the final settlements.

When considering Contractor Quantity Surveyor’s post-contract activities every month or on a

regular basis, a contractor quantity surveyor should create interim payment reports. Cross-
referencing the work completed with the contract and bill of quantities is done in this
manner.The quantity surveyor consultant receives this report.

A quantity surveyor for the contractor should provide a cost management report (invoice, cash
flow statement), which is done to determine if the project is profitable or losing money.

The management of contracts is still another important issue. They must make sure the
contractor's quantity surveyor handles all bank guarantees, insurance, supplier renewal, time
extensions if needed, and contract extensions if necessary.

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Occupational Health and Safety concerns and Measures

 Safe design of hydropower plants – this means understanding relevant laws, building
regulations, and insurance company requirements. It should also be clear how
responsibilities are shared among all parties involved, including designers, developers,
owners, and contractors.

 Pre-planning to manage risk – Common approaches to minimizing workplace risks

include pre-planning to avoid work-related accidents, injuries and illnesses. This is done
by ensuring that working systems are safe and equipment is properly maintained.
Employees must receive health and safety information, training and appropriate

 Evacuation from power plants – Regardless of the nature of the crisis, people need to be
able to safely evacuate hydro power plants. All stations must have at least two
independent exits. If a route becomes inaccessible, an alternative evacuation route should
always be available. Adequate lighting is essential for emergency exits.
 Flood Protection – Hydroelectric power plants can be flooded. A failed drainage pump
can slow the rise of water levels and eventually flood the station. Alternatively, a plant
failure or leak that the sump pumps cannot handle can quickly flood the station. This
makes water level, flood and evacuation warnings absolutely necessary.

 Emergency and Crisis Management – Ensuring hydropower safety goes beyond having
the right equipment and hardware on site. This includes ongoing efforts by owners,
managers, operators and employees to create and maintain a safe and healthy working

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National Benefits

• Sri Lanka is poor in fuel resources such as coal, oil and natural gas, but is blessed in
many places.
• Suitable for hydroelectric power generation, which is economically efficient.
• The Moragolla Hydropower Project (MHP) is one of several hydropower projects
identified by the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) to mitigate the role of fossil fuel
power generation. Fossil fuel power has surpassed hydropower in the last 30 years due to
the use of lighter, available locations.
• Hydropower is flexible. Some hydroelectric power plants change rapidly from zero
output to maximum output. Hydroelectric power plants can instantly feed power into the
grid, providing an important back-up power source during major blackouts and
• Hydropower provides benefits beyond electricity generation by providing flood control,
irrigation support and clean drinking water.
• Hydropower is affordable. Hydropower offers low cost power and long life compared to
other energy sources.
• Hydropower creates jobs in rural areas and boosts local economies.

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The purpose of this report is to present the results of identifying, observing and investigating the
work carried out at the Moragolla Hydroelectric Power Station on 25 November 2022 in pre-
contract and post-contract practices related to tonnage surveys. bottom. The Moragolla
Hydroelectric Project was first identified in his 1962 study by the Hunting Survey Corporation. It
was then investigated in the Master Plan Study for Sri Lanka's Electricity Supply conducted by
the Ceylon Electricity Board in conjunction with Deutsche Technische Gesellschaft GTZ in
The Ceylon Electricity Commission, under the Department of Energy, is the primary government
agency responsible for power generation, transmission and distribution. CEB is tasked with
developing and maintaining an efficient, regulated and economical power supply system in
accordance with the relevant license issued by the Public Works Board of Sri Lanka under the
Sri Lanka Electricity Act No. 20 of 2009.

We have approached many numbers of point of views in order complete our deep regarding
Moragolla Hydro Power Plant. Hence, we believe this report would make an exemplary archive
with regards to the idea of Moragolla hydro power plant.

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• Countries and relevant jurisdictions should develop and promote sustainable energy
policies that set clear targets and provide a transparent framework for the development of
all generation options, including hydropower.
• Existing or planned hydropower projects that meet acceptable environmental and social
standards should be classified as renewable and sustainable resources.
• Hydropower should be recognized for its fundamental and important contribution to the
power system and its ability to integrate other energy sources.
• Hydropower should be promoted through technical cooperation to explore hydropower
potential and financial cooperation to develop integrated water systems and efficient use
of water resources.
• We need to establish fair, credible and effective decision-making processes that integrate
the interests of people and the environment.
• The decision-making process should have a well-defined and reasonable time frame
• All hydropower developments should include multi-purpose options wherever possible.
• Project designers should apply environmental and social criteria to various project
alternatives early in the planning process to ensure that the most appropriate alternative
for development is selected.
• Project selection and project arrangements should be made with best practices in mind
• Renewal and upgrading of existing power plants and addition of hydropower plants to
existing dams should be encouraged.

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